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cyanide sweet tooth suicide — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier
for @Nalda only. backdated to 3/1.
Random Event: The Lore experiences a bout of unseasonably warm weather.

The stone was smooth and dark in color, soaking up and holding onto the sun's warmth. The sky above was blue and clear, those rays unhindered as they beamed down upon the pale teen stretched out beneath them. It was the perfect spot for a wintry day, and as Ember lay atop the hotstone boulder, she appreciated it fully. With surroundings so pleasant, blissful silence all around her, she could almost ignore the presence of her heat.

Perhaps she should be more productive with her afternoon, but it wasn't as if Ember slacked or took time for herself often, and the past week or so had been exceptionally stressful. @Aponi's personality had taken a turn, becoming more aggressive and particularly toward herself, Nalda and @Lena. Unsure of what to make of it, the girl had simply taken to actively avoiding her alpha. Certainly her mother had never treated her in such a way, and Eek had always been sickeningly sweet. The prior year in the Pines had not resulted in children, and so she had to wonder if any of the adults had even entered their heat or if stress had kept them all from it.

Maybe this was all normal, how it was supposed to be, but it still made Ember wildly uncomfortable.

Not to mention the crawling under her own skin. Her patience had dwindled down to nothing as she felt a constant agitation within her that often had nothing to do with others around her. She felt nothing around men, except for when their eyes glinted or their noses wriggled in her direction. No advances had been made, but she knew what her scent was communication to their instincts and the thought of it made her sick. Yet then, when she was around Lena, her heart started racing and her body felt like it was on fire. She found herself loving the color of the other girl's eyes, the sweet undertones of her scent, wanting to walk closer to her, wondering how gentle her touch might be.

It was embarrassing. So really, she only felt completely at ease around @Arion. Maybe it wasn't completely mutual, it wasn't as if they talked about it and he was far too kind a soul to express any discomfort her presence might cause him. She liked to think, though, that he saw her the same as she saw him: a sibling, and so they could stick together through this trying month just as they had through everything else.

On her own, though, in a moment like this, was truly the best. If she could stay right here like this for the remainder of March, the girl would in a heartbeat. As it was, she could only laze about for another hour or so before the compulsion to get up and do something productive would get the best of her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 05:08 PM by Ember.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Tensions were running high in Oak Tree Bend. With the arrival of the first breaths of warm air, everything had started t awakening for spring, including the adult wolves all throughout the Lore. Nalda wondered though, if she would even have noticed, had it not been for Aponi. Now and then, she would feel a strange tingle in her skin, especially around Ari or the other male yearling. But it was a minor annoyance, nothing more. She wasn't interested in acting on it, the puppies that might result in was enough of a deterrent. And then of course, on those rare occasions where her natural curiosity poked at these new sensations, spurring her to explore them further, there was Aponi. The woman sparred no chance to demonstrate her authority, snarling and snapping, and generally making life miserable for anyone who came near her; So overdramatic! She wasn't an idiot! It wasn't like she was gonna go against pack mandate and end up ousted with a litter of pups on her paws. The thought alone made her shudder. Of course, she didn't know what things had been like last year.

So she tried to avoid her aunt as much as possible, as well as the boys giving her those weird feelings, which left her on her own most of the time. Now that was nothing new, but for some reason it was driving her up the wall these days! She'd agreed to come here hoping to find some connection with her remaining family, but instead she'd found half of them gone and the other half, apparently, too threatened by her to be interested in bonding. Hopefully things would get better once this mess of a season was over and the queen had seen that her niece didn't plan on challenging her rule. Until then she would try and keep out of her way, spending her time getting to know the territory and surrounding lands.

Today she'd been west, working on fine-tuning her mental map of the area between the Bend and the mountain. She'd been up before the sun and now, when it shone high in the sky, she found herself longing to rest and bask in it, as she'd always loved. Already, she had a favorite sun spot, a particular rock within the pack borders that soaked up the heat just as her Pine's spot had. It was with a smile on her face that she headed there now, already feeling drowsy under the afternoon sun. However her mood was soured when she arrived at the place and found it already occupied, and by Ember of all wolves. Stopping dead in her tracks, Nalda narrowed her eyes and glared at back of her pale figure, lounging so pleasantly on her rock. It would seem she needed to find a different place for her nap, much to her dismay, and she couldn't keep a small, annoyed grunt from escaped her throat at the thought. The day had otherwise looked so promising.

Word count: 500

”Speech” Thoughts
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier

Her eyes were closed and her breathing even, the cinnamon dusted girl about to doze off in her blissful solitude. Unfortunately, the day would not allow such peace. Things were about to take a cursed turn.

The approach of another wolf resounded within her ears, causing her nose to twitch and her pale goldenrod eyes to flutter open once more. Immediately, she recognized her by scent, that displeased scoff only serving to further confirm the other girl's identity even before Ember lifted her skull to pin Nalda with her glare. Her skin began to itch and her muscles twitch, tail flagging upward and whipping through the air. The woman was a diplomatic creature, but her heat had seared away all patience and tolerance. She certainly was not up for any of Nalda's haughty shit today.

Her fangs were bared as a deep, menacing growl leaked from betwixt them. Warning the other girl to not so much as say a word. It was in her best interest to turn tail and keep walking.

[Image: wWiXRe2.gif]
[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Her gaze did not even have time to wander, before the pale girl awoke to fix her with a surly look of her own. That self-important little cretin even had the nerve to bare her teeth, the snarl making Nalda's hackles prickle. Her own tail lifted in mirror of the other's, lips curling back in derisive sneer. "Oh get'over y'self!" She said, narrowing her eyes and wrinkling her nose at the girl. It was one thing for a female leader to assert her dominance this time of year, but no way Nalda was gonna take it from this little bitch. Her hackles rose as she sauntered towards the other yearling, an expression of pure distain on her face; "I ain't gon'take y'rock, so calm y'ass."

