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so much better in the sunlight — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
For Ara & anyone who fancies it. :P Hmm, is it worth us trying to 'discover' or create a new sub-territory? (:
Current Weather: Mostly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 41° F/5° C

If he was asked what had brought him in this direction, especially with the woods that now surrounding him looking so intimidating in the dark of twilight, he wouldn't have had a good answer. He didn't have a clue — perhaps it was the desire to extend his knowledge of Relic Lore further but Indru was slightly suspicious whether it was just the thrill of going somewhere, anywhere, new. Corinna was bloated with the new life that grew inside of her and the thought of becoming a Father was so thrilling and utterly terrifying to Indru that he had firmly stuck to her side, and thus in the pack lands, for days to make sure she was kept safe, waiting with bated breath for the time when they would just arrive, finally, so he could meet them. It was yet to come and the insistent ripples of anticipation that made his spine curl and his fur bristle (and therefore snap and any other pack member in sight) had been bad enough to drive himself from his beloved's side and just run himself free of it.

So, as the sun had set beneath the horizon, Indru had gazed up to find himself face to face with the forest which had been the setting for most of the ghost stories he had shared with his siblings when he was a pup. Part of him had wanted to be sensible and go somewhere much more comforting and relax but the other part, the one that wanted a big enough thrill to make him forget the worry that rested on his shoulders, had wanted to relieve the ease of his puppy hood and conquer the Ghastly Woods once and for all. The decision his subconscious had come to had utterly nonplussed the boy, but he had decided to go with it and as the hooting of the waking owls echoed around him Indru took the first steps under the tall, shadowing trunks that seemed to cast a perpetual shadow onto the undergrowth below.

Every so often Indru found himself suddenly halt in his explorations as a echo of a seemingly far off cry of something seemed to circulate around him, causing his hackles to rise up along his spine and, on occasion, a small growl to rumble through his throat. At some points the journey was utterly terrifying, and Indru absolutely revelled in it. Eventually his wandering caused him to stumble across a snaking stream, eerily quiet in the deep, dark forest, leaving a sound almost like a whisper curl around you and leave the weirdest feeling of something murmuring in your ear or just over your shoulder. It was nothing like the comforting babbling of the swiftly flowing river Indru now called home but he walked forward splashing his paws into it cautiously and dropped his head to drink, soothing his dry mouth from the adrenaline rush the forest was capable to beating through his veins.

Played by Ara who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
There was no point in denying it – the long nights spent travelling through these lands was beginning to catch up on him. He felt tired, to the point of exhaustion. His body yearned for sleep and his muscles ached with every move he made. Daedalus knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up military-like pace for much longer: but he wasn’t too disappointed – he had made great progress and have travelled many miles without too much complication. His nostrils flared as he felt a sense of pride swell up deep in his throat – however, the feeling of elation would short lived as his ankle buckled for the second time that day. He had managed to ignore it the first time but now it was beginning to irritate him. A dark scowl tore across his features as he gazed forwards at nothing in particular. He was at the end of his tether. Tonight he’d rest – no matter how much he would complain.

With his plans for that even changed the timber wolf decided to seek out some shelter. He’d noticed some woods nearby but until now had paid them no attention. Turning back on his heels he retraced the path he had once walked until he reached the large gathering of trees. Amber eyes slowly trailed down the nearest tree trunk before he took a step back to survey the general area. Well, he wouldn’t say it was the most idyllic setting to spend the night alone – but it would have to do for now. With a grunt and a quick flick of his tail the male began his search for temporary sleeping quarters. It was getting late and beneath the thick leafy canopy of the trees, the night seemed that much darker. Daedalus’ fur bristled as a cold breeze tickled down his spine. The incessant rustle of the leaves as they quaked upon their bony branches set the male on edge.

