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Stepping Stones — Copper Rock Creek 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
RE: Jynx, a snake slithers across your path.
Late afternoon. Sunny.
24*F, 11*C

The soft light of the late day swept down to cascade over dozens of coppery hued rocks, of many different shapes and sizes. Well traveled cream paws were placed with care over the pebble lined bank, as the now distinctly pregnant Notch Alpha set out on yet another search for food. The gradual swell of her sides and tummy reminded her constantly, that it was not just herself she was feeding anymore. The new lives inside her demanded nourishment, resulting in a drastic spike in her appetite. Also, now that she was responsible for overseeing the well being of the pack, a certain weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders. She needed to make sure the subordinates of the Notch were well fed too. Winter had been hard on them all, with the shortage of prey. A possible explanation for their still somewhat low numbers, but fewer mouths to feed in such unfavorable conditions was a positive. On another high note, Jynx was pleased to see that much of the local prey was slowly starting to filter in back to her neck of the woods.

Outside the immediate boundary of the pack lands, but still easily reachable if needed, Jynx was on the trail of an enticing opportunity. Fresh tracks, clearly imprinted in the mud, had caught her eye. The narrow, hooved shape and earthy scent could mean only one thing. Mule deer. Upon closer inspection of it's scent, her hunters instinct sharpened even further. Not only was this animal alone, but it was also pregnant. Possibly close to giving birth. If that was the case, then the doe was likely seeking shelter. Which meant it would be vulnerable, and a double meal for the predatory mother to be. 

Ignoring the gentle splash and lap of water from the creek, Jynx methodically moved along with it, creeping upstream. Her yellow eyes were fixed ahead, far off into the low lying branches of bushes, or past the trunks of trees. Looking for the muted brown coat she wished to see, or the slightest movement. Her eyes were not on the ground, where they should be. A glimmering, slender dark body slipped out from under two shaded rocks, just feet from her paws. The garter snake, who was minding it's own business and simply on it's way to the creek to attempt a crossing, was directly in her path. One step later, and a front paw landed firmly on a wriggling, dry body. Both animals startled, the snake coiled around to latch it's mouth around her outer toe, to get the wolf to remove her crushing paw from it's body. She, feeling a firm pinch, flinched back and peered down with a brief curl of her lips. Rather than releasing her unwilling captive immediately, she peered close to inspect the reptile. If it were venomous, she would rather know, and then seek treatment. A snake was a snake, and no matter the species, to be regarded with caution. 
Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
One night had already fallen and Rowan remained far from the monadnock, refusing to return to his new home empty-handed. His legs had become accustomed to traversing long distances, and so they took him further and further away from lowlands. The lack of prey in the tundra had driven him toward the closest forests (close here being a very generous word) and from there on he couldn't help but escape into the trees, desperate to find some trail. He continued on as the foothills of the Palisades flattened into a forest dotted in timbers and evergreens, moving on the exhaust fumes of hope. And finally, finally, he found what he wanted: the scent of some hooved beast which had been roaming about the nearby spring previously, perhaps still in the area.

Rejuvenated by the discovery he pressed onward, forcing his tired step into a lope. Not more than a few minutes into his journey he felt his hope dwindling as another scent joined the trail: that of a she-wolf, saturated in a pack scent. Flicking a dark ear uncertainly, Rowan slowed his pace and tightened the distance between them until he could spot her form up ahead. From where he followed he was diagonal to her course, able to scrutinize her in at least some detail. Dull gold eyes studied the female as he moved closer, recognizing the pack scent in her fur as one that the winter wind had carried toward him as he made his way down here. It was clear on sight alone that she was expecting soon, and she was much more focused on the trail than the recently minded Whitestone wolf was.

