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the carrion crow flies again. — Laurel Thicket 
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Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
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Kjell Sørenson
RE: An ominous formation of undulatus asperatus seems to bode ill for the residents of Relic Lore.
For @Pip, @Aegir, and maybe @Kyrios -- the family unit is leaving GH!

Pack life was not for every wolf, and Kjell Sørenson was most decidedly not every wolf. To be perfectly honestly, the one-eyed wolf thought he’d done all rather well since his decision to join Signy and their son at Grizzly Hollow. The pack seemed to be embroiled in a constant chaos – something the eldest pack member was beginning to wonder if it was their own doing or simply a curse settled on the strange cedar trees – and a recent string of ugly misfortune was well and enough. A yearling had died. Another left. The alpha was mourning, and the second couldn’t seem to get his shit together long enough to do something about it.

The whole pack was in shambles, and for all that Kjell once craved to lead a pack…he had absolutely no interest in putting someone else’s mess back together for them.

He eyed the dark clouds swirling overhead and hummed, feeling the low beat of power deep in his chest. If ever the Mother had spoken to him clearly, it was now. Lifting his dark muzzle up, he called for his family, summoning them to the little den Pip had once carved out all on her own. “It is time fer a change.”

Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

There was something wrong with the sky.

It was normally blue with bits of white scattered all across it, but today it was dark and unsettling. Like something that came from one of his bad dreams. The sort that made him wake up with a whimper and burrow into the safety of his Ma's fur. Aegir was pretty sure that he was awake. He could feel the ground beneath his little paws and the breeze tugged at his coat, sure signs that this wasn't some spooky dream that he would wake up from.

As odd and as turbulent the sky was, Aegir was not afraid. He was brave and mighty and the sky could not hurt him. He was a dragon, if anything the sky should be scared of him!

As much as he adored his parents, Aegir was an independent soul. He always revelled in their company, but being alone was good as well. It gave him a different sort of satisfaction. Like he was an explorer, or better yet made him feel as though he was big and strong enough to look after himself. Even when he knew, deep down, that it wasn't the case. He would always need his Ma and Da, wherever they went he would go as well.

So when he heard his Father's strong voice echo through the forest, Aegir tilted his head back and let out a squeaky howl in response. He was coming! Faster than the speed of light!

Dashing along, Aegir rushed through the forest and in no time at all stumbled upon a familiar sight. His Father stood by the mouth of the den they'd once called their own, before they'd moved to be with the other wolves in these woods.

Near slamming into his front legs, Aegir reared up onto his back legs and smothered his Da's lips with lots and lots of puppy kisses. His enthusiasm would never wane. He would always love his family with all he had.

"Hi Da!! Wah change?" He looked up, wondering if his Da was talking about the sky.

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Above, the clouds boiled and churned like waves of an angry sea. While Pip had never seen the sky act in such a way, she was all too familiar with the nature of the ocean. It suited the nature of the pack lately, for such darkness had descended over the entirety of it since the unexpected death of Ophelia. Even the pups could not lift spirits in the way they once used to without effort. Pip's efforts to bring comfort had all failed miserably and her own light was dimmed by it. The little mute lacked the bright energy she usually carried with her; she had fewer smiles among the others, though Aegir was still capable of drawing them out in spades.

Pip knew what was coming as soon as she heard her mate's call. Her heart hurt all the more for it. Grizzly Hollow had become more of a family than her own blood. She'd found herself here in these woods. They'd helped her to grow in so many ways. The agouti girl had always been a fantastic fisher, but now she was a talented hunter as well and a mother to boot. The opportunities granted to her here had been phenomenal and she knew she would never forget any of them.

She heeded to Kjell's call sedately, head drawn low. The pack's grief was heavy on her shoulders. As the omega, it was her duty to take the burden and make it right. But it was too much hurt for any one wolf to try to fix. She was worn and ragged, weary from it all. She knew Kjell saw it as much as she tried to hide it from him. But at the end of each day, she buried her face in his fur and wept silently for all the pack had lost. She felt each loss keenly as her empathy killed her slowly from the inside.

