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Just So We're Clear — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Pack Meeting backdated to 2/25 Because I'm slow This is a meeting to discuss the rules for breeding season.
@Moonshadow @Namid @Bastet @Birtie @Solas @Lunette @Tulip @Roland next round will start on 3/6

Kajika was well aware that spring was growing closer which was a blessing as finding food would get much easier. It was also meant that everyone would totally lose their minds, he knew they he'd been guilty of such actions in the past. He hoped that this coming spring would bring more good to the cove than the previous spring had brought. He didn't know if the pack could make it through another spring with so many bad things happening.

In hopes of making things go more smoothly he thought it best to call a meeting to make some things clear to his subordinates. Before there had been no question as to who would have breeding rights in the pack but now he worried with it being himself and Moonshadow that the question might arise. He didn't want the cove to be overrun by puppies and he didn't know if they would he able to care for too many.

So he went to the meeting place a raised his muzzle into the air to call for his packmates. It was time to make sure they all understood what the consequences would be for breeding out of turn.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2018, 02:41 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

She moved with ease over the lands, her paws accustomed to the rough terrain and ever-changing lands. Birtie didn't dilly dally on her way to the call but she didn't exactly rush over either. She knew the call was a summons to all Cove wolves which meant there must have been some importance to it. Yet nothing sounded dire.

There she spotted the dark form of one of one of the superiors. Her head gave a small tip of greeting before she settled herself in the background, content to let others fill in the space. It wasn't like she had ever demanded attention from others. In fact, Birtie tried to keep to herself the best she could.

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
It seemed that the pack had become abuzz with life recently, it was a welcoming change and she expected even more come spring time and the potential that came from it. She had been walking the perimeter of the pack when she heard Kajika's call and thought to answer it quickly so that she could return back to her duty of enjoying the remainder of her day in silence. It didn't take her long to reach him, and she was surprised that another had reached him before her, the young woman had proved to be a constant figure in the pack and her gut refused to relax around her--something about Birtie didn't sit well with Bastet. She settled some ways from the both of them, acknowledging her lead male without a word but merely dipped her head and waited for what she could only expect the meeting was about--breeding season.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Moon had been taking a small break at her usual rock over hang after a border run. Lately she had allowed her small shadow @Tulip to on her own more and more feeling like she was making progress on earning her keep. The large woman was just drifting off to sleep for a nap when her co-lead sent out his call. A groan left the dark woman as she remained where she lay for a few more moments. Reluctantly she got up and gave her limbs a good stretch and hopped down from the ledge. The cove matriarch made her way to the communal den. Mercury pools fell upon those whom had already arrived. There was her co-lead of course, and Birtie and Bastet. She gave both women a smile and dip of her head before taking a seat up next to her best friend. She knew what this meeting was for, she and Kajika had briefly discussed it, it was weird to her having this type of meeting. The cove hadnt need it since she had joined but she supposed that with so many new faces and with the rank differences from the previous years, it would do them some good.

Word Count: 000
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
How lovely are the portals of the night
When stars come out to watch the daylight die

Namid was still resting and getting her energy back, something that seemed like a feat in itself. Her vomiting had worsened, leaving her with little appetite and little food to keep weight on her. She was going downhill and she knew it but she was still stubbornly holding on, determined to hold out until her husband’s arrival. Plus, she wanted to be around just a little longer for her friends, also holding out the hope that perhaps Neha or Sachiel might show up so that she might see them again.

As she laid there Kajika’s call rang into the air. She mulled it over, deciding whether or not she was going to try and work up the energy to make her way to the Fallen Tree. In the end, she decided the answer was yes and she shakily gathered herself to her paws. She grimaced as she body protested but moved out anyways, slowly but surely making her way to the area. When she arrived she found, surprisingly, that she was the fourth one there. She knew from scent that there were more within the Cove, most familiar except two. And, the two that were unfamiliar seemed to be standing right in front of her.

The pale woman settled along the outskirts of the group, gingerly laying herself down with panting breath at the exertion. Mismatched gaze briefly took in the two in front of her, one a pale coloration with dirty yellow eyes and the other a dark woman with mismatched gaze like her own, except one was blue and the other amber. Their early arrivals left a good impression upon the former matriarch. Her eyes went to Moonshadow and Kajika, perched upon the place where she and her husband had previously stood. It was still a bittersweet view but she had made her way to the meeting to show her support to the pair, that she trusted them and wanted them to flourish. She offered a weak but supportive smile, waiting to see what their announcement had in store.

