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breaking in — Lost Lake 
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Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
RE:Lila, after a recent storm, you discovery a newly formed stream.

I think there's a flaw in my code

She saw why the wolves came back to the lake. It was beautiful, and rather surreal standing along its edge no matter if she looked at the rocky crevices or to the lake's other side. Did they ever get use to the view? Or did it marvel them each day? She'd yet to ask, but would keep it in mind. What impressed her the most was the den. It was rather protected, almost invisible really. If she had to live on the mountain it was definitely something she would have sought. She wondered who had actually found the hideaway, but added it to her list of questions.

She was taking a quiet stroll, trying to better map out the terrain, and take in all she could. She was thinking maybe she understood a little bit more what had drawn her own mother and sister to the mountains. It was just different up here. The world seemed a lot smaller, and you could almost think there wasn't much more beyond the pines themselves. There were other reasons the wolves chose here, but she wasn't sure if she'd learn about that. With time she hoped she might. She'd learned that Serach's mother and father had actually lived on the west side, but they'd moved to escape the past. Have a fresh start. They had carefully chosen more open woods, by the small creek that ran right by the red hills. A buffer of sorts. Had they looked at it once and just known? She couldn't remember if Ice had ever told her, but the thought made her miss her own family. She started concentrating a bit more on her steps, she was trying to get a better look at a rock crevice, because she thought she saw the smallest stream, coming down it. It was odd cause it didn't quite look like it belonged, yet it still made its way. She could almost say the same about herself.

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2021, 11:16 PM by Lila. Edit Reason: tag closing )
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the rogue prince

The Cove wolves were so close, close enough he knew it was just a nose lengths away from announcing to the rest of the Lore that the Lake was claimed once again. The legacy of the Vuesains would be restored and Aleister would be left to figure out how to be a leader. Be a good one like his father and mother had, but he had no clue what he was doing. Was he doing it right? Would he even be able to keep the rest of his family safe when it came down to it? Aleister was nervous, to say the least, but he wouldn't show it. The confident mask covered any evidence of the anxiety that riddle him. For now, he only solution was to keep his mind and paws moving. Which in turn led him to pacing around the lake.

Find anything interesting? The agouti male questioned softly as his ebony friend peered down at a rock crevice. He had just been passing through this area when he found her scent which led him to her. Aleister was beyond happy that Lila decided to grace him with her presence again, having surprised him at their borders only yesterday. Not expecting her to come to the Lake for quite a while, but he now supposed he may have to expect the unexpected with the ebony Aquila.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
I think there's a flaw in my code

"Not exactly, but does that look like a new stream to you?" She gestured by raising nose, not letting her eyes leave the spot so he might see what she was talking about. He'd know better than she did, not that it mattered. There were likely all new streams as the snow came and went all over the mountain. She just hadn't experienced it in this way. The creek at the Bend got a little bigger if that.

Her eyes finally turned to him. "What about you? I bet you know something that beats this." Surely he'd seen something far more interesting rather in his past, or lately. Or maybe he had a favorite view. Why she knew her woods weren't the same, they hadn't been when she'd left. Why there was no doubt the mountain had its rock and snow slides over the years, it hadn't change entirely. Was that another reason her mother had preferred the mountain? Stone wasn't easily destroyed like trees. She looked back to the flowing water, though her mind was on something else. "I was thinking about the Cove's old, pack den. How it's so camouflaged it's amazing anyone found it. It made me wonder how many things could someone walk by not knowing there's more to it?" It was one of the reasons she told herself she had to go back to the Bend. Had she missed something? Chan and Nash had found their mother after all this time. Why she didn't exactly think she'd see her own family by going there, if anyone had come back to that spot....

Not wanting to run off with her thoughts, she met his mismatched gaze, thinking it'd be nice to know what was going on behind his dark mask."I think I see a bit more everyday why you all like it here. This place is not like anything else."

Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
your boldness stands alone among the wrecked

Peering down at what she nudged at with her nose, his bicolored gaze watched the baby stream flow across the forest floor a little ways away from them. Possibly, but we will have to see if can last through winter, he answered softly. Having another water source would be nice to have even though they were a short walk away to the cove inlet from the den area. Either way this could turn into a nice place to stop for a drink while on border patrol only if it could survive winter without freezing over and disappearing entirely.

Pale eyes turned to him, a question falling from her ebony lips prompting a smile to form upon his face. Indeed. There’s this wonderful ledge outcrop that gives you the most glorious views of the Lore. I find myself going there to clear my head. The outcrop was truly one of his favorite places upon the mountain, having found it in his adolescence years where he was especially angsty. I could show you sometime? He offered having visited it more times than he could account for, Aleister knew the way all too well.

