Askan laid down on the floor with a lazy 'oof' and outstretched his legs in front of him. Was he stalling? Yep. Was he ever going to admit that? Nope. He figured that his usual harsh way of going about things really wasn't going to work with Cotton. Usually that would be a reason to give up and call it a day, but in this circumstance he just couldn't muster the will to throw in the towel. He had to at least try a different approach, because then he could truly say that he'd tried. At least then he wouldn't feel like a total ass-hat.
"Well...Are you happy? Cause if you're not that means something has to be wrong. We're happy when we have what we want, right?" Or at least he thought that was how happiness was supposed to work. Honestly, he wasn't too sure. So once you figure out what it is, it's just a matter of doing everything you can to get it."
Stating it like that made it all sound so easy, but nothing ever was. Askan looked over at the white ball of fluff that called himself Cottongrass and frowned. Though this time in thought and not annoyance. What could he possibly want? Surely there had to be something out there that called to him, that drew him and inspired him with a sense of...Something. Ugh, all of this tedious thought was hurting his head. And worse yet, making Askan question what he wanted. He already had it, didn't he? He had a cause to strive for? He had a patchwork family he could now call his own. He was living the high life, he had no complaints. And yet...
"It's a lot more complicated than I thought. The hell..." He groaned."All right, I mean you don't wanna be chained down, right? You wanna be free to slide down all the hills and at all the snow, you do that. Do what makes you smile. But if it doesn't, don't do it?"It was official, Askan was the worst at giving advice. At least he'd tried.