Made by  esa
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Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
(Queue the dramatic entry)

The ebony shadow had been doing what she did second best, scavenging. With a successful trip the girl had found a half rotten particularly frozen deer and pulled off a solid chunk of good meat. The piece was a bit big, looking a little aloof within the small girl's grasp. Dark paws covered the snowy terrain, following a path that had became more and more normal to her. It may have seemed stalker-like, but the girl had often wondered by the medical den to look for coyotes and drop off bits of food. She didn't really enter or socialize on account of her shy personality.

The girl had heading there with her prize when a familiar voice rose above into the air calling for the pack. Not yet experiencing one of the Cove's meetings the yearling's eyes widened. Why would Ka ever summon the whole pack? What was wrong? The girl broke out into a sprint, jaws still tightly clasped onto the meat.

As she burst onto the scene a feeling of heat rushed down the girl, she paused, the worried expression on her face turning into one that was frightened and meek. Everyone looked fine and calm. She wasn't sure what was going on, and it seemed she was late to whatever it was. Submissively, half out of respect and half out of humiliation, the girl slunk forth to the alpha's paws. She sat the meat down and slunk back to hide around the tree trunks. Hopefully @Solas would come soon and make light of her rather embarrassing predicament.
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
He had been near the graves looking out over the ice when he had heard the call. It didn't sound urgent and so he took his time getting there. Maybe too much time because it looked like quite a few wolves had already arrived. A nod was give to Kajika and Moon. There was a piece of meat at their paws which he raised a brow at. Was he supposed to have brought something? A quick glance indicated that the others hadn't brought anything either. Solas saw Namid which made him blink. He had smelled her scent but he hadn't realized that she had joined them. Another dip of his head was given to her but he merely gave the others a flick of the ear in acknowledgment.

The stormy male moved to sit a bit away from the others as he noticed that @Tulip was slinking around them. She looked confused and a bit scared. A frown tugged at his lips. We're just having a meeting that's all. He told her. She didn't have to look so frightened. Other than all the wolves in one place, he didn't know what could scare her. He knew all the bodies made him a bit nervous but most of these wolves he knew by name and had talked to a bit so he was alright.
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2018, 08:19 PM by Solas. Edit Reason: coding )
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Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
The ebony medic’s nose had been pressed to the ground, sniffing along the snow covered roots of the trees when the call rang out. Sylva’s head jerked upward suddenly, her ears perking when she caught it. She glanced around quickly before realizing where it had come from,. Not wanting to be late on her second day with the pack, the she wolf snatched up the gnarled root she had discovered. There wasn’t nothing fancy or mystical about it,it had simply caught the oddball’s attention.

Quickly, the newest member of Fallen Tree Cove raced toward the communal den, it took a bit longer than usual simply due to the fact that she was still learning the layout. She came closer, swallowing nervously when she picked up on all of the scents already around and then the cluster of wolves. The small she wolf glanced around quickly before gravitating toward Baset’s side, she dropped the root and gave a small nod, her ears falling back against her head as she settled down onto her haunches, pulling the root closer and looking up at her alphas.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Next round begins 3/16. Any one who hasn't posted is still welcome to.

Kajika waited patiently for his subordinates and Moonshadow to arrive after his call for a meeting. His tail tapping a quiet beat against the fallen tree as he sat there. The first to arrive was Birtie followed by Bastet and then Moonshadow. His co-lead was given a touch to her cheek as she took her place beside him. He was surprised to see Namid arrive a short time later since she should have been in the medical den resting. Tulip, Solas, and their newest member were the next to arrive. It was disappointing to see that Lunette hadn't come, he would have to seek her out later and find out what was going on with her. He wasn't even sure if she was still in the cove at that point. As for Roland, being a pup it wasn't necessary for him to attend. When it seemed that no one else was coming he cleared his throat.

“Thank you all for taking time out of your busy days to attend this very important meeting. As many of you know Breeding season will be upon is very soon. Moonshadow and I have something that we would like to make very clear so that there is no confusion later. This spring Moonshadow and myself will be the only ones with the rights to breed. There will be no exceptions and no excuses. If the rule is broken you will be chased out and not be allowed back.”

He looked to each of his members as he spoke to make sure they understood. While he believed that they each would control themselves he didn't want to take any chances. This sort of announcement had never been given in the time that he'd been in the cove. Now that he and Moonshadow we're leading he did feel it was necessary and what was best for the pack.

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