Failing to yet find a place that appealed to him, when he picked up on the hiss of a stream nearby his desire to rest was quickly vanquished. As he breezed in closer, a slight limp in his gait, he was surprised to find himself welcomed, not only by the sight of refreshing water, but also by the figure of another wolf. Black nostrils flared as he inhaled the male’s scent upon approaching him. Immediately it was clear that the male was a high-ranking pack wolf and so by the time Daedalus had crept up behind him – he made sure to display a neutral posture in respect to the more dominant individual. By law Daedalus knew there was no need to display such chivalry but if the stranger was anything his past Alpha – respect would always be commanded from him no matter his current circumstances.

<b style="color:#8a321c">"Good Evening." He breathed, his voice deep and warm as he lowered his head down to linger by his paws out of courtesy.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It seemed impossible to relax in this forest, however many times Indru managed to prove to himself that there was nothing around him and that the noises he heard were down the eerie, ice cold creek at his feet. Indru couldn't help but wonder if the wood would be so nerve wracking with company or whether it would actually turn out worse in a way, but at the moment he found himself wishing that his brother, Ruiko, where here to explore with him as much as he was enjoying himself in a weird, twisted way. It had been a long time since he had just explored for the sake of exploring and the sense of freedom that he felt doing so was wonderful.

Indru's senses were on hyper alert, strengthened further by the adrenaline that was beating through his body, and it did not take long for him to notice the sudden appearance of a fresh scent. Inhaling sharply he dissected it quickly, a male, loner, and not one that he recognised either. The Tainn was on two minds whether it was a good thing or not (it was company, after all) when the wolf in question soon appeared and Indru's spine prickled with the feeling of being watched. Abruptly he spun, hackles raised and a growl ready to escape his throat, before he noted the calm posture of the other and halted, watching him with curiosity. The male spoke and Indru nodded his head to him quickly in response and watched him drop his head into a respectful position which Indru presumed was because of his rank, the leader was grateful (and a little surprised) at the gesture and relaxed in turn though his tail remained curled just slightly over his back in a small sign of the rank he did hold to some. Indru Tainn, Leader of the pack near the Swift River, his confident voice introduced, ears twitching in anticipation for the other to do the same in the significant pause Indru let hang after his words. What brings you out here? It was a innocent question and Indru let a small smile break his muzzle briefly to show so after he spoke, more intrigued than anything why a lone wolf would be drawn to a place like this.

Played by Ara who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silently waiting in the shadows, Daedalus’ muscles tensed for the split second he noticed the stranger’s hackles raise. He hadn’t meant to intrude and was weary of getting into a fight so soon after arrival to these lands. As the male spun around to face him Daedalus stubbornly refused to take a single step away. He maintained his calm posture and his lashes batted once in submission to the pack wolf who now curiously watched him. The timber wolf’s pleasantly, he noted, seemed to go down well with the male who subsequently nodded his head and relaxed a little. However the male’s tail still curled dominantly over his back – confirming Daedalus’ suspicions that this wolf did in fact hold a high rank of importance within his pack.

"Indru Tainn, Leader of the pack near the Swift River," The male spoke confidently. <b style="color:#8a321c">"Daedalus." He replied swiftly, wanting to get the formal greetings out of the way. He was far more interested in the pack Indru had just claimed himself Leader to. Swift River: He had heard that name once before. His amber gaze glanced down as he remembered back to Borlla. For a moment he thought about mentioning her, but decided to put it off for the time being. "What brings you out here?" Daedalus returned the smile with a small gesture of his own before answering Indru’s question. <b style="color:#8a321c">"I was hoping to settle down for the night." He gave a casual shrug of his shoulders as he quickly glimpsed down to his aching paw. It should feel better in the morning provided he get a good night sleep.

