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The Fox and the Grapes — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Yahtzee who has 4 posts.
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Fanul Rhapsody

ooc: For Borlla. :)

ic: This was a new place. Fanul lifted his muzzle to the air, smelling the earthy air and enjoying the brief breeze that rippled through his red fur. He had been wandering for a while now; he wasn't sure where he was, but that didn't matter. He didn't have any particular place to be, nor did he want to be anywhere. The mascu had a sort of wanderlust, and not for the thrill of adventure necessarily, but because he didn't have a home.

Stumbling from place to place seemed to be what he was good at doing now. Yet, despite all of the hardships that came with being a lonewolf, that was what he preferred. Of course, he didn't know much about pack life, so he couldn't make that comparison. Perhaps he was much like that fox in the story of The Fox and the Grapes, fickle because he had never had the chance at such a lifestyle. Fanul didn't think of it in those terms, however. He would just continue with his wandering until he found something worth staying for...

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The young girl was used to wandering now. The past few months of her life had been just that. Her family had been with her, most of it, but they'd had no home. And now she was back, she had a home again. But she quickly slid back into her old ways. Perhaps it would just be easier to say that she was always something of a wanderer, though most of the time she did it knowing full well that she'd get herself into trouble. There was the adrenaline rush. But now there wasn't. She felt old enough now to know that the "monsters" weren't going to come after her. She simply didn't care.

The forest was quite a distance from Swift River, but this is the way she'd come when she'd returned, and when Junai had come back. Maybe she wasn't as familiar with it as some were, but the groaning and creaking of the trees against the chilly wind didn't frighten her. The fact that none of her family was lurking nearby failed to unsettle her. She may as well just have been another lone wolf. But the usual thoughts trickled into her consciousness, and she knew she couldn't. Tired of walking now, she settled against a slightly gnarled and holey tree, and stretched out her forelimbs into the fallen leaves.<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Yahtzee who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fanul Rhapsody

ooc; Apologies for the lateness. :) My finals are now over!

ic; His paws crunched softly amidst the scattered leaves, and a silent wind could be felt brushing through his thick pelt. This seemed to be the perfect place for wolves and beasts of all sorts. It was cool enough to shelter from the summer sun and would serve as a haven from the blistering winter snow days. Fanul was as curious of this place as ever. A light scent was lifted in the air, however, and he wondered who had stepped into this area. It smelled of another wolf, he decided. He was no longer alone.

Fanul thought about leaving at first, for he wasn't sure if he would like who he found, but then had second thoughts. He hadn't come into contact with a wolf for a long while. He was getting kind of lonely... With a wily grin, he stepped forward, through the trees and toward the direction of he newcomer. When she came into view, a femme resting within the gnarled clutches of an old tree, Fanul stopped several meters away. "Ah. So you're here," he said as casually as though he had met her lifetimes before.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
What would she have to do to prove herself to them? That in three months time, she wouldn't be just some stupid yearling. She could lead Swift River! Not that she'd ever challenge Ruiko, but if she was put in charge, she could be an alpha. She'd make them listen to her and respect her. Even if that wasn't that way that things were supposed to work. Leaders couldn't be nice all the time. Raking a paw over her ashen muzzle, she sighed and straightened up against the tree again.

The crunching of leaves, not in time with her own movements, grabbed her attention. There was a wolf here. Borlla eyed him cautiously. His fur was kind of funny looking. Red, interesting. But he spoke to her as if he'd known her from somewhere before. <b style="color:#32527a">"I...Don't know you." She slowly responded to his own statement, rich honey eyes looking at the male with mild confusion. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Yahtzee who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fanul Rhapsody

She was confused. Well, of course she was. Fanul was often times very confusing; he was like that on purpose, mostly because he didn't wish for others to understand his intentions, whatever they were. Sometimes even he neglected to understand. With that same smile on his face, he merely glanced at her briefly. "Perhaps not," he replied quite simply. "But you are, indeed, here, and so my statement still stands valid."

He glanced around with his golden eyes, those clever orbs that seemed to be filled with a playful regret. This forest was still new to him. Exploring it would have to wait, however, as ignoring a young lady would have been rude-- not that Fanul gave much thought to manners. "So you say that you don't know me. Well, let me tell you that I go by Fanul Rhapsody." She now had his name, so she could no longer make the argument that she didn't know him.

Of course, there is more to a wolf than simply a name, but that name was a good start, yes?

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Only a moment in, and the young wolf was already beginning to reach the zenith of irritation. Okay, so he'd been right. She was here, but...maybe he shouldn't have said it like that! And the smile on his face made her want to bite it off. Borlla snorted, and kept lounging against the tree. It was hard for her to admit that, despite the irritation, she was slightly intrigued. What a way to approach someone. It took guts, she supposed.

<b style="color:#32527a">"Fa-nul?" She stuck her tongue out at the end, over-exaggerating the last few letters of the red male's name. <b style="color:#32527a">"I'm Borlla Tainn." The Swift River girl responded easily, without much of an expression on her face. She hadn't cracked a smile yet. He hadn't earned it. <b style="color:#32527a">"I like Rhapsody better. Can I call you that?" Pale brows rose up, and she waited patiently for his response.

<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Yahtzee who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fanul Rhapsody

Fanul could sense that flicker of irritation within her, and his inwardly chuckled to himself. It wasn't his goal to cause this annoyance, but the fact that he did it so unintentionally said something about this young she-wolf that may be useful to know in the future. He stored the information in the back of his mind. Fanul was like that-- he was manipulative for his intents and purposes, though he had yet to know what they were. He was a rogue, a wanderer in the present moment, and he would have to spend some time figuring out with he wanted in life before delving into his master plan.

"Whatever suits you," he replied to Borlla on the topic of his name. If she preferred his surname, then that was fine. Fanul didn't care how others addressed him-- the name itself was unimportant after all.

What came next was a question Fanul had been harboring in himself ever since he had seen this pup. "What are you doing here by yourself?" he asked, his tone purely inquisitive with no hint as to how young she was and how she shouldn't have been away from her pack by herself. He had no right to make that assumption anyway, for he, too, had wandered the world alone for many years.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Something about this wolf made Borlla nervous. It wasn't an emotion she would openly show, not anymore, but it was inside, in her mind, boiling away, trying to break down whatever was causing this rush of such a horrible emotion. But she couldn't find it. Maybe it was just the way he spoke. Something within it made her ashen muzzle want to curl. Her eyes scanned over him, and she gave up the search, deciding that whatever it truly was would make itself known eventually, or the emotion would just die off with time.

He seemed so standoffish. That was something that annoyed her. Like he just didn't care. Why not? Why didn't he care! Her brows furrowed, and her tail tip twitched as he shot a question at her. A look of disgust crossed her face, and her back teeth flashed in her grimace. <b style="color:#32527a">"What's that supposed to mean?" The Tainn girl growled, taking a step towards him. <b style="color:#32527a">"I can go wherever I want, who whoever I went, whenever I want!" What was wrong with everyone? Even when she'd been younger, they'd all been so worried about her. Why? Nothing bad had ever happened, and she'd been perfectly capable of taking care of herself throughout everything. If anything, she radiated independence and every single synonym of it. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention