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[BWP] Everything has its Season — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 43 posts.
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Griffin Gwain Avalon
RE: Violent thunderstorms overtake Relic Lore.
Was hoping for @Laike? but anyone is welcome, bearing in mind that this is right outside WRF borders.

The air felt heavy, clinging to the fur like a second coat had been pulled over it. Above, the sky was charcoal grey, appearing almost purplish, with low hanging clouds so burdened with rain that they seemed to droop towards the ground. Yet no water came, and as the day drew on, the muggy atmosphere only served to further frustrate the wolves of Wild Rye Fields.

Griffin was no different, having skulked around just outside pack territory, looking for small prey and growing increasingly irritated as he continued to be unsuccessful. He had just about had it, and was ready to call it quits, when a distant rumble drew his attention back to the heavens. On the horizon, the dark clouds shone with flashes of greenish light, the air seeming to vibrate around him as the thunder rolled closer. Now, he had seen plenty of lightning storms before, but never anything like this, and there was a shadow of a long-lost smile on his lips as he turned and made his way back towards the Fields at a steady trot.

Rather than head for the Gateway though, he went straight for the hillside, climbing quickly towards the Lookout. Tail lashing behind him with something that almost felt like excitement, he hurried up the last steep stretch, ears swivelling to catch the rising rumble of thunder. He felt a rush of cold air, just as he was reaching the top, finally bringing the respite that the earth had so craved all day. Spinning on the spot, the sparrow-pup took a seat among the bristling grass, chartreuse eyes turning to the display in the sky. “Wow..!” He breathed, a small, but true smile finally settling on his features.

Word count: 285

”Speech" Thoughts
(This post was last modified: May 23, 2018, 08:23 PM by Griffin.)
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
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Laike Artemieva
Laike Artemieva

He had patiently waited for some sort of storm all day, reading himself to watch out for any spring flooding due to the building clouds. Never did the storm come seem to come through. His orange gaze frequently looking to the sky. What did the clouds have in mind? He wouldn't have minded their looming presence had it not brought forth a mugginess.

His thick built form was striding around the borders when he caught the sound of thunder. Although he did not know that the Avalon boy was nearby, he had the same reaction as him. Wonder filled the Artemieva along with a bit of relief. The sooner this storm was over the better he would feel.

Over on the lookout he caught the sight of movement so he changed his direction to head that way. His pace slowing as he neared the almost-yearling. Eventually, he found himself stopped a few yards behind the boy. He admired the sky from his own position with a brief thought that perhaps Griffin would wish to enjoy this alone. Of course, Laike couldn't bring himself to leave him without at least checking on him first.

While he usually would have barked an announcement he instead moved to take a silent standing position off to the left of the Avalon. His stance was loose and not one that spoke of business. What do you make of it? He asked softly with a genuine curiosity. Would he find the storm ominous or was it to be taken as a positive sign of spring?

(This post was last modified: May 02, 2018, 06:29 PM by Laike.)
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by PuppyThief who has 43 posts.
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Griffin Gwain Avalon

Thunder clapped as a clear streak of lightning cut across the sky, a blinding line of light against the charcoal backdrop. Every hair on the young wolf’s body seemed to stand on end, reacting to the electricity in the air. So intrawled was he with the colorful display, that he didn’t even hear the adult’s approach, causing him to jolt visibly at the sudden sound of his voice. Spring-green gaze tore from the sky to look over at the pale wolf, who seemed to have materialized out of thin air right next to him. His smile had stiffened with the shock, but now returned, a hint of embarrassment to it, though it couldn’t be heard in his voice; “It’s awesome!” His eyes shone with excitement, tail wagging energetically, his whole body buzzing with a sense of living that he hadn’t felt in a while.

Turning his attention back up as another flash glimmered, the boy felt his smile growing wider, even as he winced slightly when the following boom echoed in his ears. “You ever seen anything like this?” He asked, slightly breathless, his heart seemed to have sped up to try and match the thunder. Slowly the storm moved closer to them, bringing wilder and wilder gusts of cold wind with it, but Gale was not deterred from his watch, nostrils flaring at the scent of oncoming rain; “Smells like we’ll be getting a shower too!”