Amber eyes looked down to the small creek that Indru had been drinking from before promptly breezing in beside the alpha to quench his own thirst. The sensation of the cool liquid sliding down his throat left him feeling revitalised. Only after a long drink did the timber wolf turn to look back up to Indru, a little apprehensive.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As normal the name the lone wolf spoke had no flicker of memory for Indru and it was confirmed that they had not met before, though he had not used his family name (if he had one), but Indru knew now that the scent that coated the wolf was one he would know now belonged to a wolf called Daedalus. In response he gave him another curt nod, relaxing just a bit further now that the other seemed amicable enough to introduce themselves, surely if he planned to randomly challenge another he would have done it by now. The stranger then answered his next question and in response Indru's right brow rose, a small, playful smirk appearing on his face as he glanced around them with a exasperated air. You wanted to settle for the night here? To Indru this was perhaps the most unwelcoming land in this part of the vast forest before them. The Tainn could not imagine Daedalus having a particularly enjoyable night in these woods, especially if he stayed nearby this creek which was beginning to set Indru's teeth on edge with the constant, eerie whispering of the water by his paws. I've never been to this... This odd creek before, but I can't imagine it would make for a comfortable night. A small, throaty chuckle broke from Indru's muzzle and he peered again around them, shaking his head in confirmation, no, he would much rather a night back home in the pack den pressed tight against Corinna's side.

The male took a step closer and though he wasn't looking at Indru the Tainn couldn't help by bristle ever so slightly again before he saw his intention was to drink and he settled, holding his ground and taking the opportunity to look over the male. He was younger than Indru, he could tell by his scent alone, by he was old enough to be fully grown and Indru could see that he did not reach the large (and often intimidating) size he had — not that he was naive enough to think that size was everything, though. His fur pattern and eyes though were fairly similar, which Indru could confirm when the male stopped drinking and turned to look at him perhaps with a degree of nervousness. What brought you to Relic Lore? Do you seek to join a pack or do you have intentions to move on through? This was not an uncommon thing after all, Indru had greeted many a lone wolf to only see them gone the next day leaving him with only the slightest degree of lingering jealously at their wanderlust on occasion, most of the time they were forgotten and never thought of again.

Played by Ara who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru seemed bewildered by Daedalus’ idea to sleep out in the woods. The timber wolf’s tail flickered slightly to one side as he glanced around at the trees that surrounded them before turning his attention back to the alpha. It didn’t seem so bad. It might have been a little creepy and but as a lone wolf he couldn’t afford to be too fussy. Dainty chin canted to one side as he tilted his head a little in concern – russet ears lingering on pulling back. <b style="color:#8a321c">"It will do for one night." He affirmed nodding gently; trying to assure both himself and Indru. Besides, at least it was cool and dark. He hated being out in the heat of the day. Another cool breeze sent a shiver down his spine then as if deliberately trying to unease him. The male’s lips stiffened in defiance as a small wrinkle snaked up his muzzle. He had little choice anyway; he had no where else to go.

"I've never been to this... This odd creek before, but I can't imagine it would make for a comfortable night." Daedalus really couldn’t understand what the alpha male found so distressing about the idea. Perhaps after so many months of living the life of luxury the male had forgotten how fend for himself. A hint of disapproval flashed in the timber wolf’s fiery stare then as he looked Indru up and down – not making any attempt to hide his opinion. It was a pity. <b style="color:#8a321c">"It achieves its purpose. The water tastes just fine.." Indru chuckled as he glanced around them but Daedalus failed to see the humour. Amber eyes glared at the alpha. <b style="color:#8a321c">"What are you so afraid of, Alpha?" He used the term lightly as his brows raised in question.