Her gaze left him and returned to the flowing water before them, he could tell her mind was still churning. Lila was certainly already someone he surprisingly felt comfortable holding a conversation with even when chatting normally felt foreign and uncomfortable to him. Feeling more comfortable at home must of made him more confident and laidback enough to even talk with strangers. Had Lila met him outside of the Lore, she may of found a completely different wolf. She was curious about the Cove den and how it was as lost to outsiders as the lake they called home. My father once told me they just happened upon it and almost fell victim to the illusion too, he answered thoughtfully with a tinge of sadness entering his voice at the too few memories he held with his father. There was too much time that he missed out with his parents, though now it was too late. He could only hope he was making them both proud. Keeping yourself open to the unexpected helps, he replied softly, his gaze falling upon hers briefly before returning to the flowing creek ahead of them.

Aleister couldn’t be sure what the future held for him, but he wanted to stay. He was tired of running. The Vuesain prince was home once and for all and he couldn’t of found a more beautiful place to call home. Even the ebony Aquila agreed as her pale gaze fell upon him again. Glancing to her with bicolored eyes, a soft smile lifted his cheeks in response. I’ve been to so many places, but none of them compare. I’m happy we returned, I was getting tired really. Tired of running and not having one place to just call home. It was exhausting. He answered truthfully as his gaze followed the flowing water once again. He wasn’t sure if his sister shared the same feeling and he hadn’t been able to talk with her privately. Aleister hoped she was happy to be back as he wasn’t sure if he could leave again.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
I think there's a flaw in my code

He didn't disappoint. "Yeah, I'd like that." She rather see spots that meant something to someone. She was tempted to say they didn't need to wait. She wasn't sure if she as up for a view of the land below. She'd kept looking down to a minimum on her climb. Why she didn't think he'd point blank laugh at her if she was cautious, she rather avoid it a little longer.

She picked up on the hint of sadness, knowing it too well herself. She didn't say a word about it, or give him a look a pity. She had a feeling it wasn't something he shared too openly and she didn't want to mock it mistakenly. She was silent, taking it in, wanting to ask more about him but not sure if she should. Quietly, she decided ask. "What did you like about him the most?"

Lila thought she was open to the unexpected, but she seemed to forget unexpected wasn't always bad. Just like coming here, it wasn't what she'd thought. She'd gotten to witness a true pack that looked out for one another. It was almost like she'd forgotten they could exist.

She knew he wasn't talking about the landscape of this place any more. A picture of the open glade with the ancient, oak tree standing guard came to her mind, along with the faces who had made it home. She could say the same. "I know what you mean." She hadn't found another home. There hadn't been anywhere that had given her the same feeling. What had he been running from? She thought she sensed his regret in leaving. Another emotion she mirrored, but she didn't have the heart to ask about it all. Maybe, he'd just gone when he'd been old enough just because he could have. Maybe he had his own ghosts. She knew how badly she wanted to talk about things like that. Not at all. Besides she already admired his openness even if it was just a little here and there. No point in ruining that by pushing too far.

"Must feel good to know what you want." She offered a smile, not meaning it to sound like a bad thing. It was clear she was sad she couldn't say the same about that.

Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
{s} - a few soft swears below

aleister vuesain
won’t you stay a while

Soon then, he answered, his gaze lifting to her pale eyes with a soft smile. Perhaps it was selfish of him, but Aleister wanted to show her everything he loved about his homeland just in hopes she would stay longer. The nomad felt comfortable with his Cove companions, but the Eastfall brothers were much younger then him making him not feel as comfortable being as open as he was with Lila. His sister and him shared the same guilt and experiences that it was hard to talk about it together. With Moonshadow, he felt he needed to impress as an old close friend to his parents. Aleister had connected so well with the Aquila woman the moment he met her at the Falls and felt so open with her already. Like he wouldn’t be judged or made to feel guilty for anything and she wouldn’t go spreading his business around like dirty laundry. He didn’t feel so alone with his thoughts now with her around.

Her question sparked the memories of his young, adolescent years where he was actually home with his family before wanderlust swept him away. His forgiveness and the strength to give it, he answered softly as his eyes shifted to the flowing water again, not sure what comfort he would find in its shallow depths. I was not the best son to him. I left not once but twice, without a goodbye. But each time I returned, he forgave me the moment he set eyes upon me, knowing I might still leave again. He was a shitty son even brother and he try to always own up to it because he knew he could have done better by them. Aleister didn’t back then, but now he hoped he could make them proud now.

