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helplessness blues — Luna Hill 
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Okay! So. Group hunt. Need 2 or 3 more wolves to join Volk to hunt some fallow deer at Blackberry Fields. My thinking is that they'll convene/meet at Luna Hill, then brilliantly realize/notice a herd entering the Fields below, assuming they can see that far. So this thread will probably continue with another one after the initial meeting shtuff is done with. Gogogo, anyone welcome! :]</blockquote>

<i>Cloudy — Current Temperature: 50° F/10° C</i>

<b>"I'm baaack,"</b> Volkan quietly announced to nobody, standing atop a hill that overlooked a vast field dotted with some kind of fruit bush – maybe berries or something? Even <i>those</i> sounded good to her right now; although spring seemed to be in full bloom, the lands to the north of Relic Lore, which she'd just briefly explored, had been pretty barren. And with no wolves to speak of hanging around up there, she'd decided to return to the land she guessed she was now calling home.

Now the dark, waif-like yearling could pretty much feel her empty stomach trying to digest itself, and her ice-blue eyes impatiently scanned the expanse of her new surroundings, tail flicking curiously. This hill had to have some kind of living creature prancing around, waiting to be eaten, right? Amidst the sour scent of not-yet-ripe berries drifting up from the valley below, Volk could smell that some sort of prey animal was close by on the hill: nosing around, she could smell the stale odor of a rodent burrow. Finding whatever it was would be easy; catching it would be the challenge. It seemed like days since she'd last hunted anything...

The scent strong on her mind, Volk suddenly realized that scents didn't get much stronger than this. Looking up, she noticed a fat, brown rabbit sitting pretty much right in front of her. It was hanging out beneath a bush, its beady eyes staring right at her. <i>Damnit,</i> she cursed inwardly, <i>already noticed me...</i> but fueled by the hunger in her stomach, she needed to try and <span class='word'>bushwhack</span> this thing–

Hardly giving herself or the rabbit time to blink twice, Volkan rocketed toward the rabbit, jaws agape and limbs outstretched. Unfortunately, the she-wolf succeeded only in catching a delicious mouthful of shrubbery, since the rabbit had zigzagged away and darted into the depths of its adjacent burrow. <b>"...Damnit,"</b> she complained with a huff, tail thumping against the ground.

Recovering, Volk plunked down on her haunches, knowing her meal was gone for the time being. And, thinking that she was completely alone, she began to whine the woes of a lone, hungry, spoiled brat...
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2011, 03:47 PM by Volkan.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>There was only so much he could do in the lands of Swift River. The lands were memorized to mind like the back of his paw. Indru was enforcing the borders like crazy with Corinna packing cubs, and though he had hoped his brothers, Ruiko or Kinis would visit they had not. The lad was getting a little stir crazy. Indru had much to do for his coming family, Marsh who was well fun to spar did not say much, and Triell couldn't exactly play with Ozera. He was afraid he'd hurt her, and it wasn't quite yet warm enough for him to feel a swim would be in her best interest. He figured it would hurt her sore joints, and was wishing as much as any for the day Cori would announce the little bundles were here. By than he was sure he wouldn't be to bored. He'd always wanted to play with pups, as he had found memories of romping with his siblings, young and old.

There was truelly something egging him on to continue his exploration of Relic Lore. It was really a never ending task, miles and miles of ground he hadn't encountered. It was something to do, and get some sort of accomplishment out of. Right now he honestly wouldn't mind meeting a friendly stranger. He had met some lone ladies, but there time was short, he had no idea if any were still around. He did remember his "promise" to take Adonia to the Wildwood. He wasn't trying to back out of it. He was only, very wary of going to the mountain, and running into Weldering again. Therefore he was trying to think the best way to call her without being pummeled. He was almost a yearling, very little left to grow, that didn't mean he'd win against the odd coated brute.

Brows furrowed upon his black face. He didn't know the Alpha of the mountain, and wondered if he should just meet whoever that was. Maybe they could talk sense into Weldering or something. Triell did want to see his friend again. Trotting along, the familiar scent of the field told him he'd been here before. He was trying to recall the time, when in the distance upon a hill he saw a bluish black blur dart after a smaller brown blur. Pace picked up, and he lingered closer realizing it was a wolf trying to snap a rabbit. She smacked into the bundles sticks. Grin lingered on his dark lips, not sure why he was amused, but he was. He heard a muttering curse, and it was soon followed by whines of an empty stomach.

<b>"Whining will you get you no where missy."</b> He spoke, teasing evident in his tone while heclimbed the small hill, eyes lit with amusement, and his grin evident on the corner of his lips.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The rabbit's den was about a wolf's length away from where Volkan sat pouting. Continuing to whine, she got to her feet slowly and shook the dizziness from crashing into the bush out of her head. It was pretty much hopeless to try and go after the stupid thing now, she knew, but that didn't prevent her from nosing slowly over to the rabbit hole, stopping when the burrow was between her front two paws. When she peered in, there was nothing but black darkness. How far down did these things go, anyway? Could she maybe dig down and get to it?

Luckily, before she could try out that stupid idea, someone came along. Volk hardly noticed his arrival, and the sound of his voice caught her off guard. She turned on her heels, startled slightly, while ice-blue eyes fell upon the dark male for the first time. He was smiling – no, grinning – and what he'd said made the mottled yearling frown somewhat, though she supposed he was right. But of course, she wasn't about to let him know that.

<b>"Oh yeah?"</b> She retorted quasi-cooly, trying to recover from how stupid she must have looked to him; he was bigger than she was, despite the tall spindly-ness her lanky legs gave her. And he seemed to be about her age. Nevertheless, Volk felt really dumb right about then. Matching his grin with a wry smirk of her own, she sidestepped away from the rabbit's burrow and moved toward him somewhat, feathery tail swishing curiously at her hind legs. <b>"Find me some lunch and I'll quit whining,"</b> she added, her words meant more as a joke than anything. She did realize that it wasn't his fault she sucked so much at hunting for herself. To be honest, she'd never really had to before now.

<b>"Sorry,"</b> she said shortly after a moment, staring at her paws as if distracted. <b>"I guess it's not your fault I suck at hunting."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2011, 06:51 PM by Volkan.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The mottled wolf turned round, and Triell did not flinch at the quick action. Instead he stood indifferently watching her with a interest spark to his eyes. Wondering how she'd take his comment, and studying her face. The girl's eyes were a bright hue like a clear, summer sky. Something rare, and beautiful to the black lad. She did not speak at first, but there was the evidence of an upside down smile. It wasn't enough to give him a clue to what kind of wolf she was. When she did speak it was a retort. A quiet chuckle tumbled in closed jaws. He supposed she was around his age, or her mindsight was just so. She matched his grin with a smug smile, a step in his direction, away from her hopeful dinner's home. The lad held his stance, she was rather tall, long limbs of sorts, but he didn't feel threatened. He was much to curious, bored of sorts, and he'd yet met a girl who could scare him.

His chuckle hummed once again in his throat at her second retort. Her whining wasn't his problem, and he was amused by the bold demand. Who walked up to strangers, and told them to find them food? He didn't know her well enough to know if they were a joke, or reality. He had met a wolf who'd damned him to hell for peeing on a snowbank, so it kept it from assuming to much these days. <b>"What if I'm no better hunter than you?"</b> He put the question in the open, let her think about something. She didn't look paticulary underfed. Maybe she could convince free suppers out of wolves. Male Tainn's seemed inclined to help damsels in need. And it was clear he was a decent hunter, he was anything but starved looking. So his own tease was evident.

After a moment she appoligized, and the lad shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He was surpised she'd lost her bold front, but all the same was glad to see it gone. <b>"Eh I don't take things personally, and I doubt your that bad. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. I'd hate to think how many dumb rabbits got the best of me."</b> He stated, knowing it'd been a lot, and how grateful he was that it hadn't been witnessed. His black banner twtiched out behind him, and he took a brief glance around before looking back to the girl. <b>"Are you sure you want a rabbit though, you know we could try for something...bigger."</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Volkan and Triell are too cute. :3

Knowing that pup's were coming had made all the pack more alert and if anything, had brought them even closer together making each member of the pack feel even more like family. They all had one common goal, to keep the offspring and the pack's future safe, and this group determination was what would keep their pack strong, even through any more harsh times they were to face. It was not long until the pups would be birthed, Indru thought late May would be the most probable time, and as the month drew closer to the end his whole body thrummed with anticipation and excitement. His first litter, it was both a joyous time and one filled with trepidation for the Tainn who continuously questioned whether he'd be up to the task of fatherhood, but if there was one thing Indru was determined to do was to keep them all safe.

As close as it was to the arrival of the newest Tainn's hunting was becoming even more important, it was necessary to keep the pack and Corinna especially strong and with the current youngest litter soon reaching adulthood Indru felt confident about the pack's ability to do so. Triell and Borlla were both skilled for their age but pup's never had a big role in the main hunts, that part was still very new to them. When they became yearlings their role in the event would most certainly increase, it would fall to them to pick the prey and start the chase, conversing the strength of the adults to bring the prey down at the end. However Indru was not one to miss out on helping hone their skills whenever he could, something he had been taught the importance of from both his father and uncle, so when he caught Triell's fresh scent in the fields he decided to find his young brother.

Soon Luna Hill approached and as Indru began to pick up the scent of a unfamiliar female, something which Triell's more recognised and therefore more prominent scent to him had disguised. She was young he could tell from her scent and as he climbed the hill Indru kept quiet, trying to gauge the situation before he made an appearance of his own. It was not so long ago that he could remember the excitement of stumbling across a youth of similar age who he had not met before when he was young, especially later on when she turned out to be of the opposite gender. Small snippets of their conversation reached his ears making Indru grin to himself and when he leapt gracefully up the last of the slope of the hill onto flatter land he shot Triell a quick knowing smirk. Triell, he greeted, a small, teasing undercurrent of humour in the word, unable to resist, before turning to the pretty female to the right of him and greeting her too, hello there. I'm Indru and young Triell here is my brother. After pausing her to introduce herself if she wished Indru lowered himself to sit down the grasses and peered between the two wolves, hunting, eh? Well, I think we could try something a tad more impressive than a rabbit if you think you two are up to the challenge. A toothy grin split Indru's muzzle as his fiery eyes continued to dart to both of the young wolves, knowing that Triell at least would never turn down one of his challenges.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Oops, this post is a little off. I have a final in 52 minutes and my brain's not completely together ;D

<blockquote>Her previous words tinged with a hint of dejectedness, Volkan quickly snapped out of her embarrassment as soon as the black male spoke. She thought about his question briefly, head tilting in a somewhat birdlike manner, tail flicking her ankles. Rather shamelessly studying his appearance, she took note of his sleek fur; a wolf didn't just get handsome like this guy was without being well-fed – hence why Volk herself appeared more than a little disheveled. So of course he was joking. Or... he was part of a pack. Given his strong scent, the latter was likely. Suddenly the female felt a little uneasy. Was she trespassing? Volk was used to being the princess of a pack, not a lowly loner like she was now. While she knew she couldn't help it, she despised the feeling...

A quick glance at his fire-colored eyes sent her ice-blue ones to her paws as she pondered this, but his acceptance of her apology reassured her enough to look back up at him once again, this time with a small smile. Hunt for something <i>bigger</i>? Thoughts of rich elk meet filling her mind, she felt her mouth water and her stomach growl again. It had been so long since she'd had anything substantial, a treat like the winnings of the hunts her dad's cronies used to go on. That white female Vlarindara had given her fish, but even fish didn't compare to something large, something you could eat until you were so full you thought you'd explode...

<b>"You mean... just – the two of us?"</b> Volkan inquired, at the same time excited and unsure. She was a decent fighter and had been through more than a yearling's share of battles, but this guy had already witnessed how useless she was at hunting. <b>"I mean –"</b>

About to accept his offer without even knowing his name, Volkan fell silent as she watched another male arrive on the hill. With her dignity fully in tact this time, she greeted him with a small smirk and a dip of her head – and then his scent hit her. Why it hadn't before, she wasn't sure, but it was overwhelming and matched the younger male's almost perfectly. So then, her assumption had been correct. Volkan, say hello to your first pack wolves.

The bigger male was handsome, too, and Volk found herself speechless. She could sense some sort of awkwardness in the air but couldn't place it, so she simply stood and smiled, suddenly feeling very dumb and girly. But she did take note of the black male's name: Triell. When the new wolf introduced himself, Volkan felt much more at ease. These guys weren't so bad. <b>"Volkan Aquila,"</b> she responded when Indru clearly gave her pause to do so, and then instantly felt stupid for having betrayed her surname: <i>your family name means nothing here,</i> she scolded herself inwardly. But as Indru went on, she listened to his words and nodded her approval, her wry smirk from earlier replaced with a genuine smile.

<b>"Of course,"</b> she responded quickly, having no reason to disagree. <b>"That sounds... awesome. Y'know, if Triell thinks he can handle it."</b> Too soon to joke? Who cared – Volk was feeling a little fearless now, and her confidence sparkled in her eyes. She shot him a cheesy grin, her heart secretly beginning to race as she wondered whether or not he'd point out her little mishap from only moments before.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>no worries chels, i know that feeling 8) *tackles indru with brotherly love* </i>
<blockquote>He hadn't thought much if she were a loner or pack wolf. It was automatic his nostrils breathed in nothing of the mountain nor the forest scent, he was a river wolf, so he assumed she was alone. Maybe if she was a loner trespassing recklessly on marked territory he wouldn't be so friendly. It was in his blood, to protect in his home. Far as he knew this was open range. Wolves could come, and go as they pleased. Him or her. Didn't much matter.

