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half moon run. — Aurora Heights 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
@Greer @Iyes @Heigen -- It's a pack meeting to introduce @Revon to the pack!  Kyna will also discuss Ember's departure.

Maybe she shouldn’t have been surprised – but the vim and vigor with which her daughter seemed to greet the world. At this age, any sort of puppy curiosity seemed rather cute. Kyna couldn’t remember being exploratory, or loud, but she was also very young then and perhaps she could not trust her own memory. All the same, the girl’s eyes were open, her ears were up, and when it suited her, she babbled sounds. Leaning down, the redhead nudged her daughter’s shoulder, guiding her towards one of the small clearings in the heights.

“This way, my little fox. Today you get to meet the rest of your pack – they will be just like family.”

She rumbled happily as she sat, orange eyes studying the pup to make sure she didn’t toddle off too far. Kyna tipped her head back and allowed her sweet song to wind around the trees and stones, summoning the wolves of Aurora Heights to the center ground of the pack. She didn’t expect her mate to be far off, but the other two had less reason to avoid roaming. All the same, she hoped they’d answer soon. There was much to discuss as they brought their young pack forward into the blooming summer.

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Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
One had to admit the petite Guardian-to-be was coming to have a bit of a wanderer's foot, often searching for all sorts of things beyond the borders of the home she dutifully protected. Today, however, she was not too far from home when she heard Kyna's songbird voice request a roundup of their little crew. With a simple pivot she directed her path towards her redheaded friend, loping quickly toward the source of the sound.

As she approached the clearing she spotted Kyna, producing a bright grin upon her ebony muzzle and an excited yip. She didn't get to see much of her these days since the baby princess of the Heights kept her quite preoccupied within the den. That made the poofy little wolf in open air at her Leader's ankles quite the surprise. Iyes stopped and stared at the brown pup, her eyebrows raised high and lips pulled back slightly. Oh my god Revon was so little. Had she even been that little?! Of course, the black-coated youth had probably been even smaller, given her runt status that she never exactly outgrew. It was just hard to imagine ever being so teeny.

Her tail wagged something small, totally unsure how to approach this new member. She thought back to when she had been much younger, thinking right past all the tragedies and dragging herself through the mudfield that was her youngest memories, before she knew things were bad. She remembered chasing Thea. And pouncing on Thea. And attacking her mother's tail. Did Revon want to do those things...? Was that how she made friends with the itty bittiest of the Aurora Heights wolves?

Iyes, unaware that Kyna had other things to discuss, dropped to her belly and let her dark legs reach before her as far as they could. She wiggled one little toe in Revon's general direction, a nervous invitation to come check out ol' Auntie Iyes.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

Greer had not been far from the den when the call rang through the air, beckoning the wolves of Aurora to their den. Somehow the shadow had become a homebody since the birth of his daughter. The thought caused his forehead to crease and the corners of his mouth to droop but, truthfully, he did not mind. This was what he wanted. Kyna. A family. A fresh start. He had finally found a home—who knew it would have brought him so close to his birthplace?

Without hesitation he started toward the den, his long legs carrying him quickly over the stone. His patrol could wait. The Archer-Lyall knew that his scarlet mate was wanting to gather the small group of misfits to introduce them to Revon. This must be the day. His chest swelled with pride as he spotted his little fox in the distance. The dark-furred Iyes was stretched across the stone, beckoning the Archer to investigate. Although no words escaped a smile tugged at his lips, his features soft as he approached his scarlet mate. He pressed his nose to her cheek in greeting; his silver gaze fixated on their daughter. Once she grew into her legs Greer would take the newest Archer on an adventure to visit her relatives. He wondered what his mother would think if she was still alive… would she be surprised to discover her silent son had become a father? There were some mornings where even Greer was surprised to see what his life had become, but he would not change it. He was happy here.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer
arrives fashinonably late B}

Her Mama made a lot of noises, some of which sounded vaguely familiar but none of which made a lick of sense to her at this point. They were just sounds floating disembodied in the air, without anything real to attach them to. Revon knew only a physical world. A world of things. Noise was a thing, but as of yet it didn't exactly point her anywhere besides the direction of her mama, who was now encouraging little Revon to climb the rocky ground. The world was fascinating out here and it was easy to get distracted. What was that bright orb up in the flat wash of color? Why was the ground so coarse here. Where she was from it was soft and warm and loose.