Word count: 237

”Speech" Thoughts
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2018, 09:13 PM by Griffin.)
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
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Laike Artemieva
Laike Artemieva

He found a smile growing on his features at the Avalon's excitement. The Artemieva wasn't sure he had ever seen someone be so excited and enthralled by a storm before. It was refreshing in a way to see an air of wonder instead of a gloominess that rivaled that skies above. The Fields could use it.

A soft hum escaped him as he thought over the question. Surely in his four years of life, he had seen something akin to this. But something just like this? He didn't think so. No, not that I can recall. The leader answered honestly as he gave a soft shake of his head. The gusts of wind ruffled his fur with cooling temperatures.

He glanced over at Griffin when he made a remark of the rain to follow. The kid certainly had a nose on him, didn't he? It will be an appreciated shower as long as no one goes catching a cold in it. His words rolling off of his tongue with more of a playful tone rather than sharp and stern.

(This post was last modified: May 05, 2018, 02:14 PM by Laike.)
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Please note this is a one time special event post, the coyotes will be controlled by players involved in the thread.

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Petr had been following his parents for longer than he should have. All of his siblings were long gone and both his mother and father mostly ignored him, he was almost a year old and it was time for him to go out on his own. But, he wasn't ready and so he followed after them tirelessly albeit with constant whining. His parents were both so brave and had gotten so confident around the wolves that seemed to be everywhere and Petr wanted to prove himself, he could be brave too and maybe then they would let him stay with them. So, in a typical day of trailing behind them he had been on high alert for wolves, he would steal dinner from the first one he saw.

He thought that might take forever but finally he came across the smell of two wolves, too dumb to realize they were on the edge of a large group of wolves to back them up. Unfortunately, the large clap of thunder scared what wits he had right out of him and Petr went barreling towards them, half growling and half whining, mostly yipping. Maybe his parents didn't hate him so much after all though, because at the sound of his distress they too came running. Only they didn't look scared, they looked angry.

We Aren't Afraid

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2018, 03:54 AM by Spirit of Wildwood.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Griffin Gwain Avalon
Paging other WRF wolves to help kick out these baddies!! @Jessie @Chimera @Alvar (and ofc @Adelayde, though she'd be pretty round by this point so, maybe not xD)

The usually so stoic man seemed more at ease out here, watching the storm close in with shimmering eyes alongside his young companion. Gale’s tail continued to flick, his own gaze just as bright, watched the lightning dance across the sky with an intense excitement; Almost like he could feel the electricity in his own body. As such, the dismissive answer was not at all disappointing, only making the experience so much more thrilling. Beating his tail vigorously, the sparrow pup glanced sideways, eyes glittering in the shifting lights, casting stark contrasts of light and dark over both wolves. “Yeah that’d be rich!” He laughed, casting a look over his shoulder at the golden grass, long dried out in the sun; “Especially now that we don’t have a… Medic… Anymore…” His smile faded, his whole body seeming to deflate as all the excitement suddenly left him; What am I doing..? How could he be laughing and joking at a time like this; After everything..!

But before the boy had much time to sink back into his gloom lightning struck nearby. A blinding flash of light was quickly followed by an ear shattering rumble, and then another strange noise, quickly drawing closer. Griffin’s ears swivelled, trying to zero in on the weird yowling while his eyes blinked against the afterburn. The screeching continued to grow louder and he cringed at the pain in his ears, ducking his head and gritting his teeth. Finally he managed to see enough to locate the silhouette, racing up the hill towards them with two others in tow - coming straight from the storm, like demons summoned by the lightning itself, wailing angrily, bared teeth flashing ominously. “L-Laike, what is that?!”