Upon reaching the den she had dug alongside Amaryllis and Rook, she greeted her husband with a muted kiss and smiled at her bright and happy boy, too innocent - and sheltered - to understand the troubles of the pack around them. Orange eyes returned knowingly to Kjell as he stated what she knew. Though it hurt to think of leave, it hurt more to stay. She hated it, but he was right. It was time for a change.

Pip offered no protest and bowed her head in agreement, though her shoulders sagged with the acknowledgement. It was time to say goodbye for now to the only true home she knew.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
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Kyrios Aegina Stark

These woods were oddly familiar, even though his original time in them had been brief. He easily found his way to the pond where he had met Kjors’ brother, pausing briefly to snatch up a fat fish, with much greater ease than his previous attempt. From there he followed the dragon’s scent, figuring that it would take him to the pack where Kjell resided. But, just as the marks of pack began to sting at his nose, he found a fresh trail, leading away from those borders and back east, deeper into the Cedarwood. Changing course, the pale yearling quickly followed this new path, swerving in and out between the pine trees, their heavy needles hiding the churning skies above. Eventually the forest started to thin, other, scrawnier trees interspersing with the cedars, and a thicket of low, evergreen bushes sprouting in the diffuse light, shining down through the canopy.

The boy paused at the edge of the clearing, ears perking as he heard voices beyond the thicket, speaking in a familiar drawl. Golden eyes twinkled, an easy smile slipping onto his face as he moved out into the open, unbothered by the turmoil of the heavens above. Circling the bushes, he soon caught sight of the large, dark wolf he’d sought, though his company was quite the surprise. Kyrios’ eyes widened, his wagging tail slowing its rhythm, but only a little, as if he’d known all along what he would find. Or at least some part of him had expected it, it was all starting to add up in his head, this was the reason he was back here; A pup..! Another young dragon in need of protection.

Keeping a respectful distance from the family, not wanting to be mistaken for a threat, the youth lowered his catch to the ground and called out in a low voice: “Kjell!” His ears were submissively lain back, tail keep up its wag low, around his haunches. But there was a warm glow in his eyes as he glanced down at the little brown pup, smiling faintly; “This y’ son?” The question was purely polite, as there was no doubt in the young captain’s mind, he recognized dragons when he saw them. And so, his attention swept on to the last member of the group; “An’ your… Oh!” This time the surprise was big enough to knock the smile of his face, eyes once more wide. He recognized the petite woman, though she didn’t look quite as; OH! He glanced back and forth between lady and pup, one ear perking up as even more pieces found their spaces in his mind’s puzzle; That explains it then… The fat shewolf had never been fat at all, but pregnant, and this was her son, a tiny dragon.

Mouth now opening in a wide grin, Kyrios gallantly bowed to the woman. Still staying in the same spot, until all presentations had been made, he greeted the mother too, briefly looking to meet her deep orange eyes; “How nice t’ meet ya’ again ma’am. An’ a delayed ‘gratulations, seems t’ be in order.” Despite gracious words and smooth expression, the heart beat quick and loud in Kyrios’ chest. Excitement had tightened up all his nerves, prickling along his spine like tiny lightning, from the broiling clouds above. This was it!

Word count: 554

”Speech” Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Jul 30, 2017, 11:00 AM by Kyrios. Edit Reason: Forgot about the fish xD )

Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
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Kjell Sørenson

“Hello, Ægir.”

Sometimes, Kjell wished the kid didn’t make him smile so easily. Shouldn’t he be harder on his son, like the way his own father was on him? Sure, he didn’t turn out to be the paladin Kjors certainly thought himself to be, but the younger Sørenson brother was still alive, right? The upbringing might not have been ideal, but something must have gone right. Shit, he even had a mate and a son. If he weren’t stuck in a pack, he’d have no reason to complain.

But that would be changing soon too now, wouldn’t it?

