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time to feed the family — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<i>I'm not 100% who is likely to be attending beyond Ruiko and Triell, though Volkan, Corinna and Indru are welcome to join if they want, even if just to give advice on sightings/etc at the beginning of the thread.

Also - this is to be backdated by a week or so, I'm not too particular on details so we can just say the beginning of September. It'll be set before the imminent pack meeting, too. Marsh wouldn't have waited too long to get a hunt going but I wasn't here to see it through. There'll be no particular posting order unless it becomes necessary, but I hope this thread doesn't take too long!</i>

<blockquote>Just because he was home didn't mean it was time to relax. Life might have been hard on his own while he had been searching for Indru, but that was going to be nothing compared to the efforts he would have to make to ensure that his place in this pack was earned. Corinna had been gracious in allowing him to return, and Marsh was determined to deserve it.

First on his agenda was feeding the mother he had abandoned. Swift River was a little more depleted than he would have liked, but, having tallied up all available and well-bodied wolves, he couldn't say that he disliked his allies. Triell was a fine young beast, as was Ruiko, one of the Tainns he had never met. Marsh had not spent much time around Indru's brother, but had only positive impressions. It was almost a blessing that they had lost the whiney and reclusive Borlla, for that was one less mouth to feed and one less problem to keep in line. It was fortunate that Marsh was such a silent wolf, or he may have felt inclined to voice this sentiment, and that would be unlikely to go down well.

Indru wasn't in the right shape to hunt, but would recover in time. Corinna was coping well, but Marsh didn't want her to attend; his whole motivation was for her to understand that she didn't have to worry anymore. So their hunting party was thin, but efficient, and Marsh had high hopes. The pack was too needy to fail.

The copper wolf stopped at the river's edge, near to the boundary of Swift River territory, and waited. Dusk was approaching; the air was cool and the light fading, though the latter wouldn't hinder them. He had already called before making his way here, his intentions and demand for attendance clear. It was in everybody's incentive to kick-start the pack's productivity and settle into becoming a whole, functioning unit again.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

It was something of a miracle to the black lad that Marsh, Indru, and Ruiko were all back in Swfit River. All the chaos put behind them, and a start to a new begning much like after the fire. This time it was not so tragic, and he felt his hope return to him. Hope, and faith that the world, his world would be right again. Sure he was a little sketchy about how things would be, if of coarse Ruiko would leave again, and of Indru's condition. Right now he didn't care. Swift River was getting to be the great pack it use to be, and with time things got better....right? He would try to believe so it was no time to be negative.

Standing tall, he was doing a good job scouting the lands for possible trespassers, or curious loners wishing to join. He wasn't finding either, but rather liked the feeling of doing something again it almost felt normal. (Though he wasn't sure what the hell normal was.)A bounce in his gait, he proudly walked along the invisible line of Swift River his large paws crunching through the soft grass, his topaz colored eyes looking around for something that did not belong.

Soon the sun was starting to set, and he felt the air becoming cooler. He shook his coat roughly as if this would help the cool air penetrate him further. He took a glance to the running waters, and debated to go further or head back. He wasn't tired, but he hated to be gone from anyone long just because he was afraid they'd disappear again. If something bad was to happen he wanted to be there.

Before he could make up his mind much to his surprise he heard the announcement of Marsh callling for a hunt. Right away Triell knew he was needed, and he didn't think twice. He started loping to Marsh's location immediately. Since Marsh was near the river and borders Triell found him rather quickly. Respectfully he lowered his skull, and tucked his tail while he strode to the elder, chestnut brute. He did not have to see he was the first to answer, but it didn't matter he was sure everyone else would come. Knowing Marsh not to be talkative, or even close to the description he dips his head in silent greeting, and then goes in standby mode.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Hmm. Guess this is as good of a time as any to post. :]
<blockquote>A call from very nearby made Volkan jump to her feet; it was an unfamiliar masculine voice, yet one that demanded authority— and being very newly arrived in the pack territory, the grayscale yearling approached the sound with curious haste. It hadn't really set in yet: Volkan was in a pack. For the first time since she had left the Aquila Clan, here she was, among ranks again. The difference? Oh yeah. She didn't really know anyone.

Yet the novelty of having travelled here with Ruiko and the uneasy feeling that Rhysis could be nearby clouded her mind, occupying the space for any anxiety regarding new faces, and so Volkan arrived at the scene with a relatively casual posture. Immediately her pale eyes went to Triell; so, now was the time, she guessed. The other male with him was large, and the girl in her found him intimidating. But seeing the dark-colored wolf she considered a friend made her arrival easier to bear, and she stepped out of the cover of the trees without faltering.