Word count: 285

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
S for mild swearing

She hated thunderstorms. At one point in her life, she had thought they would have brought her peace but now the presence just reminded her of the death of her first love, along with her second. It seemed the world loved to take away those she held dear by natural disaster of some sort. None the less, Jessie had well gotten past the stage of remaining in her den during a storm and had taken to the borders, keen on marking them. With the coyotes roaming about and their small numbers, the Tainn did not want to take any chances when it came to how courageous coyotes were feeling on a particular day. The yowl of the yote would have gone ignored by the Rye Queen had two of the Fields own not been outside the borders. Both were integral parts of the pack: her son and her co-lead. Not hesitating to cross the borders, the aging woman broke off into a spring, a steely look of determination in her gaze as she broke off to track the scents of her pack mates.

It did not take her long to come upon them and the charging vermin that were before them. Canines bared at the oncoming tyrants, her nostrils flaring in anger. While three-on-three were hardly favorable odds, Jessie was not one to back down from a fight and she did not want to chance leading the vermin into pack lands where there was the possibility of them following behind, where they had a very pregnant Adelayde that did not need that stress. Lifting her head, she let out a call for @Chimera and @Alvar - they could use all the muscle they had. Narrowing her eyes, she nodded towards the two men, "Let's get these assholes off our lands."

(This post was last modified: May 29, 2018, 04:20 AM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva
adelayde artemieva

The first time mother should have been closer to the center of the territory where she was the safest, however, Adelayde was tired of being cooped up. A little walk couldn't hurt, right? Naturally, her paws guided her towards her favorite spot, the Lookout. Unaware of the group that assembled just behind the ridge, the determined Artemieva began the climb up the moderately steep hillside.

She could feel the cool breeze start to pick up as well as the distant thunder vibrating into her toes indicating a violent storm was incoming. Once she reached the top and had a moment to look around, Ade planned to retreat back to the safety of one the dens until the storm passed. As the cool breeze rolled over the crest of the Lookout, it brought along the scent of her mate, a few others and the repelling scent of coyote. Nose wrinkling, she tried to pick up the pace of her climb just as Jessie's voice called out for Alvar and Chimera.

Eyes narrowing, she wondered what was going on. Mismatched eyes finally got a chance to take a look at the unfolding scene just outside the Rye borders where Laike, Griffin and Jessie stood face to face with three snarling coyotes. Adelayde was uncertain of what she could or should do. She was due any day now, there was no chance the mother could defend off these coyotes without becoming a hindrance or larger target for the vermin. The urge to protect her children's father was almost blinding, but she would be risking the lives that grew within her if she went to him. There wasn't a fight yet and once the others came to Jessie's call, the coyotes would certainly flee. They had to come quick or else Adelayde would have no choice but to help the Rye leaders and Griffin.

Played by Hawthorn who has 95 posts.
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Alvar Forsberg.
Sorry it took so long for me to reply! :( Thoughts. Speech.

Alvar enjoyed storms, to a point, they were calming to him for some reason he had never been able to pin down, it had been that way since he was a pup. But this storm was different from others he had experienced before, it was dark and ominous, as it was a harbinger of danger and destruction. But he payed no heed to the storm as he walked along pack borders, keen on finding some herbs. "I NEED to become the pack's Medic. No matter the amount of guile the pack uses on me, I can tell they need a healer." He grinned and went on to collect more herbs.

But after just a minute or two of unsuccessful searching, he heard a call for both him and @Chimera coming from the pack leader. He decided that for the pack leader to call for HIM, it must be pretty urgent, so he ran at full speed, paws feeling like feathers as his blood coursed through his body, his heart beat with a fervor that was intoxicating to him. Soon enough he smelled the rest of the pack... and some coyotes. He began to understand the danger to the rest of the pack and immediately ran up the hill in front of him, his head racing as he tried to think of the best plan of attack for the group of wolves that were assembled here.

"I'm here! Is everyone okay?" He asked immediately. He looked at the wolves in front of him, @Laike as well as @Jessie and @Griffin were standing before him. Alvar took one look at the leader and asked... "Your orders?"
(This post was last modified: Jul 21, 2018, 03:56 AM by Alvar.)
Alvar Forsberg. [Image: Alvar.png]