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The salt wound routine — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
Sorry meemz, I can't resist the urge to post again. xxx
 Warning: I gingerly touch a sensitive topic.So be warned.

Lenae flinched hard, like she'd been struck in the face.

She didn't know what was going on, or what they were arguing about but she knew-for certain- that she didn't like. That this whole situation was teetering dangerously close to bad bad bad territory.


His intentions were kind, but that word dripped with-imagined, exaggerated- menace. A sort of sleaziness very few wolves managed to achieve. And yet, she'd seen the worst that some men had to offer. And... If she had been trembling before she was shaking, furiously. Her teeth chattered in her mouth and surely, if she had a full bladder she would have peed herself out of sheer terror.

It was too much, too close and far too real

Aww sweetheart, don't look so glum. I'll make it better, I promise.

He-that dark menace with orange eyes- had promised to make it better. He'd lied. He made it worse and it hurt and she was afraid. A thousand panicked thoughts ran through her mind, each cutting as deep as the last, and once again she idly wondered if it wouldn't be so bad if she just let it happen. If she closed her eyes and pretended that none of this was happening.

No. She couldn't do that. Not again.

With a pained yelp-as though the life was being strangled from her- Lenae turned tail and ran as fast as her wobbly legs could take her. Away. She had to leave, to go back to the Monadnock, where she knew it was safe.
[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
He bristled. Who the hell was this guy? Aleksei wanted to quip back, drawl something venomous, but his gaze drifted to Everly. The unease that was oozing from her made him glance her way, and his heart seized up at the sight. She was trembling, a leaf in gale force winds, with a twisted, frightened grimace on her face. Just as he was about to reach out to her, to question if she was all right, to do what little he could, she yelped and bottled for the freedom of the lowlands, and Aleksei was left staring after her. Slowly, with a scowl, his attention turned to Aytigin.

What did you do to her?

The question was fired from Aleksei’s mouth like a bullet, and his lip quivering, curling back to flash yellowed teeth for a split second.  His hackles had bristled, and his chartreuse eyes were narrowed into slits. He didn’t give a fuck about what the swarthy brute had to say about him—this gross bastard had frightened Everly, put the fear of god into her, and that was enough to make Aleksei’s blood boil. “What’d you do?” He asked his question once again, seething, words hissed between clenched teeth. “Did you try to make a move on her when it clearly wasn’t wanted? Force her to listen to you dribble on? Or you just some sort of creep, and figured you’d try your luck with a girl who’s all alone?” Aleksei scoffed, shook his head—if there was one thing he hated more than anything else, it was slimy gits with no respect. A woman wouldn’t ever be some stranger’s thing to call sweetheart, or doll. What did this big talking brute think gave him the right to do so?
(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2017, 10:36 PM by Aleksei.)
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
He'd only been trying to help. But, of course, he'd managed to fuck things up again and again and again, like he had consistently throughout almost every single area in his life. The dark man wasn't sure how or why he'd frightened the little lady so - he'd only wanted to play. How had that been so wrong? Truth be told, at this moment in time, he wasn't really looking for any flings or anything whatsoever like that. After all, who needed flings when you had Cottongrass? Aytigin had merely been seeking a game and a way too cool off from the summer heat.

But the girl was gone, and Ayti hadn't had the chance to make it up to her for scaring her so badly.

'What did you do to her?' Why the hell Aleksei felt so possessive over this woman was lost on the Delaney, but he had certainly done nothing to hurt the poor water wolf. He didn't respond until the Baranski said something about forcing himself on a girl all alone, and his muzzle wrinkled in distaste. "That's disgusting - I'd never do anything like that," he stated confidently, tail rising into a dominant flag above his spine. "I even offered to leave when she started acting uncomfortable. I just asked if I could play in the water." All of it was a gross overreaction, in Aytigin's opinion.

"Why are you acting so pissed at me? We were packmates for a while there." It had to be asked. Aleksei had been acting like he'd never seen Aytigin's face in his life.
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Aleksei snorted, dismissively, at Aytigin’s words and actions. So he wanted to play Mr. Dominant tough guy and mewl on about how he’d done nothing wrong, huh? That was fine, but if there was one thing that Aleksei had learnt, it was that no one acted like Everly had acted without reason. Clearly this swarthy wolf had crossed a line, and been too dim witted to notice. Typical of guys like him. “I don’t buy it,” he said, dryly.

But the loud-mouth kept talking, mentioning they used to be pack mates, and Aleksei had to do a double take. His brows knitted together as he studied their features, mind pulling up blanks. He’d met plenty of dark wolves in his time, and there was absolutely nothing about this one that stood out to him. “I don’t remember you.” At least he could narrow them down to being a River wolf—the scent of Kingsfall clung to his pelt. Didn’t matter much, Aytigin struck no chords in Aleksei’s memeory. Obviously, this guy hadn’t been much of a pack mate to him … having said that, very few wolves in Hearthwood River had been. They had all expected Alek to be perfect, but what did they do in return? He had to be the guardian, the hunter, the fallen king’s son—everything was on his shoulders.

Oh, right. What had he said earlier? Something about Aleksei abandoning the pack? “But whatever you think you know about me and my family, you should know you’re wrong, and you know nothing. Your opinion measures up about the same as piss to me.” The agouti male turned away. “So why don’t you just run home, and keep out of Everly’s way?”
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying