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careful what you wish for — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Posie who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Evandra was plum tired. She couldn't begin to fathom why she'd thought it was a good idea to go after a rabbit of all things. She knew that'd only end in heartbreak. The rabbit had skittered into its den long before she'd ever reached the den. Sometimes, her large body was both a curse and a blessing. She pawed grumpily at the ground before easing onto her haunches. Either she'd have to find something else or she'd have to wait until tomorrow to get anything worthwhile in her belly.

Times like these made her wish she had a pack. She wasn't sure why on Earth she'd ever want anything to do with one - outside of the hunting benefits - when she clearly had such great luck with being in a pack. The thought of pack life sent an icy needle stabbing through her heart. She missed her home but, more than that, she missed her family. She often wondered what they were doing - if they were okay - and even if they happened to be looking up at the same moon as her. She supposed it didn't do her any good to think about such things, though. It wasn't as if she'd ever see them again.

She didn't even know how she'd manage to get back to Yellowstone. Everything had been topsy-turvy since the humans had put her in a blanketed cage and carried her off to parts unknown while she'd been under the effects of anesthesia. Why had they just kicked her out like that? Had she done something wrong? Had her family somehow communicated to them that she was a problem that needed to be dealt with? No, that was crazy talk. Her family would never communicate such things... Right?

She huffed out a breath and closed her eyes, trying to find something akin to peace of mind. What was she supposed to do in a place like this? She didn't have the first clue about pack life because, apparently, all of her common sense had gone out the window with the sting of a needle. Sometimes, she wished she could forget. She wished - maybe more than anything - that she could find a way to move on with her life. She didn't want to be this messy pup for the rest of her days. The thought, in itself, was jarring enough as it was.

She rose from her haunches and made her way to the shallow pool with a heavy sigh. Everything ached, and she wasn't entirely sure that she was strong enough to brave this new world on her own. She was in possession of many traits but, unfortunately, having a deep reservoir of strength was not among those many traits. She wasn't weak - certainly not - but she also didn't think she was strong enough to survive if she didn't join a pack. The lone wolf died while the pack survived. It was a harrowing thought that she couldn't quite escape. If all else failed, she could probably make a plea with some passerby and hope she hadn't just sealed her own fate.

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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
His time with the wolves of the cove would be coming to an end soon, a fact that Jethro was both saddened by, and excited about. When he had first thought about this idea, so very many months ago, the dark one had not really thought it would ever become more than just that. An idea, a dream, that would be stuck somewhere in the corner of his mind. But in just a week, he was going to set out to create something of their very own, and he would not be doing it alone, either. Having a friend alongside him was an even better start than he could’ve hoped for. That thought excited him in ways he’d never thought possible.

And hopefully, Jet would also have the chance to help others that needed it along the way. That was the real intent behind all of this, and the reason he had taken to spending more time beyond the cove, as of lately. The wolves there had things under control, and there would be time for goodbyes in the coming days.

Jethro’s paws had first carried him down the mountains, along familiar trails that he had traced a couple of times before now, wandering until his ears had picked up a familiar sound. He was particularly fond of the falls tucked away here, in spite of the encounter that had taken place so many months before. More so now, that he had managed to reconcile with that man, in some ways.

With the weather beginning to warm, and snows beginning to melt, it was a sight the dark one thought he might take some time to admire. As he made his way through the foliage, however, it appeared he was not the only one that had the same idea.

He noted her scent just before he saw her, a large, darker figure lingering beside the pool he had enjoyed a bath in previously. Hopefully, this would present an opportunity to practice his social skills, gain information, or possibly more. Jet let out a soft woof as he made his way through the last of the foliage and toward the water, being sure sure to step loudly enough to alert the other to his presence before he got too close, because of good manners and all that. Especially during this season, just in case.

”Good afternoon, there. Y’like the water, too?”

--hey! welcome to RoW (:
Played by Posie who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She was lost in thought, so his entrance made little difference to her. Despite that, she had the courtesy to at least look up when he approached. "You could say that." She said with a soft but breathy sound, much like the sound of air being forced from one's lungs. She hadn't been to the area that long. She wasn't even sure she knew where here was. Fixing her amber eyes on the newcomer, she tilted her head just a little to the side.

It took her a long moment's pause before she was finally able to lift her voice. "Would you... Happen to know where we are?" The query came slowly, and it sounded hesitant, even to her own ears. Her ears flicked a little, as she eased onto her haunches. Luckily for her, he seemed nice enough. First glance could be deceiving - she knew that - but she also knew that, if he'd meant her harm, he could probably just have easily lunged for her while she was lost in the confines of her head. It was a tricky concept for her at times, not being able to inherently trust others.

Maybe it should've been one of her brothers that was in this predicament, instead of her. They might have been able to make sense of everything... But, then again, she  had always been quicker on the draw than them, even if it was only marginally. Dispersal hadn't been easy for her. She traveled long distances at the expense of her paw pads, and she often found herself in predicaments that were less than ideal. Another blink brought her back to the present. "...Ah, forgive me..." She started then stopped, a wry smile touching her ebony lips.

It seemed her manners had temporarily taken leave. "My name is Evandra." She dipped her head a bit in greeting. She wouldn't come right out of the gate and say she needed a pack, though. She wouldn't say that until she was sure of this one's intentions. It would be foolish to do otherwise, and she wasn't that desperate... Yet. There would likely be cause for her to mention it in the near future but not right in this moment.