He leaned forward, returning his only child’s enthusiasm with some of his own before turning to greet Signy as well. The affection was short-lived, if only because he hadn’t expected to be joined by a third party…but, well, he didn’t mind. Kyrios was met with a slanted smile, single eye narrowing in a mixture of curiosity and smug satisfaction as he rumbled.

“Aye. This is me son, Ægir, an’ me mate, Signy – though it seems like y’ve met already. Aeggy, this is Kyrios, yer…cousin.” For lack of better word. He’d been raised by Kjors, to some extent, and seemed to view Bennet like a sibling. It was far easier than trying to explain exactly how they slotted together. Keeping this boy would be fine. “Well, then, now that we’re all here – been an awful lot of misfortune here at Grizzly Hollow lately. Ain’t the kind y’oughta grow up in. So I reckon we take Ægir somewhere else an’ let ‘em see the damn world. Teach ‘em right. All that.” He shifted his gaze to the pale loner. “Yer welcome t’come, Kyrios, if adventure’s somethin’ that interests ya.”

@Aegir @Pip @Kyrios -- No posting order!  Just write as you have time.  <3
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2017, 03:47 PM by Kjell.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir was so enthralled by his Father that he didn't notice the newcomer until his Da started making the introductions. Could he be blamed really, when his Da gave him so much love and kisses? He might be an only child but Aegir was anything but starved for affection. If anything, he was spoiled rotten, like a pup who'd drank too much milk.

His Father's tone was warm as he addressed the stranger and honestly Aegir wasn't sure what to make of that. Who was he? And why was he being so casual with his Ma and Da. They were his and the Little Dragon didn't want to share. Giving his Ma's shoulder a nudge, Aegir settled between her front legs. He didn't know who this pale wolf was, but he would stand guard and keep his Ma safe. No matter what.

Or at least that is what he intended to do until his Da told them he wanted to leave, that... a lot of miss-something had been happening around here. Whatever that was supposed to mean. These woods were all the Little Dragon knew. He'd been born here, raised here but Da wanted to leave. Why? It was all so confusing, Aegir had been about to ask why, to demand a clearer explanation when one word caught his attention.


His mouth dropped wide open, agape, and he stared at his Da with starstruck awe. His Da was the best ever in the whole wide world, he was even willing to tolerate this stranger in exchange for his family going off on an adventure into the unknown. Besides, this Kyri didn't seem so bad. He was nice to his Ma and his Da seemed to like him to.

"Venture venture!" Aegir yelled, prancing forward once more, determined to show how enthusiastic he was about this grand new scheme his Father had hatched."We go! We go!"

(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 04:13 PM by Aegir.)
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Months ago, Pip had been nothing but a weak, frightened, lowly and mute omega. Her only real talent had been for fishing and for staying out of the limelight. So much had changed. She'd learned to hunt. Really hunt. She was actually good at it! She learned to track; to use her nose for more than just finding water sources in which she could fish. She learned how to trust. @Yvly had been her first friend. Then @Amaryllis after that. @Veho and then @Oula after that. There'd be @Nineva and @Tomen, too. The pair had been closer to her own age, almost like agemates, and had been paramount to bringing her out of her shell. She thought of her time spent at Frog Chirp Creek, named by Tomen in honor of her, and the fun they'd had chasing the amphibians around. Then she'd met Kjell and life hadn't been the same since.

After @Kjell came into her life, she found herself doing things she never would have before. She helped defend young Felix and Ophelia from a bull moose. In fact, she'd been the first to risk her life that day; she, a wolf who had only ever been a coward. She broke pack law - unknowingly, yes, but broken all the same. She had a mate. A child. None of these things would Pip ever have predicted for herself. Leaving the pack now was also not something she could have predicted. Still, it was not something she wanted, per se. But it felt necessary.

