March 16th; Early morning, approaching daybreak; Overcast Clouds, beginning to rain; 39.11° F, 3.95° C.
Anatole swore he had just arrived home yesterday and, now, it was time again to leave. He rose early, hours before the sun if only for a glimpse of those he loved. A small reminder for him to keep at the back of his head while he faced the world beyond the Backwater's borders.
His first stop was peering in on the pack den, half-smiling to those slumbering within. Next, he bid Oleander's empty tree good tidings. Just enough to last it while he was away. Anatole would surely miss him; he had not even had time to talk to the Valle for a while now. At the back of his mind, he thought to find a little something to bring back. A gift or a token. For fun... for the most part.
As Anatole's paws found the borders, he held his head high, steps steady, and ears forward. Maybe this time he would get lucky. His past couple of trips had yielded nothing. No news or chance sightings. Nothing @Eros would find particularly exciting.
He turned his back on the territory, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes for a brief moment.
I am ménage Gerau. There is no call we do not answer. There is no faith that we betray.
A shaky exhale as he forced himself to keep centered.
Dead Empress Backwater asks us to bring the lost home for good.
He dragged his tongue over the front of his nose and took a breath. Upon breathing out he regarded the forests beyond with clear eyes.
Ménage Gerau accepts.
The Scout swallowed, surveying the silence. If anyone had any more requests of him, this was their last chance. A moment too late and they would have to wait for him to return again when the moon was nearly full.