In fact, she would likely keep it to the vest for as long as she could. She doubted etiquette here was any different than in Yellowstone. There were party lines you just didn't cross if possible. If there were scent markers, it was a likely indication that she should just keep her distance. Insofar, this place seemed to be neutral. For that, she was grateful because there were things to sustain her without intruding on an existing pack's resources. It was ideal for her to stay in neutral areas for the time being.

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Thank you so much! :3
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2022, 01:31 AM by Evandra.)
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
The woman’s response was not what he’d expected, at all.  Her voice was soft, barely audible above the sound of cascading water. It both looked and sounded like she’d been deep in thought, as if she hadn’t really come here for any other reason than.. maybe fate. It may not have been what he’d expected, but he could go with it. Jet inclined his head in a nod and settled back as the other did, turning his ears forth as she posed an inquiry.

”I do. We’re in a big region I hear is called the lore. Haven’t seen all of it yet, but I’ve been at this place before, an’ I know my way around a fair amount of it.” If it was directions to someplace or a pack this stranger sought, Jethro held a decent amount of confidence he would be able to point her the right way, if not take a slight detour to help her find wherever it was she wanted to go if the need was there.

Selfishly, he hoped that was not the case though, but he didn’t intend to reveal his thoughts or agenda until he knew more about hers. No one had said this whole recruiting thing would be easy, after all. But the point of embarking on this journey was first to help others, and that was something he’d stay true to, no matter how it affected the other plans.

Next, encouragingly, there was a small smile. A polite, though unneeded apology followed that, and then there was an introduction. He let himself the head dip and flashed a toothy smile she offered as he spoke again. ”Jethro, good to meet ya. No need to apologize, either. If anythin’, I feel I interrupted your thoughts, so it should be me, saying that.”

It hadn’t seemed like he had upset her by doing so, but it couldn’t hurt to offer the sentiment in return, just in case.
Played by Posie who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She nodded her head a little, amber eyes shifting to gaze downward. "I see..." She hummed thoughtfully, digging her nails carefully into the ground beneath her. "So... If I am to understand correctly..." She paused, trailing off long enough to collect her thoughts. "You are a transparent, yes?" How fortuitous that she would find a kindred spirit within her first day.

It wasn't immediately apparent, but there was something about him that she couldn't quite place her paw on. It was almost frustrating if she was being honest with herself. Whatever it was prickled at the far corners of her mind. She didn't voice it, though. How could she when he'd been so kind to her thus far? Of course, there was the possibility he was lulling her into a false sense of security, but she hoped that wasn't the case. Things were starting to look up... At least, that was her hope.

At his apology, though, she shook her head. "You didn't intrude. I was merely... Lamenting my apparent inability to catch a rabbit." She chuckled a little, her pelt burning hot with embarrassment. "I'm not sure what made me think I would be able to catch one but..." She blinked her amber eyes, as if to say what's done is done... And that's just what it was: Done. She lowered her head to drink some water but didn't keep it down long, lifting it moments later.

Her tongue swiped over her nose and jowls to capture stray droplets as she surveyed him quietly. "So, Jet... May I ask what brought you out here? Or was it just the water?" She asked, her tone light and almost teasing. She was trying not to be too overbearing right out of the gate, but it was hard to go against her nature. Maybe, if he warmed up to her enough, he wouldn't be opposed to showing her the ropes of this new place. Maybe he'd even let her tag along with him until she felt comfortable enough to even think about things like pack life and the like.

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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
I see, she murmured, gaze moving away from his for a short time. Evandra went on, after taking a moment to gather her thoughts and words, to ask if he was a transparent. Jethro could not keep his brows from knitting together slightly in confusion, head canting to one side just a tad. The way she said it, sounded hopeful, so that had to mean it was something good, at least.

”Well, if you’re askin’ about my character.. yea, I prefer to be honest, and straightforward - long as I think I can trust someone, anyway.” That was an important qualifier, of course. ”If not that, though.. I’m, not really sure what you mean?” Like, he knew what transparent meant. See-through, like water. Or of their kind, honest, truthful about intentions. So if he had to guess, Jethro believed the inquiry was relating to that. But he hadn’t heard it phrased as she had said it, so it seemed entirely possible there was some other meaning he wasn’t aware of.

It was at least some small relief to know he hadn’t intruded. Instead, the mysterious Evandra had been lamenting an inability to catch a rabbit. She laughed a little, at her own expense. Jet offered a wry smile, but a sympathetic one, rather than sharing in any amusement. ”Ah, them lil’ bastards can be tricky to wrangle, sometimes it happens like that. Ain’t no reason to hang yer head, though,” Jet spoke, opting to stand and circle around the other, to make his way to the water. ”‘Sides, you got a river fulla fish right here, if y’know how to get ‘em.”

With a wink and another smile, the dark one plunged into the waters, wading several steps toward the cascading falls to enjoy the cool mist spraying on his face. It wasn’t that really warm time of year yet where this felt really great, but it was still nice. He took care not to leave his back to the woman for too long, though, especially once she posed another question.

Her tone was light, but the inquiry still seemed to be - no pun intended - fishing. ”I came here ‘cause I was in the area, I like this place, and the water, yes. But, I didn’t leave my pack way up in the mountains, just for this, nah. I’m also workin’ on something.” For now, he’d leave it at that, green eyes settling on the other to gauge possible interest and reaction. He liked this woman a lot so far, but he hadn’t failed to notice the marks that dotted her frame too, and he wondered if maybe she was like him. Coming from a bad place, and after something new. But he didn’t want to reveal too much at once. Not without a question of his own, first. ”How ‘bout you, though? Got any family or friends you’re lookin’ for, around here?”