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taking your disguises — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

He frowned as the girl pressed her paw to his leg—an attempt to comfort him, no doubt. But he didn’t need it. Sure, meeting the infamous Lachesis was pretty nerve-wracking, but he did not need her support. He would have found his way to Hearthwood with or without her help. However, he did not brush her off, for he did not want to upset his uncle. She was a cub from his pack after all.

The silence that filled the air between them only accelerated his nerves. What if Lachesis did not want anything to do with his former life anymore? It had been four years since he had left the reserve, which was plenty of time for a wolf to change. He had forged a new life for him here—a better life. It would make sense for him to disregard his past, to start fresh.

Seven gave a soft nod as the older wolf repeated his mother’s name, a faint smile stumbling onto his dark features. Progress. However, the first question caused his ears to cup forward. Uncle Sarp! The boy chirped in response with another nod, his tail wagging gently behind him. He never left. Not like you ’n Py. In fact, his other uncle had taken over leadership, as his grandfather (their father) was growing too old to lead the pack. Especially since there was talk of them being released.

The second question made sense. Life had been good on the reserve. There were no arguments; no challenges between wolves. Food was always readily available. It was peaceful, but it wasn’t really living. The reserve wolves had grown complacent, never striving for anything more. Well, to meet you, he chuffed in response, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. An’ to meet our dad. Our dad. Oops! He’d forgotten an important detail. I came with my brother ’n sister. Nicander and Melia. They’re ‘round here somewhere. He hoped. Mom liked to tell us stories. Of you. An’ our father. So we left, with mom's blessin' of course. 

(This post was last modified: Dec 16, 2017, 04:45 AM by Seven.)

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

The little Crow sat quietly while the two men talked and tried to offer comfort where she could. She was glad to hear that it seemed Seven was starting to grow more comfortable with the situation. She looked between them trying to see how they were both feeling and hoping that everything went smoothly with the pale leader asking questions and the boy answering them.

The thought had crossed her mind that Seven could be lying about the whole thing so she was interested in the answers as well as she was sure Lachesis was too. Her tail wagged slowly behind her as the conversation went on and seven revealed more about where he was from and his family. Oksana sat quietly listening to the two men talk wondering what Lachesis would do know that he knew about Seven and his siblings.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Uncle Sarp. The nickname brought a smile to the ghost’s stoic features, his head tipping to the side. It appeared the peppered yearling was telling the truth—he had really come from the north; the reserve. He never would have thought that his past would come to his present, for most of the wolves who lived behind the silver fence were quite fond of their cushy lives. Lachesis had been one of them before his brother ushered him below the fence. At least his sister (and his parents) still had his other brother. The one who was supposed to leave alongside Pyrrhus but had chickened out at the last minute. Had he sired a litter too? Questions hesitated on the tip of his tongue but he dared not spill them for he did not want to overwhelm the nervous yearling.

Well, to meet you, the boy had responded matter-of-factly, earning a wider smile from the older Stark.

Siblings. He had a niece along with another nephew? His head was spinning. You said your name was Selwyn—do you know your father’s name? He caved, one of his many questions tumbling off his tongue. Lachesis could not help but wonder if Askan was familiar with the boy’s father… perhaps he should send the yearling south, to meet the grumpy Edge Lord… Where are your siblings now?

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

The more Seven spoke the less tense the older wolf became, easing the yearling’s anxious mind in return. He could tell that his uncle’s brain was turning, filled with unanswered questions threatening to spill into the cold air between them. But he was thankful for the ghost’s censored tongue, for Seven was not in the mood to be bombarded with questions. Not after answering all of Oksana’s earlier. When the pale healer finally spoke he mentioned his name—the Selwyn name. A name that the yearling didn’t know much about, as his father had not followed his mother back to the reserve. He had never met his father, but he was determined to. Even if he was faced with rejection he just needed to know the man behind his existence. Hadrian Selwyn, he answered quickly, his sonars cupped forward, do you know him? Or an Askan Selwyn? I’ve been told he lives near you. I wanted to meet him.

Unsure how to answer the male’s next question Seven shrugged in response. I’m not sure, actually, he said with a frown, his paws shuffling uncomfortably beneath him, we separated to cover more ground but I haven’t seen 'em since we arrived here.

But there was more for the yearling to say. He had a message to deliver and he intended to keep his promise to the coffee-coloured wolf he had encountered in the western woods. I met a Remington. She steered me in the right direction. She wanted me to tell you thanks, that she still owes you one, and that if you need here she’ll be southeast with this Askan dude. He nodded, checking everything off that he needed to say. Oh, an’ there’s a healer in a pack west of here that wants to meet you. Somethin-Fields. I swear I’m the worst with names. He offered a small laugh before sealing his lips once more, realizing he was over-talking once again…

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

As the two men continued to talk Oksana learned a little more about her uncle Lach and she became curious. She knew now wasn't the time to ask questions so she stored them away for later. Her eyes shifted between the men as they took turns speaking. She was glad that she had made a good judgement on this one, Seven, and bringing him to Lachesis. Had she not she probably would have gotten and ear full from either the alpha or her mother.