His eyes softened at the thought of her homeland to the East. She was most likely not going to find anyone that was once there two years ago; her home was not going to be the same. The realization that comes when feeling the emptiness is hard and he wished nothing more than to keep her here at the Lake so her bright soul would not be further tarnished. Aleister knew the Aquila woman had ghosts of her own, just like him that’s most likely why they connected so well. He just prayed that there was possibly some peace she would find. Peace found him, luckily.

Her next words prompted a light chuckle from his agouti maw. You think I know what I want? He asked with raised brows as another soft chuckle escaped his inky lips. He didn’t mean to laugh, but he never would of imagined someone thinking he even remotely had any idea what the hell he was doing with his life. Sure, he could put up a cool facade and say a few hyperboles to keep up the act, but he certainly had no clue. I have no idea what I want or what the hell I’m doing, he answered truthfully, his mismatched gaze looking to her and for once he didn’t feel like he needed to keep up the facade like he did with everyone else.

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2021, 02:42 AM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
I think there's a flaw in my code

"Yeah," she agreed, almost suggesting tomorrow could work. She couldn't commit to that. The opportunity to hunt may come up, or... Ok she didn't have good reason, but didn't change her mind. She was sure he wouldn't let her get away without seeing it, and no use worrying about it twice.

The Aquila had not wanted to cause him pain by the question, but she knew the thing about pain was, it was there rather you were reminded or not. She had thought he might share something good from his childhood. There she was, not expecting the unexpected even though they just talked about it. What  he said was something else. Much deeper. A confession that had been eating him up for a long time by the sounds of it. For never having met they sure traveled on the same kind of road.

"That's the nice thing about parents, the good ones any way. They're happy to see you no matter what. Love you no matter what. Maybe, you don't think you've done right by them, but all I know is I see a man trying." She closed her mouth, biting the inside of her cheek. It dawned on her that was her own mom. Relieved she'd just made it back. Proud of her for just being her kid. She'd saw that with Kyna too. Aponi wasn't exactly fond of the way Kyna did things, but Lila had seen her pride for her. How she'd made her own life. She already felt like she'd said too much. His amusement at her last comment didn't help. She ought to work harder at keeping her mouth closed. She'd done pretty damn good these last few years. But, when someone got real with her, she had a harder time helping it. Especially, because she couldn't quite grasp why he'd said that.

She had no amusement, or softness. Just straight up honesty, she didn't mean to be brutal and yet she couldn't quite keep the small current of anger out of it. "You know you want to live here. Want this to be home. You want to carry on your parents legacy in some way." He wasn’t completely  fumbling in the dark with nothing. "Maybe you don’t have it all figured out but you have settled some important things. You aren’t running any more. Me? It’s a feeling I’m still trying to kill." No doubt about it, or her life would be a lot different. She tried to meet his mismatched gaze with a steady one of her own. "If you don't think you want to be a leader or you'll make a good one well don't be one. Half-assed leaders never did anyone any favors. But, you didn't come back just to look at this place, and write yourself off. I'd wager you're determined to do it. Yeah you might screw some things up along the way. But don't we all? What's the worst you could do? Start a war. Let your pack starve. Don't see you making those kind of costly mistakes. I've met most your pack, pretty sure they'll tell ya if you slip up. Even better they'll forgive you for minor things."

She let out a sigh, and with it most of her agitation. It was with a warmer look, and softer tone she added. "Not to dis your parents, but I don't think they had it all figured out either. Mine sure didn't, but didn't stop them from taking care of the Bend. So what's stopping you?" Her own passion had surprised her, but it had felt good to feel not just something, but so strongly about it. She hadn't been passionate about anything in a long time, and she could almost feel bad for throwing it all at him. But she realized she wasn't. She might not have any right to talk to him like that, but the way she saw it someone needed to. If she finally threw him out of shape, so be it. She only had room for so many regrets.

(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2021, 08:32 PM by Lila.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A warren of rabbits is hidden under a nearby tree. +3 Health
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
i saw you in a crowded room

Part of him, or perhaps a lot of him hoped she would have been interested in going now. But, he didn’t want to impose on any plans she had for the day. Aleister was sure she would love the view, just like he did. The way one can see basically everything below them and how small the Lore seemed upon the Dire though it was entirely larger than one could imagine. Tomorrow? He suggested, the word slipping from his inky lips before he had the moment to think about it. She was probably going to be busy, maybe she had some plans with Chan. His maw opened to ramble on about how she didn’t have to go with him if she had plans, but instead he closed it. He didn’t need to make a fool of himself in front of the Aquila woman. If she turned him down for a later date, it would be fine.

