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One step closer — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Patches of light dappled across the marshy clearing, the desperate attempts to break through the clouds were weak but there none the less and Indru took pleasure in the small heat they left upon his fur regardless, pleased that winter was long gone and summer was starting. It signified something more this year as well, this time some of the new life that would be born over Relic Lore would be of his blood, his pups, and it would fall to him and his pack to protect them. The prospect was both exciting and daunting to the male, yet he was determined to keep the young Tainn's safe whatever hazards the pack may face. The news of Corinna's pregnancy had been taken well, mainly, yet it felt alien and bizarre to Indru that he had not been able to tell Ruiko who he was so used to telling everything too. Though he had been so tempted to find him and call him so many times his fear that Ruiko would only respond with anger and potentially hatred or worse, not come at all, had stopped him. Sometimes it felt better not knowing what his brother thought of him at the moment, even if he missed him desperately.

Indru had pushed out the range of territories he usually checked that were beyond the pack's borders, it seemed more important to be aware of a wider portion of Relic Lore than before with newborns on the way, especially now the pack was not so small as it had been after the fire. Besides, the added hunting opportunities of small game was not something Indru would miss out on with a pregnant mate to feed, he himself had lost some of his healthier weight from this added patrolling and hunting to make sure he kept Corinna safe and fed. When Indru travelled beyond the pack's borders he often found himself subconsciously seeking his brother's scent, taking comfort when it was still fresh, he dreaded the thought of the other Tainn leaving Relic Lore one day, even more so if they had not talked since their conflict. Lifting his nose skyward Indru inhaled the mixture of scents that surrounded him, pleased once again that for the time being there was no threat of a new pack, another thing for him to have to be prepared for. Since the formation in Grizzly Hollow he had found no more new border markings and though this new pack had caused him no trouble yet, this may not be the same for every new pack formed close by.

Once Indru had reached the western side of the marsh, along the borders of Cedarwood, he paused to sit down, eager to soak up the last of the sun's rays that had made it down to the earth before disappearing back into the forest to continue his route around Relic Lore, intending to do some hunting soon to take some food back to Corinna.

(This post was last modified: May 13, 2011, 10:02 PM by Indru.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The large male hadn’t seen Ranger in a few days now; longer then any separation the two had since traveling together. While his worry for her grew, the rogue also allowed her space, knowing she could handle herself. Lately the two had pushed themselves to travel a bit further than the territories that had bordered their old pack, and Ruiko was becoming more restless with his need to settle down and claim land as his own. The life of a lone wolf got old fast.

Trailing aimlessly with the only intent on exploring parts of Relic Lore to take as his own, the gentle breeze of spring swept by and with it a wave of nostalgia. Indru’s scent was fresh, and while Ruiko hesitated only briefly – their last meeting hadn’t gone very well, after all – the Tainn quickly changed his direction as his pace quickened. Trailing after his brother was something he could easily do – the two had grown up together, and in turn, Ruiko knew the sort of casual walk his brother made when not in a rush.

It did not take long. Soon, Ruiko’s bright gaze fell upon the figure form of his brother, and without warning, the rogue’s light prowl turned in to a heavy gallop. His paws gripped the earth with precision as he bounded out from the brush, and with a low, warning bark, Ruiko leapt at his brother with the full intent of playfully derailing his sibling. He growled lowly, hoping to have taken his littermate by surprise, and as they both rolled to the ground, the tawny wolf pushed himself swiftly back to his paws, his own large figure bowed with casual banter. It was a rare side of him, and one that only Indru had truly seen. “I hear congratulations are in order,” he stated gruffly, his tail giving a light sway in the air behind him.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Lost in thought, it was only the playful warning barks that he would recognise anywhere they made him realise he was no longer alone, and Indru had only time to turn before he felt Ruiko crash into his side and knock him off his feet. Indru twisted around in mid air so that he would not fall and cause an injury, something he could not afford at this time with Corinna and his pups to defend, and crashed to the ground rather harmlessly, tangled in an amongst his brother. Ruiko was the quickest to recover (though Indru through he was rather at an advantage here) and he watched his brother jump to his feet with a wary eye. This attack was not typical Ruiko behaviour and was so different from how he imagined the reunion with his brother to go, shocked that Ruiko really was not angry at all, something he had been worrying over for an age.

A smile broke his face at Ruiko's adopted pose and he rose to his feet suddenly to mimic it, his head tilting to the side as his muzzle was cracked in a wider, proud grin at the comment. Yes, he replied, thank you. Indru's sincerity was clear in his face, to have his brother and closest friend back was the best gift he could have received, especially at such a time which only made him miss their parents more for their guidance and council, if there was any opinion Indru trusted most it was Ruiko's. The Tainn darted forward and tried to swat at his brother's shoulder with a large paw, turning his muzzle to the side to nip his cheek affectionately before he dived backwards, a grin on his face. I missed you. How are you doing? Indru knew that Ruiko was more than capable to keep himself safe as a lone wolf but he worried about him all the same and it was some sentiment of relief that Ranger had departed with him. I'm glad to see you, especially now, since the news. Though he was surprised Ruiko had not yet tried to establish himself his own territory he knew it was for good reason, though he was quick to react he knew his brother would not jump into something so as important as picking the right territory without thought.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko was pleased that he had caught his brother off guard – though Indru was still swift on his paws as he landed much like a cat would. Tipping his muzzle up, his bright eyes gleaming with defiance and playfulness, the regal wolf regarded his sibling with pride. Indru was stream-lined and fast, despite his muscular physique, while Ruiko was much like a tank. Many times they had complimented each other in battle, and even more so as spar partners. There wasn’t a moment in each day that Ruiko longed for those days back, but life would move on and the two both needed to find their places in the world. Indru had seemingly found his at the head of Swift River, and Ruiko.. well, when the time came, he would settle down somewhere.

Indru’s somber features broke in to a grin; something that only seemed to appear when he realized the rogue’s intentions were not malicious. Ruiko’s own smirk mirrored the tawny wolf before him, and at the confirmation from his brother, the Tainn sibling bowed his muzzle down slightly in regards. No sooner that he could continue with the conversation, the other Tainn sibling shot forward to smack him playfully, eliciting a harmless growl from the male’s jowls. The nip to his cheek was returned silently as Ruiko’s tail gave a content sweep in the air behind them, his own large paws side-stepping to a more comfortable position. “I’ve been well, and yourself?” The river wolf’s terms of affection had not been missed, but Ruiko had never been one to speak of such emotions; Indru would know the feelings were mutual.

Settling down to his haunches, the tawny male regarded his brother with bright amber eyes, curious to hear what had been happening with the family since his departure. "Corinna said the pack was doing well."