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I want to feel my stars align again — Velo en Cascada 
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Played by Flywolf who has 54 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IX. Yearling
Ally Valle
For @Siv please <3

the night comes down like heaven

It all happened so fast. Dad had brought her to her grandpa and she’d spent a week trying to figure out this new place and working up the courage to meet anyone else. She finally made her way toward one of the cache sites she actually knew about on a foggy morning, hoping to run into somebody new, when a shape with twisting branches loomed in the white. Before she could think Ally was running, tearing through the forest without a destination in mind other than away. When she finally slowed down she had no idea where she was or how to get back. She spent a cold, shivering night crying and headed back the next morning. It took a full two days to realize she’d gone the wrong way, and by then the mountain was distant on the horizon. Sniffling, she turned for it. At least it made a good landmark.

Here she was weeks later, paws aching and cracked, stomach gnawing itself into knots with hunger, and stumbling with exhaustion. She'd barely managed to get by on carrion and one lucky catch of a startled squirrel stashing food. Now there was cold white powder on the ground some places and more days than not she wanted to curl up and cry for her dad.

As darkness fell the faint sound of trickling water met Ally's ears. She turned heavy paws toward the source and found herself looking at a waterfall. Or, what she imagined was once a waterfall. Right now it was mostly ice, with only a small dribble of water running down the foggy surface. The pup stumbled forward and lapped at the trickle, hoping the water may stave off at least some of the hunger.

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2023, 05:23 PM by Ally. Edit Reason: Fixing plotting )
Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún
She did not miss the tall trees, but she missed the company.

The lands here were seemingly near abandoned. Not another scent or sight of a wolf near her. Loneliness was not a thing she had worn well. There was a constant, pinched look about her face. As if her mind never lost a track of thought, constantly worried about something out of reach.

What she had not expected to see for her next company was a child.

Lone and scraggly. The winter looked ugly upon a girl not even a year old. Siv's heart ached strongly in the moments that followed first seeing her.

"Mær." Her voice was warm as she padded softly closer. "You are alone here? In the cold?"
speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Flywolf who has 54 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IX. Yearling
Ally Valle
the night comes down like heaven

Ally was so focused on the water she missed the sound of paws approaching her, and when the voice spoke with a harsh accent the poor pup jumped fully into the air as she spun around, a loud yelp leaving her mouth. She shrank back from the large woman, tail tucked tightly against her belly. She stared at the stranger with wide eyes. Her chest ached with how hard her heart hammered and she had to swallow the urge to burst into tears. Dad wasn't here to protect her, what was she gonna do if this lady was mean?

After a moment it appeared that the stranger wasn't going to hurt her, and Ally slowly nodded. Maybe she should have lied and said her dad was nearby. He might be, for all she knew. She had no idea where she was or if she was getting close to the last place she'd seen him. All she knew was the mountain was getting closer and her grandma waited at the top and maybe she could help Ally find her dad.

Lying wasn't the first thing to jump to the girl's mind though, and she hadn't yet interacted with anyone without dad at her side anyway. Maybe it would be fine.

Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún

A silent nod.

She wondered just how old the girl was. Whatever time she had spent alone had not done much to nurture growth. What had separated child from parent? Were this land's winters just as harsh as the ones she knew? A mother gone in childbirth? Perhaps just an...adventurous young soul who had flew the coop too soon.

Siv only smiled softly. Prepared to accept the role of a caretaker, an older sister. Brave girl. A mischievous grin settled softly on her features as she examined the ice around them. Even the grandest of nature's wonders could be halted by the freeze, it seemed.

You travel far? I travel too.

speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Flywolf who has 54 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IX. Yearling
Ally Valle
the night comes down like heaven

The woman smiled and despite her hard accent she looked kind, and the smile helped Ally to relax a little. Brave? She wasn't exactly brave. That's what got her into this situation in the first place - she was scared. Still, the statement bolstered her and she stood up a little more, though her tail remained firmly against her belly.

Again she nodded, then swallowed. She looked around them. "I'm lost," she admitted in a small voice. She might be growing closer to the mountain but that didn't mean she knew where she was, and she remembered how hard the climb was last time she went - and that was with her dad to help her. She didn't know how she'd make it on her own.

Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún

Lost was clear. Yet it had not revealed how the girl became separated from proper caretakers. Siv was not here to hound her for answers or corral her up immediately. A proper big sister only encouraged and assured safety, no matter what the situation was.

Lost is not always so bad. Her smile softened as her gaze raised to look around them. Only the trickle of water and the soft breeze of winter. No mother or father calling out for a child. No sibling that cried for company. If they looked for their child, they looked away from here.

What was it like? Where you are from.

speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Flywolf who has 54 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IX. Yearling
Ally Valle
the night comes down like heaven

The lady remained soft, and her expression only softened further after Ally spoke. She still didn't move closer, only serving to put Ally even more at ease. She thought over the stranger's words and shook her head. "I don't like it," she said. "I miss my dad." Here her voice broke finally. She missed her dad, and her mom, and her brother, even though she'd been so little when they left. She remembered Andy being sick and remembered burying him, and how broken her dad had been. All she remembered of her mother was a softness, warmth in a dark place, and a nice smell.

She missed that.

The woman asked her another question and Ally glanced away. "'m not from anywhere," she said. "...I have family up there." She pointed her nose toward the mountain. It wasn't the last place she saw her dad, but it was the easiest to find. Grandma would know how to get to dad from there.

Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún

Siv did not understand the sadness that slipped forth from a child's broken voice. How many nights had she missed her own family? Plenty, but she had not wallowed in it like sadness. Yet this girl was so young still. Would Siv had cried too at this age then maybe? She had not had the displeasure of knowing, nor would she ever.

Not from anywhere, but family upon the slopes. She felt she did not understand.

Your dad? He is up on high peaks? Maybe the mountain wolves understood that losing children was not so awful a thought then. Birth them into dangerous places and they might find that danger young. She wondered then if this girl had been lost down a crevice or cavern.

speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Flywolf who has 54 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IX. Yearling
Ally Valle
the night comes down like heaven

The stranger listened, and then asked another question. Ally wasn't sure if she was comfortable with these probes... but what else did she have to go off? She hadn't met anyone else out here, hadn't smelled anything promising... hadn't eaten nearly enough since she lost her dad. She slowly shook her head. "Grandma," she said. That's what that lady had been, right? Her mom's mom. She would be the easiest to find, up on the mountain. Dad had found them so easily. Then again, dad knew everything - everything except where mom was, and where Ally was.

And maybe a few other things. But at least he knew how to get un-lost.

"Grandma has a pack up there," she said, finally finding her voice. It wasn't home, but it could help her find it.

Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún
fading out <3


She wondered if the mountains were purpose...a different reference. If Grandma was more like among the stars, even if literal mountains stood right here.

Siv was uncertain what to do. She doubted even the hardiest of children would not struggle to climb mountains in winter. Yet if she went alone and without child there would certainly be scorn her own way. To be damned if she did, damned if she didn't.

We will feed you. Then make decisions, okay?

It was as good of a start as any.

speaks with a harsher nordic accent