Now Mama was making a really loud noise that had no shape at all. It was just long. Mama knew that Revon was here. Maybe the noise was for Dad. Maybe Mama forgot that Revon could hear her. Her ears were getting sharper every day. But the girl happily sat beside her mother, nosing the ground and forgetting to wonder what the purpose was for being out here. This was her world now.

Revon, so far, only knew two wolves. They were very easy to keep track of. There was her Mama and she was easy to recognize because her fur was bright and colorful. And she was big. Then there was Dad and he was quite and dark and not easy to recognize because often he was hard to see in the gloom. He was more of a presence. But out here it was so bright that Revon wondered if he would look any different. She would soon find out.

The first wolf to arrive was not Dad at all, though. But she looked very similar--in reality she was much smaller, but since everyone was so much bigger than her the difference of a few inches was lost on the child. Revon might have completely mistaken the new wolf for her father if it were not for the behavior. She was on the ground, stretching out invitingly toward the brown little girl. Revon's mouth opened and her minuscule little tail flapped about. The girl wondered if her mother had brought this new wolf here just for her. Happily, the new little Archer tumbled into the open forelegs of her newly made Aunt.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
He was later than he intended to be but he supposed that's what he got for working around the borders furthest from the den. While he wasn't as limber as he used to be he still did his best to move quickly through the mountain home. The female lead's call hadn't been one of urgency but there was no reason to keep her waiting longer than necessary.

As he arrived on scene he realized he truly was the last one to be there. A smile spread across his face as he watched Iyes near the child. She was indeed a nice girl and he had no reason to fret her being so close to young Revon. He nodded his head politely towards Greer and Kyna. "My apologies for my lateness." His tail swayed behind him for a moment before he took a seat. The large male had decided to relax close to the group. With so few of them there was no need to be sitting way back or so close to beg for attention. His gaze lingered on his student and the playful child. It was a heartwarming sight, truthfully. Perhaps part of him wished there had been more children but with their small size, he assumed that one child might have been all they needed.

Heigen let his attention swipe back to the mated pair. Was this a call just to properly meet Revon or was there more to it?
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Their pack was small, but perhaps there were some benefits to that. She and Greer were quite new to this, after all, on top of being new parents, and everyone seemed…happy, as cheesy as that might sound. When Iyes was first to arrive, she had eyes only for the puppy for which Kyna certainly could not blame her friend. So she did not worry at all when Revon accepted the invitation, the ball of fuzzing wobbling forward to meet her new aunt – so much braver than Kyna ever was at that age. The alpha rumbled approvingly, content to lean into her shadow’s weight once he approached, and allow them all a bit of quiet time.

Heigen, too, was offered a small rumble of happiness, her tail twitching behind her.

“Thank you, friends. This is our daughter, and newest member, Revon. I imagine she will be a bit more mobile now, so if you see her wandering too far…” She trailed off with a smile, ears pressed forward as she watched Iyes and her daughter for a moment. “Unfortunately, I did not call you simply to meet our daughter. Ember had run into her sister and left to see if they could reunite – as you can see, she has not returned. I’m not sure why, so please keep an eye and an ear open for her. In the meantime…we are quite small, so I think we must consider recruiting another wolf or two to lower the burden on all of us. If you want to bring a wolf to the border, Greer and I trust you.”

Clearly – they were allowing their only child to toddle around between the legs of adults without any sign of tension.

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