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See you again — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 95 posts.
Sanguine Cove VI. Subordinate
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
Despite being still very young and not knowing very the many variances that life presented, Matos knew something was not right. He couldn't describe it, but deep within his young self he just knew. Something was wrong. His mama had been acting different, frantic, tired, sad even. The dark pup didn't wander off as far nor as often as he once had. He felt the need to stick close to help either keep an eye on his dueling sisters or simply within his mother's line of sight. It seemed to help her not worry as much. He slept closer to the mouth of the den as to keep a listening ear for when his parents returned from wherever they went at night as well as being a physical barrier to either @Magg or @Monatalia trying to sneak off. The Eastfall-Slayer boy just wanted to help in any way he could and hated seeing his parents anything but happy.

It was neither his mother nor his father that pulled him from his sleep that early morning. But instead, a sad call that rang through the trees. Dark audits stood at attention before his mismatched gaze was pulled from behind inky lids. Blinking the sleep away, Matos first looked to the outside world seeing if he could see where the call came from. Seeing no one in the direct vicinity, he looked within to see his sisters still asleep. They would be fine; he'd be back before they woke...or so he thought.

Oversized puppy paws carried his growing body as fast as they could to where they all had been called to. Unsurprisingly many others had arrived before he did. His grandma, dad, the older kids, and his agemates were all gathered around the dark woman by the large fallen tree. Matos could sense something wasn't right, even before spotting his mother. His changing two-toned gaze saw her almost huddled away from the others. A loud whine fell from the boy's maw as he made his way to his mother's side. He nudged her with his nose in attempt to make whatever she felt go away. "Mama?" He whined quietly, pressing himself into her. He didn't like what was happening one bit and wanted it to go away. The weight of the situation would be unknown to him until someone explained it.
Played by Flywolf (ADOPTABLE) who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Monatalia Eastfall-Slayer
Mona wasn't the smartest but she certainly wasn't stupid; she knew something was going on. Everyone was acting funny and, more importantly, not paying nearly enough attention to her. Her brother was being frustrating as ever, taking to blocking her way whenever she tried to sneak off to play or follow mom or dad in their duties. It was even worse at night, and she was regretfully forced to adopt a regular sleeping schedule lest Matos tattle on her.

Tonight that sleep was disturbed by a call. Mona was content to ignore it and sink fully back into sleep, but she felt her brother move. She cracked one eye open just in time to see his tail disappearing from the den. Her nose crinkled as dissatisfaction swirled inside her. She didn't know the word 'hypocrite' just yet, but she certainly knew one when she saw one. Extracting herself from Magg and doing her best attempt to avoid waking her, Mona raced after her brother. She was ready to pounce on him and demand answers when she smelled many others.

The young girl slid to a stop next to her brother and parents. Her mother's face was pressed to her father's side and Matos hugged close. This didn't sit well with Mona, but not for the expected reasons. She was suddenly okay not being center stage - for right now. Something was very, very wrong, and she didn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever trouble was coming. The girl wiggled herself into the safety between her father's paws, looking up at him with wide eyes before following his gaze to the dark woman who was not her mother but the other mother.

Whatever was happening, it had to do with her.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Kajika had been resting in his usual place. The sun had just broken the horizon. He had yet to get up amd started his day. His advanced age kept him from rising as early as he used to. He didn't often feel the urgency to get his day started that he once had. When the song came through the gorest he raised his head to listen.

It was Oksana, a wolf he'd learned was a usually esant one didn't call with sadness. It only meant one thing. For a mome.t he remained hopi.g beyond anything that it wasn't true. That the boy he'd watched grow up had left this earth.

Finally he rise to his feet and made his way to the meeting place. What he found were grieving wolves and he knew that his Aleister had gone to join his mother.
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana waited silently for the others to answer her call. The mother pulled her pups close around her while she waited. One by one they came and it was apparent by their expressions that they already knew. How could they not? It wasn't often that a call such as the ine she'd delivered that morning descended upon the cove. Though each of them already knew of the news she was about to give them it was something that needed to be done out of respect for the pack amd her husband. As hard as it was going to be for the Crow she still had the pack to think about.

Once she was sure that everyone was present Oksana prepared to speak. "As you all may have discerned early this morning Aleister has left us. Though he may no longer be with us his spirit will dwell in our hearts and in the cove." Her gaze fell on Aquene then. "I also want to thank Aquene for everything she did for him after he was injured. I know she did everything she could to make him well."