He could feel icey blue stare picking him apart while she thought over the question he'd thrown back. Eyes met, though his hardly strayed from hers, but she looked downward as if she might have been ashamed. The wheels in his head were going faster than usual trying to figure her out. What made her bold one move, and unsure the next. His ease response drew her eyes back up, the hint of a more real smile. What that was for he wasn't sure. Smiled back all the same waiting for her answer. He figured she'd take him up on the offer, it was better to try with help, if he failed it wouldn't be alone. He had in mind tracking a deer, or a newborn. Wolves were not the only animals birthing this time of year.

Brows brushed together slightly, but he nodded upon her inquiry. The lad was confident they could get something, if not bigger than a rabbit he could least get another snack for her. Why he was inclined to help, well must be something in his genes.

Her words were stopped short, and Triell realized he had been followed. The lad had wandered many a time if Indru had worried over him with his treks, or if Indru just knew where he was by some unknown power. It was the first time he'd seen his brother outside packlands he actual had to force himself not to jump at hearing his name coming out in that playful tone Indy could use. Thanking some unknown he could not blush, his face went from surprised, to relaxed smile like a mask to cover up slight awkwardness. He'd never felt awkward before, not like this when he was doing absolutely nothing wrong. He figured it was innocent.

Collected face, not much to say his attention managed to stay on Indy. The girl was quiet again, but kindly introduced herself to them. <i>Volkan.</i> It was different, something he wouldn't be forgetting. Indy continued, and it was clear he'd been hearing clippets of there conversation. It didn't bother Triell, but it did. Like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar or something, and Indru was having a good laugh. He hardly had time to think about it because Indru envoked a challenge, and Volkan was adding to it as well. <b>"Handle it? "</b>A bold laugh shook his sides. <b>"You just wait,"</b> he said. Then his grin meet hers, noticing the change in her eyes, and how her own boldness was back again. Looking to Indru, odd moment forgotten he smirked. <b>"Shall I lead or you brother?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
YAY ALL MY PAPERS ARE DONE. :D Just exams... joy. Haha. Hmm, if anyone else was stilling looking to join they could meet us at the herd outskirts maybe? Also, Switch & Chels feel free to powerplay Indru moving forward/reaching the herd to make it easier hehe.

Though he thought he should perhaps feel a little bad, Indru couldn't help but get a small joy over teasing his younger brother and Indru couldn't help revelling in Triell's innocence while it was still there pleased that was one thing at least the fire had taken from them. The young female smiled and Indru couldn't help but return it, his ears perking forward as his tail waved just briefly behind him, he was all too aware of how intimidating his size (and most certainly the dominant scent that clung to him) could be to lone wolves. Her name had no meaning for him, as most lone wolves didn't, but he noted it with a nod already finding himself warming to the girl for reasons he was unsure off, perhaps it was her youth and Indru's strong familial nature, but Triell seemed to like her and he trusted his brother's judgement. Besides, perhaps being a father-to-be had softened him slightly, not that he would ever admit it.

The playful challenge he had issued them was taken up quickly by the pair of them, Volkan showing no hesitation and being the first to respond, causing Indru to shoot her a quick grin of approval, pleased with the young girl's spirit. It only caused him to wonder further why she was a lone wolf, her personality and spunk would no doubt get her accepted into a pack as it was clear she would be an active addition to say the least. The dark furred girl then in turn teased his younger brother and Indru turned his attention to Triell, reinforcing Volkan's challenge with a titled head and smirk on his face. Like he knew he would though Triell jumped at the chance and come out with a uncharacteristically cocky comment of his own and amused Indru shook his head, by all means, brother, go ahead. However the Tainn was fairly confident that Triell wouldn't know where to start leading a hunt, it was not really a lesson that had approached yet, more focussing on the technique of hunting itself and wondered whether the remark was a small ploy to impress Volkan. Just in case Indru decided to take pity on the boy, lifting himself to his feet and walking through the middle of the group and towards the other side of Luna Hill, his dominance in the situation now dripping of him, leadership was something that Indru could now wear like a second skin.

