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no one cares about the man who disappears — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<i><s>OOC: A wild Angier has appeared!</s></i>

<blockquote>As Angier Lyall practically flew through the broken, but resilient trees of the Wildwood, he felt absolutely light on his feet. He had the <span class='word'>zeitgeist</span> by its tail and an unmistakeable spring in his step. Even when he had lingered in the forest for much longer than he had to, he was unfazed by his determined spirit. Alexander had assigned him to this specific task of gathering information and he was not about ready to give up or turn around to request another to help him cover the vast lands that made up Relic Lore.

By the time he had decided to cross the river, to investigate the scent markers he had passed on his way to the mountain from the west, the light-hearted feeling had faded. His breath kept getting caught in his chest as a lump seemed to form in his throat and his heart seemed to drum against his ribs. Something about the forest in the first rays of dawn, he decided, was what was making him grow skittish. That... and perhaps the strong, distinct scent of a male wolf... which seemed to be wafting his direction from a moss-covered tree to his immediate right. He took a few steps back just to be sure he hadn't crossed some invisible line then cleared his throat.

Tilting his head back and raising his snout, he smoothly voiced a polite request. A scout from Midnight Plateau sought an audience with a wolf from the River pack.</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
*throws Master Ball* ;D

With the end of May coming and Corinna's belly undoubtedly getting bigger, growing the pups which he had fathered inside her, it was not surprising that Indru prowled the border's like a wolf possessed. His determination to keep his family safe seeming to cover him like a skin it was so apparent and it was not only he who these to-be arrivals had changed. The whole pack was on edge with anticipation and excitement, the constant preparations to perfect the den being a daily activity everyone took great pleasure partaking in along with readying the rendezvous sites for when the young pups are older and start to leave the den. The Tainn was used to these preparations — he'd grown up with new siblings each year of his life — it was so different to be leading them and to know that it was for his own pups that they were being made.

It was the unfamiliar yet recognisable scent that caused him to halt his pace, nose to the air now as he inhaled in sharp bursts and dissected the smell that reached his nostrils. A male wolf, one he did not know, yet the smell of the pack in the mountain clung to his fur and Indru knew it was not a loner, but instead a wolf under the rule of the one who had taken over after his missing uncle. Then, just when he had decided to go meet the wolf now a howl echoed from the trees, the request and question clear in the male's voice. Without any further hesitation Indru halted his analysis of the border and ran in a rush towards the source of the howl, navigating his way through the forest with the ease only a River wolf could manage. While before he would have approached with veiled caution and curiosity Indru prowled from the trees with the dominance of the leader that he was dripping from him. At times like these, with unborn pups to defend, Indru always took on a more offensive front, determined to show that there was no weakness here even if the wolf's request did not seem to hint that he was testing for one. He stood with his head held proudly and his tail peaked upright like a flag behind him, the fur along his spine raised just enough to demonstrate that it was he who was in charge of this meeting while he waited, calmly, for the wolf to reveal his full purpose.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<i>OOC | :D</i>

<blockquote>For several minutes his dark ears strained to hear the sounds of another wolf, to hear someone approach in response to his request. The sounds of rustling leaves, however, made Angier jump back. What had stepped forth from the Grove was a very fearsome male. The Lyall's breath seeped from his open maw slowly in attempt to steady the beating of his heart. When the supposed leader of Swift River did not speak, he swallowed audibly.

Sitting down in hopes to convey that he did not wish to attack or trespass upon the pack or its territory, Angier composed himself. Having a seat would somewhat stop the trembling that had started to crawl up his frame, starting from his hind legs. <b>"M-Mornin' s-s-sir,"</b> he offered rather casually, despite his stammering. <b>"I've come in s-search of news, of any peculiar, recent happenings."</b> He wondered what else to say, but unfortunately came up short. Did this individual pick up that he had hailed from the mountain? Would he rightfully assume Alexander had sent him?</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

At his arrival the male dropped down onto his haunches, a sign Indru suspected that was meant to show him that he intended to cause no threat to him or his pack, and although his hackles dropped slightly he would not relax or waver his hard stare until the wolf had stated their purpose. The Tainn was surprised by the stuttered words that broke from the wolves mouth but when he peered closer he could see the slight tremble that vibrated along the male's body, perhaps he definitely wasn't a threat after all. At the greeting Indru gave him a curt nod, his body still tensed, and listened with a small frown as he stated his purpose. In search of news? He foud himself suspicious too that the wolf had not introduced himself, even if it was clear from his fur where his loyalties lay a name would of made Indru more inclined to answer his queries.