Oksana was doing her best to keep her composure during this announcement. There would be time later for her to grieve for her husband. In that moment she knew it was important that the pack knew they could still count on her to lead them. She however wasn't finished with her announcements to the pack. "I would like to bury Aleister next to his mother. I think he will be happy there." She gave everyone a moment to process that before continuing on. "I will also be making the trip to the Chasm to inform Woya of Aleisters death. I will be leaving tomorrow and I need someone to watch over my children while I'm away."

She gave another few moments not wanting to rush anyone as they processed what she was saying. She had one last request of her pack. "You all knew my husband well. My children haven't had the chance to know their father as you all have. Please I ask that you share your memories with them and help them understand the kind of man he was." She of course would tell them everyday but hearing it from others would go a long way too.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 630 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

As a pack they gathered. Nash watched them assemble, the children and older members alike. It didn't take long for his wife to join them, pressing her face into him, and for their son to take up post on her other side with a low whine. Nash looked down as Mona wriggled between his paws and he shifted to allow his daughter room before looking back up to his leader. She kept a good face up, but the guardian knew the moment their backs were turned and she was alone she would allow herself to fall apart.

Once most of the pack was assembled, Oksana spoke. She shared news they all knew, but it needed to be shared anyway. When she said she would be personally traveling to the Chasm to talk to Woya, Nash blinked. "We can watch them, of course," he volunteered. He probably should have asked Aquene first, but he also knew his own mother wouldn't allow the children to be left to their own devices either. He wouldn't be alone in caring for them while Sana was away.


Played by Tasha who has 358 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

Aquene’s head hung as Oksana spoke of how Aleister had passed, thanking her for taking care of him as well as she did. The woman did not react; she did not move, nor did she respond to anything else that was said… it was Nash who would speak up for them, confirming that they would watch the children as Oksana went out to inform Woya of the death of her cousin. Death. He was gone. She had known that; she had been the one to confirm his passing, his death… and yet, it still did not feel real.

In that moment, she thought of her daughter, of Kateri who had lost her father without the change to say goodbye to him. She did not know if her daughter would ever find out… she had to hope she would return, to see them, and Aquene might be able to deliver such difficult news herself. She leaned lightly against Nash for support, but otherwise remained fairly unresponsive.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

The scene was absolutely heart wrenching. It took everything the elderly ebony woman had to keep from breaking down once more. Sucking in a deep breath she was able to steady herself. She needed to be strong for her family. There would be time later for her to break down. So, she sat on the outskirts and watched more of her family arrive before Oksana began. The confusion was clear on the children's faces, but the rough reality on everyone else's. Her dark leader spoke of how she would need to go and inform Woya of her cousin's death and a new wave of pain crashed into Moon. Another loved one added to the long list of those who would be devastated by this event. Silver tipped ears laid flat atop her skull as her head hung low. Only time would dull this pain.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
Stella felt cold and dizzy, but she was steadied by Leo at her shoulder. But no that wasn't fair, he'd lost as much as she had today. She planted her paws more firmly and leaned back into his protective shrug. They would need to support each other even more now, and he would always have her support.

Glancing around her, she saw all of her family and pack feeling the loss. Her head drooped in silence, Stella couldn't shrug off the reality of the situation, but she held back an angry, desperate of herself, if only to let it out in private later. Right now they all needed each other.

There was as much fear and uncertainty as there was sorrow. For the young Vuesain the whole world seemed to have been upended today.
Played by Grae who has 95 posts.
Sanguine Cove VI. Subordinate
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
The energy was very, off. It made the small child very uneasy. He could feel the sadness around him but he didnt understand why. When his mother didnt respond to him another whine tore through his throat. Changing colored eyes looked to his father with confusion. He caught his littermate Mona, wiggling in between their father's paws. Even she seemed off...she was quiet? Ya things were definitely not okay if even Mona was being quiet. All Matos wanted was for this feeling to go away, for things to go back to normal. One day he would understand why that wasn't ever possible.
Played by Flywolf who has 76 posts.
Inactive IX. Subordinate
Diantha Vuesain

She listened intently as her mother spoke, but things quickly seemed to fade out. Dad left? What did it mean, that he left? He was hurt, where was he going? She didn't understand. She thought her dad loved them and he wouldn't ever go away. Wide blue eyes looked up at her mother, filling with tears as she continued speaking words that Di was struggling to hear.


Di wasn't sure what that meant, but she knew it was bad because all the other grown ups were getting said, and mom had called everyone here. "Mama?" she asked softly, trying to get her attention and her attention alone. "Where did Dad go?"