As he continued down the hill Indru scented the air lightly, pleased that there was clearly a fairly large herd nearby, offering them a higher chance of finding a suitable target for the three of them. He was unfamiliar with Volkan so the experience she had was not known to him, but he expected it would be similar to most wolves her age — the basic skill of chasing was developed and being able to pick out suitable prey (the most common job a yearling had in a pack) but everything beyond that was more witnessed than experienced with larger prey. The younger wolves just didn't have the strength or experience to be much assistance in bringing down large prey, besides the fact that they were too precious to the pack's future to be so close to the dangerous hind legs of the target. So, what brings you to Relic Lore, Volkan? Indru asked, peeking over his shoulder at the girl, as he continued to head towards the herd, letting his nose guide him until they came in sight and the teaching began.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Agh, sorry for the wait D: My a cappella group is on tour and I haven't had much downtime!

<blockquote>As Triell and Indru conferred, Volkan felt her stomach growl again; the promise of larger game, though she didn't yet know what it would be, was enticing to her, and she could hardly wait to taste the rich meat of something larger than a rabbit or fish. Both of her new acquaintances seemed to know exactly where to find game to hunt, and the lone wolf was thankful for that. She was glad to be in their company, though she did feel strangely flattered that they had taken so kindly to her. And she still had a strange feeling about the dark male, Triell, that she couldn't quite place – but it was exciting, and she beamed at Indru and then back at his brother as they spoke.

It was decided that Triell would lead the trio for the time being, and Volkan followed him silently, a renewed vigor in her eyes as she took in the scenery around her. This place was actually quite beautiful; the two males were lucky to have such a bountiful home in Relic Lore. In the dimness of the overcast day, everything looked vibrant and rich in the natural light; a cool, soft breeze whispered through the emerald trees around them as they descended the hill. Where they were going, Volk wasn't sure, but as they travelled her heart began to race, her tail keeping up a steady wag behind her.

She took up the rear of the three, feeling it best to let the brothers do the leading. When Indru looked back at her, she smiled pleasantly, though inside his question caught her off guard. It shouldn't have. It was a common question, she knew, and she should have been prepared to answer it – although she hadn't thought of a story yet. Of course, she couldn't tell him the real reason... but he was nice enough to have some sort of answer. <b>"My pack... was destroyed,"</b> she half-blurted, her words tinged with a subtle hint of sadness. <b>"Well, I mean, they disbanded. There was a disagreement between the alphas... I dunno, it was all pretty complicated."</b> Well, <i>that</i> was unconvincing – the story must have sounded absurd, especially with how nonchalantly she'd come off. As an attempt to change the conversation, she decided on a whim to ask the same question of the two brothers. <b>"But, I'm assuming you guys are part of a pack, right?"</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2011, 11:55 PM by Volkan.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><i>sorry tara i should have been clear triell didn't want to lead the hunt, just the way there X). and i hope deer work? since we have youngin's..</i>

Triell by no means wanted to, or thought on leading the real hunt. He was inexperienced in a group more than two, and would not know where to begin. It was only the last few times he waited for the adult to lead him to where they should start, they insisted he lead the way he volunteered, sort of, not to wait any further to find a good meal. The young Tainn waspleased Indru was amused by this, and not bothered. Indru after all was the one wolf he did follow, but giving the go ahead the lad grinned. He could at least look for something better than rabbit, and if luck have it Indru could tell them what the best way would be take down their prey. He hoped, Triell wasn't up for guessing wrong, and it costing them lunch. He was sure Cori could use some extra helpings, and this put his mind at ease.

Indru turned away, playing the part of the leader he was. Triell, held himself proudly, but no higher than his brother to show confidence, yet his place in order. Trotting down the small slope, he tested the air picking up the same herd as Indru. He jogged a little further, picking his own trail out of independence, seeing Indru head the same way, he turned about to fall in step with his brother. He didn't want to scare the herd after all. There was the question Indru had tossed to Volkan the lad was most interested in hearing the reply.

Inside the lad cringed at the word destroyed, and his step caught in mid air, cran turning back to catch sight of her with a bit of surprise to his black mask. Her further explaination didn't seem as terrible, not nice, but not as aweful as destroyed. He didn't think she was lying, just uncertain how to explain. It sounded messed up in his imagination, and he wondered if she was an orphan too. The question came back, and Triell grinned at Indru. He figured by his brother's royal posture she might have guessed he was at least more. A throaty laugh, black banner waved a couple times as they continued their pace. <b>"Well I'm part of a pack, and Indru here is in charge of it,"</b> he said, not sure why he was amused by this, but it was clear he was proud of Swift River, and Indy.

The wind blew a little rougher at his face, and the deer scent thoroughly engaged his nostrils now to the point his mouth wanted to water. There was excitment, and both uncertainty coarsing through him, but he stopped when his fiery eyes spotted them dining on the blackberry bush still unknown their enemy was afoot. Stiffening he slowly crouched, eyes glancing to Volkan before meeting Indru's ready for instruction.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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