She wasn't dumb; she knew her scent would be unfamiliar to them, and that she might seem a trespasser, even if she and Triell were acquainted. Head and tail low to the ground, she silently revealed herself, her smile confidently serene. Now that she was in the open, it was no secret that she was there, and while her heart fluttered momentarily at the realization that either male could receive her with hostility, she tried to shake the feeling. Her feathery tail swished once at her ankles as she finally issued both males a respectful nod of greeting, hoping the imposing-looking stranger would at least hear her out. Just in case, her claws sunk into the soft earth, frame lowering to the ground ever so slightly.

<b>"I came here with Ruiko—"</b> she started matter-of-factly, knowing it would be helpful to name-drop the large male from the get-go. <b>"—to help provide for your pack. I haven't had a chance to meet with Indru yet since I've been here, so I know I seem like a trespasser."</b> Blinking, she looked briefly from the older male to the younger one, adding on a simple <b>"Hi Triell,"</b> that she hoped didn't ring of bashfulness. Then, a deep breath filling her lungs, she waited with bated breath for either one of them to break the ice.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 13, 2011, 05:13 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Fail Rachel is fail. :(

Since his decision to stay with Swift River, the tawny male had taken the responsibility of trailing the scent of prey, scrounging together whatever meal he could to feed the three little mouths of the pack. Of course it was never much, for a solo hunt usually left him empty-pawed, and while this had been acceptable when he had only been feeding himself and sometimes Kinis, it was now a far more serious matter.

The usual stoical mask graced the male’s features as he strode heavily back toward the lands of the River. The outskirting territories had revealed little promise for a successful hunt for him, and Ruiko decided he would perhaps try the river for any fish that had yet to leave for the oncoming cold of winter. Rounding closer to his temporary home, a demanding cry echoed across the oncoming dusk, stirring the golden beast’s ears to flicker with interest. He did not recognize the voice for it was unfamiliar to him, yet because of this it was easy for him to deduce that Marsh, the pack’s quiet Second, was gathering them.

With his pace quickening to a lope, the regal male cringed inwardly at the hierarchy he was apart of for now. While Marsh seemed a responsible and grand wolf for the past rank Ruiko held, the Tainn wolf was once more reminded of why he had originally left these lands. Finally, as he came to the small group of wolves, Ruiko cast a quick glance to the she-wolf who stated his name to the two males. Holding back a smirk, the older Tainn male strode to the dark girl’s side, his muzzle dipped lower than Marsh’s, yet a fiery glint in his eyes. Sidling up alongside Volkan, Ruiko’s shoulder pressed against hers protectively; as if daring them to take the female that would one day join his pack. “Evening,” he rumbled cordially, waiting for the orders of Indru’s Second to lead them to what he hoped would be a successful hunt.
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<i>Naw, any posting is appreciated <3 Since no who 'joined' before the 8th replied, I'm going to stick to the timeline set out in my first post, to keep things simple.</i>

<blockquote>Waiting patiently, Marsh kept himself on high alert. He wasn't expecting to find anything substantial nearby, but it didn't hurt to check for old trails or hints on the wind. If nothing else, it gave him forewarning as to who was arriving.

Triell came first, a good, reliable, respectful boy, and Marsh dipped his head curtly as acknowledgement. Even if it was just the two of them, Marsh trusted Triell's skills and dedication enough to consider their chances substantially improved. That's when the wildcard turned up. That his call had been to Swift River wolves was obvious enough, and the idea that some nomadic stranger turn up had barely occurred to him. It was only her submissive approach that prevented full-blown defensive mode, though the hairs on the back of his neck rose and his stance shifted to the dominant extreme accordingly. At least, it would have done, but Marsh had barely had the chance to react before a wolf he did recognise arrived just as the female was talking, throwing his balance.

So much explanation. He wanted to snap at her to be brief, but wasn't sure how, and instead just watched, eyes narrow and tail high, as the wolf she had stated as her alibi sidled up next to her. His protective stance was plain enough, and for a moment Marsh considered treating him as insubordinate. It was bad enough that Ruiko clearly had issues with his rank. None of that was important now, though, and Marsh was forced to press through the suddenly-confused situation, hating with every fibre of his being how these wolves made everything so complicated.

Bristling slightly as he regarded the female, he had to make a snap decision; he didn't trust outsiders, but four wolves was better than three, and nothing about the girl's body language suggested that she was lying. Indeed, Ruiko was backing up her claims just by standing there, and by the way she had greeted Triell, that boy knew her as well no doubt. That still didn't mean that Marsh trusted her. Taking steps towards the mottled wolf, Marsh ignored Ruiko's stance and walked the length of her, observing her with his nose to confirm or deny her story. Fortunately for her, the scents won out, but Marsh was not a wolf to welcome her on words alone.

If she wanted to hunt with them as a pack wolf, then she would have to show her acceptance of her place. In moments, he was back in her face, tail and fur high, and grabbed her muzzle with his own, holding her perhaps less gently than he should for a simple show of dominance. He acquitted himself based on the fact that he was already being lenient. Once she had displayed the proper level of submission, they could finally get on with business.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><i>okay hope i don't screw this up, or more this reads weird :/ since there is four of us.</i>

He stood patiently waiting for the rest of the Swift River wolves to come. Much to his surpise the next to come was Volkan. His brows rose in surpise while a swirl of questions, and reasonings mingled in his head. He was not sure what to say or do, as Marsh was in charge. Triell listened to her brief explanation, and he felt his head reel even more. She was here with Ruiko? His world was not making any sense of late. She had never mentioned knowing the other oldest Tainn. What the hell? When his nostrils inhaled it was the truth, but he was still trying to make it all make sense. <b>"Hey Volkan,"</b> he replied, trying to keep his voice indifferent, while watching Marsh out of the corner of his eye. He had barely voiced this when who should be next but the tawny male he called brother. His weight shifted between his four limbs, as he observed the way Ruiko came to Volkan's side. There was a pinch in his chest, wondering how close the two of them were because by Ruiko's stance Triell had a feeling if he got to close he might be recieved with a deep growl from his once idol.

Did he have time to really think about anything? Not really.

Triell was not touching Marsh but he was close enough he could feel the tensionin the air. He didn't know if it was from the red male, or Ruiko's protective closeness to Volkan. The edge of his black rough started to prick, when Marsh stepped closer to the girl inspecting her Triell stood stiffly, watching with a narrowed gaze on edge wondering what sort of test Marsh was doing. Suddnely when red muzzle grabbed the one of peppered gray he had to refrain himself from reacting. He knew Marsh was more physical than verbal, but it quickly occured to Triell, Ruiko and Volkan might not know that. He was moving before he realzied it, and took a stance next to Swift River's second looking into the pale blue eyes of Volkan with a gentle look of <i>I'm sorry.</i> The black wolf hoped she would know Marsh really didn't mean harm, but wanted only to be sure. All the while he prayed a small prayer Ruiko wouldn't go balistic. But hell what could he do if a fight broke out?</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan hadn't needed to tell them she seemed like a trespasser; even during Triell's probably confused greeting, her attention was focused on the larger, much older male who was bristling, growing more and more ominous by the second. Luckily Ruiko had arrived. As he sidled up to her, his touch, one that she knew should have been comforting, only made her ease up a little. She didn't love being touched, and even though she was glad to have him at her side in this encounter, she could smell the tension in the air. Clearly he had become protective of her; she stood just a little straighter after that, reassured in the fact that while she was technically part of Swift River, her allegiance lay first with the stoic male by her side.

Yet Ruiko's presence didn't stop what happened next from happening. Heart pounding, Volkan stood her ground, ears beginning to flatten as she shrank back slightly, the higher ranked male drawing closer and closer to her. Silently she stood, willing herself to remain still as she tried to ignore how much she resented being sniffed. When he was back in her face, she barely had time to react before her muzzle was inside his mouth.

A low, uncontrollable growl rumbled in her throat as she bore the sharp pain of his canines, though she embraced it and immediately sank to the ground without contest. While Volkan didn't consider herself a pushover, she was not here to challenge any ranks, nor be any trouble to this large Swift River wolf. She was no stranger to shows of dominance like this one, and knew they were a matter of business, even though she wished Triell wouldn't look so apologetic toward her. It was embarrassing. <i>I'm fine,</i> she tried to tell him with her narrowed gaze, finding it easier to focus on him than on her paws, her growl subsiding, tail sweeping the ground behind her rump impatiently. She didn't mind being dominated like this, but couldn't they get on with it already?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2011, 05:07 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko was far from pleased with Marsh’s treatment of the she-wolf at his side, and as the bristling Second prowled forward, the regal male felt himself bristle in turn. The red male inspected the peppered female, and Ruiko tensed, his gaze fixated to a spot where the peripherals of his vision could see the stalking shadows of Marsh and the displeased stance of Volkan. The regal Tainn was not here to stir a fight or challenge the rank of his brother’s Second; his presence here was for no other reason than to show his family his love and support in their time of need, but Ruiko would be damned if he allowed his companions to be mistreated because of this good will deed.