She'd never seen Lachesis angry before and something told her she didn't want to. As for her mother...well Oksana had seen her angry and chose to stay on Inna’s good side. As for the wolves that they spoke of she hadn't heard of any of them. All in all Oksana thought this meeting was going well. She was glad for that.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Hadrian—the name did not trigger a memory. He shook his head with a soft frown before responding with some good news: No, I do not know Hadrian, but I am quite familiar with Askan. He’s a friend of mine, leads a pack called Shallows Edge about two days south of here. His frown quickly changed into an amused smirk at the thought of the nervous yearling meeting with his grumpy friend. Wait—him and Askan shared relatives? Oh boy, he couldn’t wait to discuss that with the young leader.

I’ll keep an eye out for them, he retorted quickly, his expression growing serious for a moment. The Lore was a big place; it wouldn’t surprise Lachesis if the boy’s siblings got turned around on the western side, for it was quite similar to the east. Especially Cedarwood forest, where the river wolves once settled.

Remington. That name recovered a memory. The yellow-eyed wolf who had eaten some fermented apples and accused his eldest daughter, Atropos, of not being real. It had been over a year since he’d last seen the ebony girl and it turned out they were neighbours? What were the chances. Wild Rye Fields, he corrected with a laugh. It was good that the Fields wolves had acquired a healer, as Lachesis had helped them out a few times in the medical department. I’ll have to pay her a visit.

Did you need somewhere to stay? There's room in Hearthwood for you, he offered after a quick pause, his expression softening. Typically the ghost was not interested in temporarily housing wolves, especially for the colder months, but he would make an exception for his nephew. Unless, of course, he intended making Hearthwood his home.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

Askan and Lachesis were friends?! Holy moly, he was really lucking out with the wolves he’d encountered in the north. It was as though he was met to be here, stumbling into all these wolves. If only his siblings were present, for Seven knew they would’ve adored their uncle as much as he did. Two days south. That was manageable. And pretty close to Lachesis in case one of his siblings (or both) stumbled into the Kingswood looking for him. Seven could work with that.

I appreciate the offer, he murmured in response, his tail swaying low behind him, but I’d like to head south first. Meet Askan, maybe learn some more about the Selwyn’s. He shrugged. It was nice finally meeting the man behind the name but Lachesis did not appear to know much about his father’s side. Askan, on the other paw, wore the Selwyn name; therefore, Seven should have better luck with him. But I’ll come back after, I promise. He nodded, confirming his words. But he couldn’t promise that he would stay beneath the towering cedars, no matter how nice they were. He might like it better in the south, with Askan, or find a better place to bunk elsewhere. His siblings were still out there, somewhere, and he needed to find them. But, he started, his ears trembling as he spoke, his tongue fumbling behind his ivory teeth, I w-wouldn’t mind st-staying for the night, if th-that’s okay? He knew it was a lot to ask of his uncle, especially considering they had just met, but it was worth a shot. 

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

As fascinating as what Lachesis and Seven were talking about it seemed that the two men had forgotten she was there. Since it seemed to have sorted out, so much so the leader was inviting the yearling to stay the night Oksana wanted to tell her mother what she had done. She knew Inna would he proud that she had helped someone. Especially when that someone was related to her uncle Lach. Oksana was growing bored, a pup could only sit still for so long after all. Still she remained quiet and respected the fact that her alpha was talking to a visitor, her mother would be proud of that too.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
you can fade with yours @Oksana <3

He nodded in understanding. The peppered yearling still had a mission to complete. But, he was pleased to hear that Seven would return (even if it was just for a visit) after meeting the grumpy Selwyn. A wide grin broke across his pale features about the boy’s question. Of course! He was just about to offer a place for the yearling to rest his tired paws when Seven had beat him to it. I can tell you everything that happened after I left, he tempted with a sharp wink before motioning for the loner to follow him with a flick of his nose. His chartreuse gaze landed on the quiet, observant Baranski, his tail wagging behind him. Mind showing Seven where the dens are while I catch something for us to eat? Once he returned from his hunt he would dismiss the girl, as she had already done enough listening for one day. Listening to two adults talk (even if one of them was closer to her age than his) wasn’t very exciting.

Once he returned from his hunt he would also give Seven a little insight on Askan, just to make sure the nervous yearling was prepared to meet the grumpy Edge Lord.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

Once the question rolled off his tongue Seven had been dreading his uncle’s response, for he felt as though he was pushing his luck with the healer. He had already amused him this much, it was foolish for the loner to think that he would also take him in. But the ghost's response had taken him by surprise. Of course! His tail wagged excitedly behind him as he sputtered out a quick th-thank you! to show his gratitude toward the older wolf. Even after all his mother had told him he had not been expecting his uncle to be this nice. His muddy gaze turned toward the little crow, who had been silent throughout their conversation, a wide smile tugging at his lips. He waited for her to guide him through the trees, toward the denning area for the river wolves. Seven couldn’t wait to hear more about his uncle, as his family in the north had feared for the worst, especially since Nineteen had been even more anxious (according to his mother) than he was. Which seemed impossible, as the pale wolf standing before him was as cool and calm as can be. Everything Seven inspired to be.