As another wolf hailed them, interrupting their family meeting, Pip couldn't help the way her small frame tensed in preparation for an attack. She'd faced demons before, and when it came to protecting @Aegir, the mute found she could become a demon, too. And wasn't that a complete change? It still surprised her. She looked down as Aegir nudged her and came to settle between her paws. It settled her, having him close, and she leaned down to lick his forehead while her eyes remained on the stranger.

But before she could get worked up any, Pip recognized the lad and her stiff demeanor melted away. Instead, she waved a friendly tail in greeting, dipping her muzzle shyly when Kyrios bowed. Still such a gallant young knight! Except...

Pip's wagging tail paused and she tilted her head with a frown. A delayed congratulations? She had been near to bursting with her pups when they first met! How had he not...

Oh. He'd thought she was just fat!!

Caught somewhere between amused and offended, the little mute huffed out a silent laugh and shook her head. She regarded @Kyrios in this new light. A cousin? Family. The small female felt something bring comfort to her heart at long last. For all the bad news lately, it was nice to meet someone decent and realize they were family. Of course, they were only related through her mate, but still. She enjoyed Kyrios' company.

Returning her attention to her mate, Pip shuddered to hear it spoken. It was true. They were leaving. Truly leaving Grizzly Hollow. Her sigh was soft, but audible. It couldn't be helped. When Kjell framed it that way, she really had no argument.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark
sorry for the hold up guys <3

He saw them all stiffen for that one breath, the pup shuffling to the safety between his mother’s paws, and felt suddenly out of place, like he was intruding on something sacred. Then Kjell flashed that crooked grin at him, that so-like-Kjors smile, that simultaneously wasn’t like Kjors’ at all, and the hesitancy vanished as quickly as it had come. The drifting Captain belonged here, and looking at the dragon, it was clear he knew it too. So the boy grinned back, just as deviously, nodding his head again at the woman as introductions were made. It was nice to have a name to the silent lady, and the little dragon standing defensively before her. Kyrios wrinkled his nose playfully at the child, blinking one eye before returning his attention to Kjell, and his proclamation.

The yearling knew nothing of Grizzly Hollow, or the misfortunes mentioned, but he didn’t need to either. If Kjell and his family were leaving, Kyrios wouldn’t be going near the pack anyway, his calling was very specific. The bright smile stayed on his pale face, golden eyes sparkling as he watched Ægir clinging to his father’s every word, his little face lighting up at the prospect of adventure. He giggled silently, watching the kid dance, reminded of himself at that age; And still, honestly..! He looked up again, meeting the dragon’s one eye with a confident smile; “Aye, I’m up for a lil’ adventure too!”

Then there was only Signy, who as the only one seemed decidedly less excited. The youth’s smile faded, head tilting slightly as he watched the little shewolf sigh, answering her mate’s suggestion in her own, wordless way. Kyrios could only wonder if she disagreed with the dark man’s judgement of their pack life and the aforementioned misfortune. Regardless, he would remain silent, it wasn’t his place to argue for or against; Whatever they decided, he would follow.

Word count: 317

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson

Aegir, Signy, and now Kyrios – his little family, and all in agreement. Funny, he thought, because he was pretty positive this boy didn’t belong to Kjors – if he did, he and Bennet were polar opposites, at least in hide – but it didn’t matter that much. He didn’t have a home, and frankly, they could use another set of eyes and paws. Teaching him alongside Aegir wouldn’t be a chore. He was happy to have the yearling.

And so it was settled. The Sørenson family would leave Grizzly Hollow and all its bad luck behind. They didn’t need the death constantly looming over them, nor the mourning of the pack leader and other wolves. They didn’t need whatever curse seemed to lurk in these woods. They didn’t need the rules and regulations. Kjell had been on his own long enough to understand how to handle business, and he was confident in his ability to make sure that everyone else was cared for, too.

“Well, best we’re off, then,” he rumbled, glancing up once at the sky. It was still ominous. And if they were going to be denning near the Hollow wolves anymore, they had shelter to find before the clouds broke. “Let’s go.”

@Pip @Aegir @Kyrios -- Sorry for that wait, y'all!  Feel free to fade out in this round!