After a thoughtful pause Indru relaxed enough to let his fur drop back down completely, his body taking on a less rigid pose and his gaze was not so firm and challenging to the other, yet his body still had the clear signs of authority. I presume you are from the pack in the mountain, Indru stated, confident in the answer unless the wolf had just departed the pack not long ago and turned up here, but who are you personally? Seeing as his scent thickly coated the borders that they were upon Indru suspected that it was more than a little obvious that he was this pack's leader and while he was privy to this mountain wolf's leader's name (he quickly recalled Corinna referring to him as 'Alex' not long ago), Indru didn't know each member of the pack by name or face. Why do you seek information on my pack or our recent events? His voice was laced with curiosity and though the question had the tone of authority, it was not angry or harsh, but he would want to know the reasoning behind this information before he gave it for he was not going to feed them information if the pack were planning to pose a threat to them or their land. And more the point, what is the benefit for me if I give you information? This time there was a hint of humour behind the seriousness of the question, leading a pack was a game of intelligence and survival in many ways, and a mixture of giving and receiving with other packs — he wanted something in return.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>After revealing his desire to gather the leader's account of events, Angier watched as the male eased up. At first his hackles lowered, then the fur all along his back flattened until it seemed his body only maintained its dominant stance, preparing for the delivery of a speech, an interrogation even... The Lyall kept his mouth closed, not wanting to be disruptive and ultimately disrespectful. His ears twitched and he listened as he was questioned. <i>Who was he?</i>

<i>"Why do you seek information on my pack or our recent events?"</i> The word "spy" came to mind as Angier comprehended the question. While Alexander had told him that he didn't want him to spy, he didn't actually intend for him to meet up with the pack leaders either.

Though the question had not been intimidating to the ears, the beige-pelted male still scrambled to piece his sentences together, even more so as the stranger asked what his end of the deal would consist of if he exchanged information. Unaware of the <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=1037' target='_blank'>event</a> that would happen while he ventured back to the mountain, he admitted, <b>"I... I am Angier Lyall and I..."</b> He paused briefly, continuing to mentally panic as he assembled his reply. <b>"Well, up on Mount Dire, our pack only descends from its heights to hunt when the mountain goat and pika seem scarce. My leader sent me to gather information or news or gossip on his behalf. He has been preoccupied with other things as of late, you see, and he prefers that he remain along the rugged cliffs for my return."</b> Just one incorrectly revealed statement, one fumbled word could have cost him everything; he could only hope his words would not offend or seem too forward, especially since he was representing his pack.</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Short post is short. x:

There was a pause before the male answered the questions, but when he did Indru listened intently making sure to note his name (as after all, any information is useful) and in particular the reasoning he had behind asking the question. When he had finished Indru left a gap of his own making, letting the silence hang quite pronounced when the other had stopped talking as he digested the response. So, your leader wants me to do all his work for him? The Tainn required, affronted by the mountain wolf's response. Just because this Alexander was too lazy to leave the mountain to find his own information and keep up to date with the happenings on Relic Lore he expected Indru to just fill him in? While he may be preoccupied, I am as well, yet I still manage to find my own information. Indru's raised tail flicked behind him as he thought, and he tried to understand that Angier was only the messenger following orders. With a scoff Indru turned his head to peer in the direction of the mountain, any leader should be looking after their pack independently of others.

Watching Angier for a moment Indru asked his previous question again. If I was to discuss with you what I know, would could you give me in return then? It never hurt to know even if he suspected that he wouldn't be swayed. Besides he didn't want to be entirely rude to this wolf who was, after all, just following his orders.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Angier remained silent, listening carefully even as he averted his gaze in a respectful manner. <i>"So, your leader wants me to do all his work for him?"</i> he heard the leader question. The Lyall swallowed. He had nothing to counter that and the male continued. Feeling that pair of orange eyes inspect him, he shivered a bit.

<i>"If I was to discuss with you what I know, what could you give me in return then?"</i> the leader inquired once more. Angier's jaw cracked open. <b>"Well..."</b> He closed his mouth. <i>What could he possibly give him in return? Great...</i> <b>"Err,"</b> he began again. <b>"Well, you may have my allegiance, sir. Anything you ask or require of me, I will do... without question."</b> Slowly, he lifted his eyes from the ground to gaze up into the other wolf's face. Angier had just offered to act as a lifeline, a servant even... and he hoped that was a fair enough exchange for even a bit of news to bring to Alexander.</blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)