As Marsh’s jaws clamped more forcefully over the she-wolf’s muzzle than need be, even Triell’s presence did not soothe him as the dark boy movef forward to assure that Volkan was fine. The girl seemed to take the over-zealous dominance in stride, yet a trickling growl bubbled past Ruiko’s lips at the sight, and the male’s chest puffed slightly at the thought of her harsh treatment. Despite his hot-tempered nature, Ruiko’s pale cream paws clamped firmly to the ground. “She is here to help bring Swift River back to the glory it once was and feed the pups everyone else abandoned,” he growled out lowly, his tail giving an agitated flick, the idea that Marsh was one of the wolves who had abandoned his sister-in-law not lost in his tone. “You can accept her help and mine and lead us to a successful hunt, or we can take our leave and hunt for Corinna by ourselves. It’s you’re call, Marsh.”
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Anyone feel free to play the prey - and when they're sighted, too.

<blockquote>His decision to enforce his rank didn't go down well, not that it mattered; all that mattered was that the girl submitted properly, which she did. That she allowed an insubordinate growl to slip through before relinquishing was a black mark but, considering the unusual circumstances, Marsh did not treat her any more harshly because of it. He also ignored Triell as he moved forward, unable to gauge his intentions due to being attached to the girl's face, but he knew that the young Tainn wasn't undermining him.

The same couldn't quite be said of the older one, though.

Marsh's eyes narrowed as they fixed on Ruiko, taking in his ruffled stance, his low growl, his general displeasure. The Second steadfastly refused to release the girl even as Ruiko spoke, just to spite him, disgusted that this was how everyone sought to settle things. By talking. Here was Marsh, making where they all stood perfectly clear, and the Tainn had to not only spell things out for everyone, but act unhappy about it. Marsh saw nothing wrong in his actions, not one thing, and indeed felt as if he were being lenient towards the female; he certainly felt lenient towards Ruiko when the Tainn didn't promptly become the next target for submission.

It was, perhaps, fortunate that verbal communication was not Marsh's forte; the insinuation of his own failings flew straight over his head, though his response may well have been more heated had it not.

With a grunt, he finally released Ruiko's pet, his irritations having transferred quite effectively from her to her guardian, but it was no use. To challenge Ruiko's attitude now would completely distract from their simpler intentions to hunt, and not only would it potentially tire both him and the Tainn, but the attempt to bring about order could easily backfire and melt away what little cohesion this group had. He wasn't willing to take that chance. It was better to swallow his pride now, for the good of the pack's bellies, than encourage tension.

With a sharp nod of acknowledgement to Ruiko, he glanced briefly at the girl and huffed before turning away, accepting her without unnecessary words. Assuming that they were all on the same level, finally, the copper wolf splashed on through the river and onwards, mindset quickly shifting from agitated to hunter, alert for any and all signs of a meal. Pack politics could just wait.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The scene unfolded infront of him in slow motion. First Volkan took Marsh's domineering behavoir sinking to the ground after her own surprised growl, and next the boy heard Ruiko's displeasure, then saw from the corner of his eyes the tawny form becoming bigger. He waited for his brother to bite Marsh, end it all, and tried to decide briefly what he would do if that happened. Try to break up the fight or join in? If things had been different Triell would have been alarmed by Marsh's behavoir, and would have acted differently too. He knew Marsh hardly spoke, and actions spoke louder than words in his case. So in Marsh's head he was making an outsider submit the way he knew how. Could Triell explain that to his brother?

His head rose, and he shifted backward, like Ruiko's words had hit him. He eyed his brother, wanting so much to say <i>Weren't you the one who left first?</i> He was sick of this keeping of score. Everyone was back trying to do the right thing, that sorta deleted the bad didn't it? He'd like to think so, so he was not to be <span class='word'>jaundiced</span> from all this.

When finally Marsh released Volkan, setting off toward the river the lad took a step closer, then looked between brother, and friend. <b>"If you haven't noticed Marsh doesn't talk, he just <i>does</i>, so don't waste your breath trying to explain stuff...it's what you do that matters."</b> He looked over his shoulder, and took off following Marsh's starting trail. It was time to get something accomplished, and if either Marsh or Ruiko tried to dig at each Triell might be no match for either, but he would certainly try to put an end to it.

Focusing his attention to better use, he dropped his head, nostrils flaring, ears wide, and strolled along the river brush trying to find what they needed. He knew a lot of animals liked to get water from the river, it was just finding a fresh trail, and something to put for wolves to work. </blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]