She continued to walk, casually, intend on passing right by the girl and continuing into the territory. She had no interest in bickering with Ember, there were much better uses of her time. Still, she offered the age-mate another flash of her teeth, tail twitching above her back, showing her rightful place. So far they'd been able to largely avoid each other, but if this was gonna become a regular thing, she might as well get things straight right away; You're BELOW me!

Word count: 208

”Speech” Thoughts
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier

Get over herself? Oh, that was fucking rich coming from Nalda. Ember's gravelly rumble increased in volume at the words, teeth clicking once in further warning. Part of her sabbatical had been undertaken with the intent of reaching an inner peace that would allow her to let Nalda and all that she embodied just roll off her back. It had been successful, truly. When she'd come to the Bend and found her age-mates within, she didn't look at the girl and remember all the times she'd been pushed aside, criticized, sneered at, belittled by her. She just saw a sad young woman who had grown thorns to convince herself and the world that she wasn't hurting. This was different from forgiving her, however, and now it felt that all her progress had dissipated as anger coursed through her veins.

She went on with her lazy, condescending words and hiked up her tail, displaying dominance as she attempted to dismiss the last Renier. Not this time. Had she just slunk by, Ember would have been content to curl back up and continue to enjoy her basking. This physical sleight would not be tolerated, however. The Bend was meant to be a new leaf for all of them, and a part of that meant that Nalda wasn't going to keep getting away with thinking she was miles above everyone else, especially when Ember had claimed the rank above her.

Uncoiling like a viper from her resting place, Ember lept down to land directly in front of Nalda and her exit with all the grace and power of a panther. Her chin was low, tucked in anticipation but her tail curled high above her back and her hackles were spiked with her rage.

"I'm not your punching bag anymore you pissant. You're done treating me like I'm dirt under your paws."

[Image: wWiXRe2.gif]
[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

A breath passed between the two, a moment's calm as they assessed one another, silently battling for dominance. Then everything happened in swift succession. Clearly not intend on backing down, Ember jumped from the rock, blocking any further path for the slightly older yearling. A vicious snarl instantly erupted from her in response, eyes glinting at the challenge; Oh you did NOT! But it appeared she had, in fact, the Reinir left no doubt about her intentions, spitting a pathetic challenge; Having apparently grown some semblance of spine while she was off doing whatever. It was almost amusing; Almost..! The dominance display struck a nerve in Nalda however, she hadn't concerned herself much with rank in the Pines, and upon first joining Oak Tree Bend, she'd thought she might go on like that. After all, the wolves generally socialized casually, with no need to reflect hierarchy. Or avoided each other, as the case with the two girls had mostly been. But the season had left everyone on edge, and while getting shoved around by Aponi was something her niece could do nothing about, she would not take that kind of attitude from anyone else, especially Ember.

The irate blonde was defensively curled, clearly prepared for a fight. Well if that was what she wanted, she would get it! Nalda curled her lips in another sneer, ears flipped forwards in show of aggression. "We'll see'bout that!" She drawled. Then, without further notice she lowered her head, folding down her ears, and charged the other yearling. With her chin protected from an easy muzzle grab, the dark female would have to go with another way of showing her dominance over her age-mate. So she thrust out her shoulder, aiming to ram Ember's and nock her over; Bringing her down where she belongs! No sound accompanied the attack, no waste of breath or advance warning, just the lunge, teeth bared in a silent snarl.

Word count: 321

”Speech” Thoughts
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2017, 01:53 PM by Nalda.)
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier

It was no surprise that Nalda immediately rose to meet the challenge issued, the aggression in her posture and lacing her words only driving Ember's blood pressure even higher skyward. In a way, she even felt excitement. Wasn't this a culmination of so much strife throughout her young life? A chance to prove wrong every time the rebarbative other child had told her she wasn't good enough, had spit upon her and her family like they were all worthless despite everything they'd done for her? To finally put her in her place?

Nalda rushed forward, and Ember did not flinch. She braced herself, stance splaying and her own shoulder turning to meet the other girl's. The Zamora's charge hit dead on, bone striking bone but the Reinier held her ground despite the pain that surged through her limb. The proximity was too good of an opportunity to pass up; she struck out with her jaws in an attempt to wrangle with her opponent's nape while her paws continued to dig into the ground for a solid center of gravity.

[Image: wWiXRe2.gif]
[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She hit her mark with a jolt that reverberated throughout her body, the clash of body against body giving an audible clang that seemed loud enough to be heard throughout the forest. Yet the paler girl remained firmly planted were she stood, her taller build seeming to outmatch Nalda's more compact bulk. The russet yearling gritted her teeth, suppressing a snarl of anger, not wanting to waste the breath. This fight was not just a simple spat to her, she intended to exert her position over the other yearling once and for all, put her in her place to avoid any confrontations like this in the future. But her initial plan for an easy victory had been thwarted, and it was instantly clear that she would not be able to push Ember over from this position.

Instead she'd put herself at risk for a counter attack, the paler wolf using the advantage of her height to strike out at her. Nalda quickly ducked, in turn using her smaller stature to escape, backing up half a step on bend elbows. Then she hurried to strike back, pushing herself off the ground, onto her hind legs, to come down at the opponent with the added force of her weight behind the blow; I will knock you down! And she would stay down, if she knew what was best for her! Ears pinned and teeth barred, the dark girl aimed at the lighter's shoulder, the same one she'd already struck once, paws held side by side for a powerful push. And this time she didn't hold back her snarl.

Word count: 266

”Speech” Thoughts
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile