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Am I there yet? — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Grae who has 51 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasilisa Artemieva

RE: It's been so humid recently it feels like breathing through a wet leaf, you better find somewhere to cool down! AW! but a special tag for @Viorel<3

Traveling a long distance was a lot more taxing than she had remembered. Traveling from the rye fields to the meadows was much more wonderous as a pup. Though the world still had plenty to peak the oldest Artemieva daughter's interest. Her mother had given her the directions to the land known as Relic Lore. It was quite a distance away from the meadows but Vasi didnt mind. She had no timeline or deadline driving her travels so she just followed where her heart took her - roughly following her mothers directions of course.

Creamy paws slowed from a quick paced trot to a leisure walk as the cedar trees became more spaced out. Cerulean orbs took in the tall cedars as her coal nose took in the scents around her. Something was different about the air here. It seemed thicker somehow, maybe as if there was moisture in the air, like after a really hard rain. Vasilisa didnt mind much but a dip in a stream or river would not only cool her off from the humidity but would also soothe her aching paws.

The light agouti woman began to search for the scent of water while also keeping an ear out for the sound of one. Luckily, not long after beginning her search, Vasi picked up sound of running water. Cool eyes searched for the origin of the sound eventually found her mark - a sizable stream. Dryness made itself apparent within her mouth driving her to the waters edge. Her salmon tongue snaked out of her creamy maw to lap up the refreshing water. The dryness was vanquished from her mouth causing her tail to sway contently behind her.

Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

It had been too long since Sharlee had been gone on her scouting trip, and Viorel was worried. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like they had the numbers to spare to send out scouts looking for the missing scout, certainly not with so many children growing and learning. As much as he was concerned about his missing cousin and advisor, he could never forgive himself if something happened to one of his kids. It was a hard decision to make, but it was the truth.

So, for the last few days when she had not returned as planned, Viorel had been looking himself when he could. The leader had not been able to go very far from the borders, but it made him feel better to at least be trying. But, hope was fading as he returned every afternoon empty paws with not a single sign of the tawny woman.

Today he had been pacing the woods to the west of the pack, though as he walked through the impressive boughs the air got hotter and more humid. Eventually, the moisture in the air became so oppressive he had no choice but to abandon the search and look for a place to cool down. The sound of water rushing over rocks caught the dark leader’s attention, and he swiftly changed directions, seeking out it’s source. After a few minutes, Viorel was happy to see the creek, but naively ecstatic to see the large frame that bent over it.

Maybe it was lack of sleep from his double litters, or maybe it was the heat and humidity getting to him. Either way, Viorel didn’t even stop to question that this might not be Sharlee appeared before him. He didn’t even take the time to note that the scent in the air was not his cousin’s, but a stranger. ”Sharlee!” Viorel bellowed, and took off at a charge. He couldn’t believe his luck.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Grae who has 51 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasilisa Artemieva

The cool water ran down her throat as she greedily lapped it up, she was thirstier than she had realized. For a few moments she was content to just drink from the river, but the humidity drove her to take a few steps into the flowing water. All was quiet and peaceful, no signs of anyone around, that is until a voice cut through the forest causing the Artemieva woman to jump. Her fur bristled and her charcoal dusted tail stilled sticking straight back in line with her back. Vasi spun as she quickly tried to find the owner of the voice. Her posture wasnt aggressive but instead like a spooked cat who has gone on the defensive. To her relief her cerulean gaze located the other wolf - a black and grey male who was downwind from her. Though relief quickly gave way to panic once more as she realized he was charging straight for her.

Vasi had never been much of a fighter, having watched her family chase out coyotes and intruders as a pup she had become a bit traumatized by it. Sure she knew how to defend herself, her father had made sure of that, but Vasilisa only fought as a last resort. Her charcoal ears pinned against her head as she shrunk where she stood. She fought the urge to whine and lost as a quiet one fell from her creamy maw. She hoped with every ounce of her being that the stranger would respect her submissive stance and stop his advance. If not, she would have no choice but to run.


For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

He had been running at full tilt, which for him was never very fast, but once he got going he could get some serious momentum. Viorel was not a tall wolf, but he certainly was bulky with muscle. His breath came in hot puffs that only seemed to increase the humidity that had already made the bristly hair on his tail curl. He was going so fast he realized that this was not his cousin almost once second too late.

Gasping in surprise, the blue eyes that stared back at him were that of a stranger’s and not the warm orange of his cousin’s. And not only that, they were filled with fear and defense. Shoving his feet hard into the dirt, it sprayed grit and gravel all around him, but even that was not enough to stop him.

He had no choice but to abandon his original trajectory and try to turn, which planted him directly into the creek. Ass over tea kettle as you might say. Water rushed into his ears and nose, and Viorel came above the surface sputtering, all the heat and humidity forgotten, except for the heat that krept up his neck and cheeks in embarrassment. He had almost taken this stranger straight to the ground in his haste, and now he was soaked to the bone in the creek, what a leaderlike move.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Grae who has 51 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasilisa Artemieva

Seconds ticked by and the man was still racing towards her causing her heart to race and pound in her chest. Her breathing quickened and she was a split second from bolting. Golden eyes must have realized she was not who he thought she was because he dug his paws in to try and stop. His momentum was too much so he veered off his path. Her cerulean eyes went wide as his dark frame went right into the river sending water everywhere. She flinched and slowly peeked open her eyes to see the man coming up from the river.

A small whine came from the agouti woman as she took a tentative step towards the water. "Are you okay?" Her posture was still low and her tail was half tucked. He had changed his course so maybe he wasnt trying to attack her. Though she couldnt be completely sure until she spoke to him. She did have concern for him either way. She could show concern and if he did want to attack her, she now had the upper paw being on the river bank. Which easily gave her a head start to run if needed.


For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The whole interaction had so far been beyond embarrassing and frankly, a downright disaster. The only pro was that he did not actually run full force into this stranger and cause a full out physical altercation. Another pro Viorel supposed, was that he was no longer overwhelmingly hot or humid, because now he was soaking wet and the stream was pleasantly cool.

His paws gained purchase on the bottom as he stood in the middle of the stream, water splashing around his shoulders and the crest of his back. He looked to the stranger in surprise, in his embarrassment he had almost forgotten that she was there and that was why he was in the creek to begin with. Shaking the water out of his eyes and ears he shrugged sheepishly, ”All fine and well, other than a bruised ego.” And maybe a little water up his nose, but nothing life threatening.

Side stepping towards the bank, getting closer to shore but still offering the woman space so as to not further traumatize her. Salt and pepper ears flipped backwards in embarrassment, ”Sorry for charging you like that, thought you were someone I know.” But, she wasn’t, and now he was in a creek and still had not found his cousin.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Grae who has 51 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasilisa Artemieva

She watched him carefully as he stood in the middle of the creek causing the water to rush around him. He shook the excess water from his coat unsuccessfully before he replied that he was unscathed other than a bruised ego. Vasi's posture relaxed a bit, her tail untucked but her ears remained lowered against her head. The dark man moved towards the bank but still respected her space and for that she was grateful. She too took a step back as too allow him some space to get out of the river. He apologized for charging her saying that he thought she was someone he knew. "I'd hate to be them then" she let out a light chuckle doing her best to lighten the mood. Had she actually been who he knew they both surely would have been in the creek. The agouti woman wondered if it was a good thing to have someone run at you like that. Was it happiness or anger? Relief perhaps? No matter the Artemieva wasnt particularly looking to find out.


For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
One more post each?

Her laugh and relaxed posture reassured Viorel that he had not completely traumatized this poor woman. But, embarrassment was still hot on his neck, as he once more attempted to shake the extra water out of his pelt, this time more successfully than when he had been in the creek. Grinning, he shrugged, ”Well, if you do happen to run into a wolf who looks just like you, but with orange eyes, can you tell her that Viorel has been looking for her?” The odds that this stranger found Sharlee before he did were slim, but it was worth a try.

Feeling more than a little awkward about the whole encounter, the dark leader shifted on his paws, glancing around at the surrounding trees. He should probably be heading home soon, now that he was soaking wet and empty pawed, but he would feel bad almost taking this lady into the creek and then just leaving. So instead he shuffled again and offered an additional apology, ”And, sorry again for almost knocking you into the creek. I don’t know if you were in the mood for a swim, but it was refreshing.” What a stupid thing to say. The whole encounter had shaken his usually unshakable confidence, he wanted to get out of here.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Grae who has 51 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasilisa Artemieva

The dark man was successful in removing the water from his fur in his second attempt once he exited the water. His smile allowed her to relax a bit more though her words echoed in her mind and she began to regret them. Her audits flicked nervously but the young woman was able to focus on her companions words. He asked her that if she ran into another woman whom resembled her but had orange eyes instead of blue to tell her that Viorel was looking for her. Viorel must be his name, Vasi assumed. She smiled, "Of course Ill keep an eye out." She had no qualms about helping others to reunite. Another apology was given from Viorel along with a suggestion for a swim. Vasilisa laughed as her inky lips pulled into a wider grin. "Its alright" she assured him feeling much more comfortable "I'll have to try it then, this humidity is stifling." The younger man wasnt the only one to notice the darkening sky. With no specific place to call home, Vasi need to find a safe place for the night. Her own gaze move across the trees trying to determine the best direction in which to start her search in. Cerulean orbs landed once more on the inky man. "Well it was a pleasure meeting you, but I best get going its getting late." She wanted to find somewhere suitable and safe and preferably much cooler to lay her head for the night.


For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The man only nodded out his appreciation that this stranger agreed to keep her eye out for Sharlee. He knew that the odds were beyond slim, but the more people at least thinking about his cousin the better, he could only hope that she would come back soon. His eyes followed hers to the sky, and took note that the clouds were already beginning to turn a pink hue, and he had a bit of a hike before he was back within packlands.

Smiling at the stranger he responded, ”Thank you, a pleasure to meet you as well. And, do your best to stay cool.” He was tempted to wink at her, this had always been his go to send off, but the thought of Vanadis stopped him. Maybe it was maturity, or maybe it was knowing that his mate could totally kick his ass. Either way, it wasn’t until he was well on his way home when he realized he had never gotten the stranger's name.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]