Conflict fogged his brain like a storm cloud, because he found himself caring for this stranger's pregnancy as much as he cared about Piety's. He fought the avarice that he felt for his pack; They both needed to eat. As his mind reeled for a compromise he did not catch exactly what occurred in front of him except that the she-wolf came to a sudden halt, jerking a foreleg in surprise and then lowering her muzzle to show some teeth at her... paw? Rowan parted his jaws and let a low woof escape from his throat to warn that he was approaching, his steps swift but his posture neutral. He kept his distance respectful as he came to a stop, gaze narrowing on something dark and thin that wriggled underneath her paw - a snake. "Were you bit?" he asked cautiously, peering at the creature to look for any discerning features that might signify danger.
Played by Namara who has 9 posts.
Natalia Slayer

She's imperfect, but she tries; She is good, but she lies

It wasn’t quite a scurry, sniff, repeat type of deal, but Natalia was steadily making her way south. She’d been using the stars, at night and in the early morning when Polaris could still be seen, but in the steady afternoon hours she had to wing it. The Slayer child’s nose poked around, trying to find some sniff of food, being mindful of the pack borders she’d scented a while back and trying to avoid the wolves there. She didn’t remember them from the stories, or this place, for that matter. It was new to her and her memory… but it was certainly beautiful, even with the frigid temperatures in what was supposed to be Spring.

I never said I was innocent, Aisa… She remembered all the stories. Back when I was in Cut Rock River, I had a crush on a girl… her name was Jynx. After Aponi, I was being careful, letting time play into things more than my emotions… it didn’t work out. She got mad at me for something I did and to this day, I have no idea what. She had a list of wolves to find, to figure out all of the stories and what their sides were… Lachesis, Jynx, Naira, Anastasia, Capella, and even Aponi… She loved her dad, but he said it himself. He made mistakes sometimes.

It’d been pure happenstance that she stumbled across the woman, her eyes darting to the snake she was about to step on. “Wait, don’t!” She called out too late, concern hinting at her emerald eyes as she quickly scurried over, taking a look at the snake along with another wolf who’d stumbled upon her. They both smelled of pack… but different packs it appeared. "Any way I can help?"

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

Positioned in such a way that she was unable to see the incoming inky form of another wolf, the low call reaching her red ears only a second after the snake had struck. The arrival of yet another wolf, this one an earthy colored female, who called out a cautionary warning, only a little too late. Suddenly much more interested in her fellow canines than the reptile beneath her paw, she swung her head around to gaze in their direction, just as he asked if she had gotten bit, the green eyed beauty offering if she could help. Little did the two females know, that they shared a common link in the past. Had Natalia's eyes been brown rather than green, then maybe Jynx would have seen the resemblance to her first crush, Karpos. Ears falling back just slightly, she shook her head with a sheepish, small smile. "It did tag me on the toe...but I only felt a light pinch. Nothing serious...I think."

She lowered her muzzle back down for a closer inspection of both the garter snake and her digit. She took note of it's dark coloring, and the yellowish racing stripe on it's back. On her outer toe, the tawny fur had been disturbed and spread out to expose the flesh beneath, which was unbroken, but slightly red from the bite. "I feel alright...but...I'm not exactly an expert on my species of snake." Her yellow eyes darted between both wolves, as if curious if either of them had a better idea than she. A soft sniff dissected their scents. The male was from the northern pack, Whitestone, whereas the female carried no claim of a pack on her pelt. Purely a chance meeting, and nothing more than that. There had been no sharp sting with the bite. There was no tingling sensation through her body, or nauseous waves. But oh what a price she would pay, along with her unborn children, should she have received a dose of venom. Using her other paw, she pinned the reptile behind the head, so it could not strike again. The other, she released off the slender body, confident in that it wouldn't get away. As small as it was, it could potentially be a useful snack.  
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
Rowan blinked as another wolf miraculously appeared from the treeline, only a moment's too late with her warning call. The tawny victim spent a moment scrutinizing her toe, providing them with an analysis that was both positive and uncertain. His silver-threaded tail gave an unsure swish as he furrowed his brow, for he similarly had little experience with snakes. The fact that she hadn't started to feel anything yet didn't exactly mean much. Even when Rowan had eaten something bad it had always taken a little bit of time before his mistake became realized. "Dunno much about snakes, unfortunately," he rumbled with an apologetic shrug of his dust-colored shoulders. "But if it's bad, you'll find out soon." He delivered the line with a tone of delicacy - after all, even if the chances were slim it was still a chance wolves did not want to take. Besides, he did not intend to abandon her until her safety was assured.