The male could sense eyes upon him as he leant down to take a drink. The feeling of being watched was all too familiar to the timber wolf, but beneath the eyes of a stranger, his hackles raised to confirm that he was aware. He was beginning to get suspicious about Indru – but then that was just in his nature; he was suspicious of almost everyone. "What brought you to Relic Lore? Do you seek to join a pack or do you have intentions to move on through?" Amber eyes flickered up to the male before glancing back down in thought. His paws gripped the earth restlessly before he drawled a reply. <b style="color:#8a321c">"I’m a pack wolf at heart." It felt weird to admit it, especially to an Alpha, considering he was currently a loner. He didn’t want Indru to assume anything just yet. When the right time came he would go searching for a pack, but until then he was content to spend life on his own in search for the best opportunities.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Shoulder's rose in a careless shrug at the wolf's confirmation of location, it made no difference to him where he wished to say, though Indru could not see any wisdom in the wolf's answer — who would choose to stay in the most unwelcoming territory, scarce of food, when there were much more appropriate ones? There was a reason the territory had such a reputation, and was so aptly named, after all. The sudden look that crossed the wolves face, and the sweeping disrespectful gaze, was not missed by Indru and he stiffened immediately, fiery eyes hardening on Daedalus's. When he spoke Indru scoffed lightly, his nose wrinkling in the threat of a low growl. Afraid? Wary, and rightly so, you will not survive long as a lone wolf if you think yourself safe everywhere. Perhaps, Indru thought, he had misjudged this wolf when he had first met him — the intelligence he had seemed to have shown was now a doubt in Indru's mind, were his senses so muted he did not notice the slight sense of danger the wood permitted? Especially on unfamiliar land, he reminded, unlike Indru this wolf had not spent his entire life here, had not spent the summers exploring further than they were supposed to with his younger brother.

Though the other's response surprised him Indru did not show it and suspicious stole through him at the answer, a pack wolf? Perhaps he would have believed him earlier, but now Indru was unsure of him, he didn't seem the type to want company or to want to work as a team. The thoughts that crossed thorugh his mind were kept hidden when he shrugged non-comittally in response, walking away from the water, careful to not let his eyes leave the male, and pausing beside a large rock on the drier portion of forest floor. No wolf can reach their full potential without a pack, and his comment was meant in agreement with the male, he too was a pack wolf. No loner could reach their full size, full health or full strength without a packs support, nor could they reach their true potential mentally either, wolves were social beasts at heart. Though Daedalus was smaller than he anyway his life as a loner could be traced upon his body as Indru was certain he would only thrive further on the larger kills only a team could make. Though his posture had softened once Indru had reverted back to his previous state, his fur bristled along his spine (only increasing his already large size), as his hard gaze watched him with no concern, only a slight hint of a challenge, if it was a fight that he wanted Indru was not lacking in confidence about his chances.

Played by Ara who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It seemed his attention was unwelcome by the alpha as Indru’s gaze turned cold, hard like stone. Daedalus was quickly managing to crawl beneath his skin and the aggressive line that cracked down Indru’s muzzle only encouraged the timber wolf’s fiery mood. The Alpha scoffed at him, obviously thinking him a fool – but Daedalus’ small smile only widened into a mischievous grin. Indru might not have been enjoying this, but Daedalus had not had a challenging conversation in a while and although he had held no intention of creating one, when one arose such as now – Daedalus just couldn’t let it slide. Being alone for so many months had left him unsocial and in the short term perhaps it helped, he had calmed down an awful lot; but he had also grown increasingly bored. And boredom was never a good thing for Daedalus. It had a tendency to bring out the worst in him.

"Afraid? Wary, and rightly so, you will not survive long as a lone wolf if you think yourself safe everywhere." The timber wolf stepped forwards and dared to curl his tail aggressively above his back, almost it seemed, inviting confrontation. <b style="color:#8a321c">"And you will get nowhere in life cowering behind your insecurities." He paused, his eyes seeking out the larger male’s. <b style="color:#8a321c">"You must face up to them." Black nostrils flared as he stepped past the male and moved a few metres into the woodlands beyond. The alpha moves away also, repositioning himself away from the water and pausing beside a large rock. "No wolf can reach their full potential without a pack," Daedalus knew this – but he also knew that a pack worked as a team. It was up to the leaders to keep them safe and strong, guide them away from danger. But how strong was Swift River if all they ever did was run behind their alpha – tail tucked between their legs.

