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OOC: Flywolf
Other Chars: Nash, Ally, Enera, Jacynth, Jessamy, Kalysta, Monatalia
Stats: same cuz he ded

Somehow, Archer had been talked into travelling with this strange woman who had appeared out of nowhere. It hadn't really take a ton of convincing, to be fair; he didn't have the energy to argue even if he'd wanted to. He had to admit having company would be nice... and helpful, since he was clearly not paying enough attention as he travelled. She was also annoyingly insistent on mothering him. He occasionally grumbled about it, but always acquiesced to her demands that he eat, rest, drink water. He'd been simply stumbling about for so long now...

Well, now they had a sort of plan. They were going north around the mountains. Archer hadn't gone that far yet, and he wasn't ready to try climbing the mountain again. If not mentally that certainly not physically. He was smart enough to know he wasn't doing well, and it was his own fault. Another reason travelling with Nori was probably a good thing; she was keeping him from running himself into the ground.

As their paws turned them toward the water Archer was fully expecting another demand to drink and take a break, and was rudely pulled to attention by a splash of water. He blinked at her, startled, as she wagged her tail, and then bounced forward. He barely dodged back in time, ears back in annoyance. What was she doing?

And then his brain caught back up with him and his expression softened. He wasn't quite in the mood for play, but he made himself hop forward into the water anyway, offering a half-hearted splash to soften his previous annoyance.

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