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cold and clear — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
Leaving his FGC encounter vague! For @Venus

So where exactly are you? You came in like a falling star from the east, crashing in a riot of color: rusted red ferns, radiant sunflowers, and a distant blue sky. There's more in the memories there, but you kind of choose to ignore that for now, and drift on like the tumbleweed you are.

He's no stranger to mountains. They've come and they've gone under his paws before, passing like so much else. Still, he's pretty fond of them - there's something about the view... As the sun slips up behind your shoulder, shadows forming and lengthening and then ceasing as your eyes narrow from the harsh glitter of sunlight on some distant water... Ah, yes: Malien likes mountains with good views, and as far as mountains go, the Mountain of Dire was certainly A Mountain and as he'd passed down on its western slopes he'd admitted that yeah, the mountain had put up a good fight. But Malien had won.

In the background there's the thunderous rush of water - in the moist air, little droplets forming and sticking to the tips of his fur, the alluring scent of thick, rich and untamed forest. This.. this is what a forest's supposed to be like. It's very different from the forest around Fool's Gold Chasm, and he mulls on that as he walks along the rocky edge of the pools southern shore - one ear on the forest, as always. Dusk is slowly creeping in, the western sky turning burnished orange and a damp chill spreading in the shadows. The stars slowly brightening promise a cold night.
Played by becca who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Venus had every intention of returning to the Willows, but there was one last thing she'd like to do first. Skirting along the edge of the mountains had been easy, the rush of water a further allure. The air was already so chilled with the darkening skies! But her heart was warm, she had no fears.

For the first time in a long time, Venus felt at ease.

And spotting company on the horizon did not change that. It was a man. Large and handsome. Pale with kisses of charcoal. She had not felt threatened by the man of the willows. She did not feel threatened here.

Hello! Visiting or living here? She asked him with a wide, warm smile.

(This post was last modified: Sep 17, 2022, 05:00 PM by Venus.)
Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
Movement. The inverse of a shadow: a haze of warmth in a chilling, paling forest, where damp mist rising from the pools slowly drifts in among dark trunks and hanging on thickets before dissipating. His head turns towards her, nostrils flaring. It smells of oncoming winter and vaguely of wolf.

It seems both prophetic and ironic in some way how closely she resembles Woya - both relatively small in stature, both pale and creamy, and polar opposites in their approach. Incomparable situations, true. Malien stops, ears pricking forward, and waits. Her presence.. is disarming: the ease with which she approaches, infectious. A tension he has not been aware of eases just behind his shoulders. How does she do it? "Good evening," he responds, those golden eyes blinking slowly, polite interest painted along his features. He can't do it - that thing, that whole warmth that seems to seep from her core, that easy smile. Malien's smiles are always cold and sharp and cruel, so he keeps them to himself. "Just visiting. Exploring my surroundings. I find this place quite enchanting." He allows his gaze to drift, to roll across the rippling surface of the waters, to trail the spray and mist rising from the cascading waterfall towards the darkening sky... Blinks again. Flicks an ear. Those warm golden eyes slide back to her. "You?"
Played by becca who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She found her own curiosity in his uniqueness. Not like Daegale, not like the hunter of the willows. Each seemed to be as unique as the last and she could not stop the steady sway of her tail behind her. It is, She hummed in agreement at his description of the falls being enchanting. They didn't have waterways like this back home.

Passing by. I had hoped to find water when the sun was still up. Likely a bit too cold for a swim now, huh? She laughed, serene and songbird. The last thing she wished was to show up on the Willow's doorstep with a cold.

What do you think?

Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
He thinks she has no business being this way: if Malien has defenses they're a palisade with no backdoor, unbreachable, made to keep bodies out. But she, she's that last summer breeze, she's the sunlight, and she just blows right through. His tail, politely pointing low, is moving sedately from side to side, his eyes are bright, his heart is light, and he is - as always - torn.

On one hand, she's like a balm on his mind.
And on the other, he hates feeling out of control.

A swim? "Hmm," and even though his gaze has drifted out to the gently steaming waters again his ears fold gently towards her at the sound of her laugh. How? "Perhaps," is what he finally says. His own legs are still wet from where he crossed the stream, and though the night will be chilly he doubts it will be freezing. "But, there is warmth in numbers-" his nearest eye slides towards her "-and in leisurely hunts. I think you would be alright."
Played by becca who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Clueless, she blinked against his words. Warmth in numbers, in hunts. For a moment she wondered if he had somebody waiting for him somewhere. The water made it easy to miss scents. Perhaps he belonged somewhere that wasn't the Willows. His words could never apply to her. Could they?

Are you a hunter then? She examined his physical form now with a soft gaze, curious and wondering. She did not hide her gaze one bit.

Slowly she moved closer to the water. Ankles first. The cold not missed on her, but she could settle into this, she thought. If only he kept distracting her.

Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
He smells of nothing in particular: a touch of mountain air, dew and pine and oncoming winter, and underneath it all, that unique scent that could only be described as Malien. His gaze is steady and mellow, studying her face.

"I am what I need to be," he says, barely noticing that he's following her to the water's edge, stopping only when the chill hits his paw pads. "I've been traveling on my own for some time." She draws ahead of him, if just slightly, her reflection rippling, distorting. He blinks. Takes a step further, letting the cold soak his paws. "What about you?"
(This post was last modified: Sep 20, 2022, 09:14 AM by Malien.)
Played by becca who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank

For a moment, she wondered if that was her own problem. Having been what she needed to be. Only in the wilds had she been afforded the luxury of being who she wanted to be.

She would be lost in that thought for a moment, before realizing she hadn't answered his question. Now elbow deep in the chilling water. Oh, it's...been a while. Out here. Alone. Yes. She laughed awkwardly, even if it still sounded light. Oh, but there was good news too! I...I think I have found somewhere, though. I planned to go back to it when I was done here.

(This post was last modified: Sep 23, 2022, 12:46 AM by Venus. Edit Reason: guh typos )
Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
What's going on in that mind? He stands in the shallows, ankle-deep in frigid autumn water, as she seems to lose herself in thought - contemplating, perhaps, what to tell him? Malien's head tilts to the side, golden eyes softening uncharacteristically. Or, he thinks, she's just lost in the beauty of this place.

She looks like an angel, if such things were real.

He follows her a little deeper, the spell of the stillness broken by her laugh. And he finds himself wondering; what did you not say, just then? He folds the thought up, files it away. They're two strangers in the night, and it doesn't matter. "Oh?" His heart does a weird tumble, a stutter, a surge of some kind of anxiety or excitement. His long legs extend through the water to bring him to her side. "Must be quite the lucky place, to catch the eye of someone like you. What's it like?"
Played by becca who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She only noticed now, here in the water alongside him, just how large he truly was. Truly handsome! She suddenly grew grateful that they waded in the water, so she didn't fumble over herself on land.

Then he flattered her!

Her face grew hot despite the chilled water around them. Softly rolling her honey-brown gaze towards the ripples at her chest. Bashful at the way he worded things. Maybe she just...read into it too much! Maybe he was just awfully nice and she was growingly lonely.

I've met two from there. They seem...very warm and family-like though. A lone woman leads and while I haven't met her yet, her son and hunter were very kind. She felt like she was rambling. Continuing on and on. And yet she couldn't stop! Maybe you could come with me. If you're tired of being alone.