The male huffed and flicked his tail once before noticing the alpha’s change in posture. He was tense, perhaps a little challenging. Daedalus’ nerves were subtly revealed in the casual lick of his lip as he turned full-front to face the Alpha. Lean legs stiffened into position as his tail straightened up to flag behind him. If Indru wanted to prove his authority then the timber wolf would gladly accept the challenge. Fights for dominance had been a common occurrence growing up and so the male had come to accept them. Ranks were always changing – nothing was permanent. This was just a way of life for the young timber wolf.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Cockiness and wrongly placed confidence seemed to go in hand with younger males it seemed, and Indru looked at the wolf with open disdain as he continued speaking irrelevant words. Though some wolves, and perhaps his brother was a weakness to this, found themselves riled easily by the words of another Indru would never be led into a unintelligent rage by words alone, his ego was not so weak to be dented by this male with no claim of anything to his name. At the departing 'words of wisdom' Indru had to struggle to hold in laughter, a smirk of pure amusement curling his face handsomely as he sighed dramatically, the respect he once held for the wolf evaporating quickly ito be replaced with a mixture of pity and amusement. It seems these insecurities you speak of are your own, he offered with a unconcerned grin. After all, I guess, what have you achieved? It was a shame, Indru had to think, how promising the wolf seemed at first, but he had no time for disobedient wolves who liked to think they knew it all, they would learn how infallible and destructible they were when they felt and saw loss like he had.

This wolf — undoubtedly weakened by the life as a lone wolf, living on meagre kills and not to say less than impressive to look at — held no flicker of fear for Indru like he seemed to think he would. When Daedalus switched his own posture much to match Indru's, tail and hackles raised, he could not stop the laughter this time which escaped quickly from him. Without hesitation Indru stepped forward, shoulders raised to protect his neck, and his movements became a prowl, stalking the prey which was now standing before him. You shouldn't take on the posture of a position you can't even begin to understand. As quick as lightening Indru lunged forward and snapped his teeth in the air between them, a clear threat if there was ever one, and slowly a low grumble of thunder escaped his chest as his nose wrinkled and his teeth were bared. At this distance, his large size with hackles raised and teeth bared, his coat stinking of the wolves that were under his reign, he knew it would be an intimidating sight to any wolf with any kind of sense, but if the male needed further teaching he was more than happy to cause the lone wolf some injuries which could easily be a matter of life and death without a pack by your side.

Played by Ara who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The smirk that spread across Indru’s face caused the Daedalus’ own to spread that much wider. He found it funny how quickly things had turned around: once a pair of civilised gentlemen – now two men on the edge of a bar brawl. They both held something over the other, which made the competition that much more exciting. Indru was large, typical for an alpha was thick fur and a well built body. His strikes would be hard – but Daedalus, that much smaller, would hit two times as fast. Russet ears perked forwards as he listened half-heartedly to the ramblings of the older male. "It seems these insecurities you speak of are your own," Indru grinned. Daedalus cocked a brow in silent amusement. "After all, I guess, what have you achieved?" Daedalus stepped around to the side, stalking around to curve in closer. With an exaggerated sigh, the timber wolf gave a few bats of his raven black lashes – feigning innocence.

<b style="color:#8a321c">"Besides getting under your skin?" Came the breathy drawl. <b style="color:#8a321c">"I found out a little bit more about you.." The way he said made it out as if it had been his intention all along: which was only a half-truth in itself. The alpha’s hackles rose along with his tail as he prowled in closer. All words fell on deaf ears – Daedalus was too preoccupied with watching Indru’s every movement. The second Indru lunged forwards; fangs snapping wildly in his direction as a roar erupted deep upon the air, Daedalus stepped back and regained his defensive posture. He kept his chin tucked close to his chest just in case the larger male attempt another assault. The timber wolf had no interest in inflicting serious injury – that had never been his intention. He was like a wild animal – he needed to be tamed. This was a test where Indru knew it or not. If Daedalus was to ever change his mind about him, the alpha would have to prove himself capable of stepping up to the challenge...Fiery amber eyes flashed to Indru as charcoal lips peeled back to bare a set of pearl-white fangs. A low growl rumbled in his throat and his jaws snapped, tempting the male to charge him once more.