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Wishful Thinking — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
RE: Jynx, you have a run in with an un-pleasant beaver.
All welcome!

With a stretch of her spine and a soft yawn, pink tongue momentarily curling back, Jynx would rise to her feet. Groggily blinking away the last traces of sleep at her eyes, she padded out of her own private little den. She was not yet comfortable enough to spend her nights in the communal den, with the rest of the pack. Once she forged some bonds and friendships, then she would happily move in. With a soft shake of her thick winter coat, she took in the world around her. It was already early afternoon, she noted, judging by the amount of sunlight that filtered down into the forest. Crap.  She hadn't meant to sleep in so late! With a sigh, she put her guilt behind her, and strolled off amongst the trees. Every ten feet or so, she would pause, brushing up against either a thick cedar tree or scanty shrub, leaving tufts of russet and cream fur to cling behind. A clear indicator that she had been here, if her scent wasn't enough of a hint. A warning to any hungry autumn scavengers to steer clear of this patch, lest they want to be greeted with a face full of pointed teeth. She had to admit, that as she casually strolled through the forest, among leaves tinted yellow, gold and reds, that it felt quite good to be back on such familiar ground.

Maybe it had been fate, after all, that had brought her to cross paths with Rook Lyall. Speaking of whom, Jynx could not say that she was unconcerned about her Alpha. He had a lot on his plate right now, especially after the tragic, yet inevitable loss of his father. She gave him his space, unwilling to risk adding salt to an already sore wound. Now was not the time to sate her curiosity about who she suspected him to really be. She was not so cruel as put someone who had already helped her, in more pain, when they least needed it. But...a visit just to check in on him couldn't hurt. Perhaps if he was in a willing mood, she could discuss with him the possibility of working her way towards the role of a scout.

Her mind made up, the russet wolf changed direction, heading in the direction of the main den. The most likely place she would find Rook, she hoped. Sunny eyes kept a quick lookout for any other pack mates who might be present. Jynx would never turn down the chance for further socialization. Truth be told, she actually thought she was rather lacking in it. A few feet ahead, a small portion of a trickling stream laid in her path. It would be easy to jump across it. Or maybe not. Abruptly, came a rustling sound from the bushes, followed by a symphony of irritated chatters and clicks. Before she could move any further ahead, there blocking her path, was a very annoyed beaver. It hissed and thumped it's flattened tail against the ground in a territorial display. Jynx in turn, merely rolled her eyes. "Oh c'mon. I just want to cross that little stream is all..." She was in no mood for a meal, and as if to make her point, that she meant the mammal no harm, she moved to the right. Only to be thwarted again, with a defensive lunge from the animal. She sighed, flattening her ears. This wasn't going to be easy.  
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Nineva perused the Hollow lands with her usual curiosity, following wherever her inquiring nose might lead her. Today she smelled something quite different within the woods, something she'd never quite smelled before, and her long legs eagerly devoured the ground beneath her as she strove to track it down. Her nose was to the ground, gliding over the soil and debris as she zigzagged through the scent cone, honing in on her target the way her mother @Narimé had taught her. Always had Nineva been an excellent student, quickly picking up on what had been shown to her, and with the additional experience provided to her while spending time with @Kenelm, she was becoming quite the little hunter. It wasn't so much a love for the sport as the utility provided in scenarios such as the one present now. Simply put, Nineva dearly loved all things practical.

When she found her quary, its back was turned to her, fat, flat tail slapping the ground. Her ears swung back as she regarded it with great interest. Its shape was familiar, appearing similar to a marmot, but oh that tail. She heard the grinding and chattering of its teeth and knew that it was angry with the wolf who stood on the opposing bank of the river. Nineva peered over the creature to take her in, a girl who's scent clearly belonged to the pack, but whom she had never met before. A sympathetic smile was thrown her way, before Nineva let out a sharp bark, attempting to snag the little beast's attention so that, in the distraction offered, her pack mate could cross over.

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait!
With a grumble of frustration, Jynx found herself torn between going on her way via a different route, or confronting the beaver to try and make a meal out of it. She wasn't terribly hungry...but with the seasons changing, it could never hurt to start a fresh cache. She had been about to make her decision, legs moving forward to edge her closer to the bank, when company arrived. It was Nineva...the only other pup whom was apart of the pack. She was related by blood to no one it seemed; she certainly could not be related to Rook or Quil. But bloodlines meant little to the russet female when it came to youngsters. They were all precious, making way for the future, and thus should be well educated.

Golden eyes flicked up to the face of the youth, a hint of a smile forming when she barked sharply, to distract the beaver. The plan worked. Chattering and tail thumping ceased only momentarily, as it whirled around to send an annoyed hiss at the newcomer. Feeling as though two wolves were far too much for it's comfort, it scurried into the hollow of a nearby log, to take refuge. Jynx used this as her cue to cross safely. Her legs sprung and tucked under her body, in a flash, as she made the small leap across the river. Landing with a soft thud by Nineva's side, her tail swished amicably. "Thanks. I was in a bit of a predicament there." Her voice came out as a bit sheepish. Well aware that the beaver was still nearby, the hunter in her began to stir slightly.

Craning her neck to the left, snout pointed at the hollow log, she kept an eye on it before turning back to the helpful young girl. "Have you ever seen one of those before?" She inquired. She doubted it, even though she had often picked up Nineva's scent mixed heavily with that of another adult males. If she did not have any knowledge about beavers, and was curious to learn, Jynx would happily fill her in with all she knew. She could never turn down a chance at education, especially when it came to those so young at heart.