His gaze flickered between the females for a quiet beat, hoping that if the brown-coated youth had any interest in reptiles she would offer that knowledge - making note to perhaps fill this gap in his knowledge as well. Especially before the birth of Piety's litter up north. The Attaya was not certain of his packs relationship with the one that the tawny female wore upon her shoulders, but he would be a good ambassador for it regardless. Tipping his muzzle slightly he introduced himself to the two she-wolves. "I'm Rowan Attaya of Whitestone Monadnock." His mind briefly returned to the scent of the mule deer that had brought him here in the first place - but he didn't want to bring up business so hastily.
Played by Namara who has 9 posts.
Natalia Slayer


The young girl’s nose started to sniff around the muted form latched onto the woman’s leg. How interesting was all she could think, carefully looking at the patterns. “I don’t think it’s dangerous… I saw a lot of snakes that look like that around the creek near my homeland – gotten tagged a couple times but my mom told me never to worry about them.” She offered helpfully with a shrug – if she was feeling alright, then it likely was the same type of snake. She looked at the other wolf with a soft smile and then back to Jynx. The absolutely loved learning, and remembered most of what her mom told her… unless it had to do with plants. Plants were boring.

Rowan Attaya. She merely dipped her head in acknowledgement and a greeting of her own. “I’m Natalia Slayer… I don’t have a pack; I’m just kind of wandering.” She wondered if this meeting was random… it certainly was for her, but were the other two wolves already looking for each other? She certainly hoped she wasn’t party crashing! That would be rude of her. Whitestone Monadnock. She also saved that name into her memory along with the name ‘Rowan’ to remember if she ever happened to stumble upon their borders… maybe it could help her if she got into a tricky situation? She wasn’t counting on it, but it was still good knowledge to have.

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
So sorry for the wait!

Both of the wolves didn't seem to be any more knowledgeable as she was, in regards to the snake that had bit her. But the pitch black male assured her that if it was venomous, that she would start to feel the effects shortly. Russet ears pivoted back on her crown, accompanied by a thoughtful knitting of her brow. "Then I'll play it safe and take no chances. As soon as I return to my pack, I'll have the medic take a look." In her state, with pups growing inside of her, she was not about to take any chances. The words coming from the younger female did put her mind at ease some, considering that her own mother had seen many snakes similar to this one. She nodded softly, appreciative. "Then maybe that's the same case here...I hope." Deeming the snake no longer a threat, she lifted her paw off it's slender body. Angrily, the reptile withdrew, coiling defensively. Wisely, she stepped back enough to give it some space, and once it relaxed, it slipped away back amongst the rocks. Jynx may have been a huntress at heart, but she had little interest in killing an animal out of spite. 

Now with no more distractions, her eyes lifted up to meet Rowan's as he introduced himself. Rowan Attaya, from Whitestone Monadnock. Ah, so he was a pack wolf as well. And from one of which she and the Notch were on friendly terms as well. At the sound of his last name, a bell rang in the back of her mind. Where had she heard it before? It sounded so familiar, but she couldn't place it. Before she could put any more thought into it, the brown and black female introduced herself as well. It wasn't the first name that struck her interest like a newly lit match, but her last name. An expression of surprise, mixed with hopeful recognition washed over her face. But quickly, she smoothed her features and smiled pleasantly. "A pleasure to meet the both of you...Rowan...Natalia..." She nodded to each of them respectively. "I'm Jynx Myrddin. I lead White Fir Notch, alongside my mate." She said with a friendly wave of her tail, her posture continually relaxed even after stating her position. Out here in neutral lands, she did not feel compelled to flaunt her rank to wolves she didn't even know. That was no way to go about making a decent first impression. With renewed interest, she looked upon Natalia again, peering at her closely. "You said you last name was Slayer, did you?" Her head cocked to one side. "I once knew somebody with the same name....but not anymore. He left this area some time ago..." She said, her eyes falling to the ground while contemplating the past, and the possibilities of what had transpired during the time Karpos left, and the present.