Her words were true, he was lucky to have such wonderful parents and the reality of how much he truly took them for granted. There were countless moments were he wished he could have a do-over, to actually appreciate the life his parents made for him. Instead he had thrown it back in their face with ungratefulness. All they had built for their children had been left to fall into ruin once him and sister took their leave from the Lore over two years ago. But now, he hoped this was his do-over. His chance to make them proud and prove to them he wasn’t going to take them for granted any longer. I hope they can see that too, he muttered, mismatched gaze glancing to meet her pale eyes. Did you have good ones? Parents, I mean. He asked tentatively, hoping he didn’t bring more pain to her. He was realizing how similar they were to each other, but Aleister knew there was more to her to learn that was most likely very different from the life he had.

Honesty was the best policy to most and in this moment, Aleister needed it. He needed someone to whip him into shape and make him straighten up. Word after word, she uttered truths that smacked him in the face, waking him up to reality. He was not the lost wanderer anymore. He had plans that were already in motion and at the moment, everything was continuing to move forward towards the goal. Right now, he was making the revival of his parent’s legacy happen. She continued on to give him the pep talk he didn’t realize he needed. The Vuesain could feel the passion in her words and he couldn’t put into words how much he appreciated it. Nobody had taken the time to do this for him.

Aleister was happy to feel her warm look, his head nodding in agreement. I just don’t want to mess this up. My sister has been so quiet lately and I’m not sure where her heads at, but I have been following her for years now. Neha has been around the Cove, but he didn’t remember the last time he held a meaningful conversation with her aside from updating her on the comings and goings of everyone. When we came back, we had agreed to reclaim the Cove together, but it seems it’s just me trying. I know this means so much to Chan, Nash and Moon. I can’t let them down, but I don’t know if I can do this all by myself. His littermate didn’t show up when Chan called for them to meet Flair then Lila. It wasn’t like her to not attend important meetings like this. So the Vuesain was nervous that she was having second thoughts. If she left, he wasn’t sure what he would do. The vow he gave her meant so much to him. But he wasn’t sure if he could leave the Lore again.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
I think there's a flaw in my code

He couldn't read her mind or he definitely wouldn't have asked. Still she smiled amused by it all. "What time you thinking?" Might as well make it a priority, and see what happened.

She held his gaze, feeling they'd made some headway at least. Maybe, he'd be able to forgive himself, move on a little lighter. Her ears twitched as his own questions. She ought to know if she asked more of his life, he would only do the same. It was odd, she never really had to explain her life to anyone. Anyone who had asked she wouldn't have given much detail. She liked to keep things to herself, but felt like she owed him something. Even if he didn't seem like he'd hold anything against her."Never told anyone, not that they didn't know when I was young, but I really just had my mom. She did everything she could for me. The guy she ended up being with...well he became my dad along the way. I know he didn't see me any different from his own. I honestly can't remember them being upset with me for anything, but when I was young we had a lot of pack changes for them to cope with." She kinda felt like they hadn't wanted to make anything worse than it already was or something... It was hard to remember straight. Looking back made her feel disconnected.

Aleister took her chewing rather well. He had been very gentlemanly, but she was still a little surprised she hadn't hit a button or something. Everyone had their limits, and they weren't exactly close. Or not in the usual way. She sensed a connection, but doubted its strength. Now, she'd question that later.

So his sister was a part of his doubt. She hadn't met her officially, and if she'd been staying to herself no wonder he felt like this. "Sounds like you need to have a serious talk with her. Know what you both really want. But when it comes down to it you gotta do what's right for you Aleister." If his sister had decided to leave, would he be happy to follow? Would she care if he was miserable for it? She didn't know, but hoped he did enough to make the right choice for himself. There was the second thing bothering him. Having leadership all on his shoulders. "You shouldn't have to." Which wasn't helpful, but she felt for him there. Packs worked better when the load was shared in all areas. Had his sister not wanted to step up? It seemed highly likely or he wouldn't be in this predicament. Did they not know packs didn't have to be ran by mates? She'd seen other dynamics. But then the future of the pack was at risk when there wasn't the promise of future offspring. "Does anyone else know you feel this way?" She felt she knew the answer to that, but wondered if he'd consider someone else stepping up. No one could really help if they didn't know...

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2021, 09:47 PM by Lila.)