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No Place for the Traveler to be Faint Hearted — Chanting Chase 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
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Orren Baranski
@Karina tagged as an FYI - Orren still has yet to pick up her trail, but he's hoping to meet someone who can point him in the right direction? Someone who took part in the bwp thread perhaps??
Anyone welcome, though :3

- Noon, Mist - 14 ° F/-10 ° C

Cold, clammy fog drifted in and out between the tree trunks, leaving moisture in the grass underfoot, causing it to stick to the paws moving slowly through it. Heavy winter fur had long since been drenched by the wet air, making the young wolf, travelling slowly through the forest, feel tons heavier. He'd already been forced from a trot to a walk, panting heavily, brow twisted in frustration as his bright orange eyes skimmed the surroundings and came up empty. How long had he been searching? Too long! Was the only answer, and yet he had nothing to show for it. At first, he had been sure he knew where his imprudent sister was heading, certain he would find her within a few days and drag her ass back home to apologize. It hadn't gone quite so easy. Instead he had found himself, inching deeper and deeper in enemy territory, desperately searching for a trail. And still finding nothing.

But surely she wouldn't have gone this close! He told himself every day, and every day he moved ever closer. It couldn't be right, there couldn't be no trace of her whatsoever; So perhaps I'm wrong… He didn't like that thought at all. Soon he would be forced to turn around, the risk growing too great. But he kept hoping, that today would be the day he finally caught the trail. The weather didn't exactly help though, this moisture filled fog threatening to erase any trail that might exist, before he had a chance to catch it; Then what? He couldn't return without her, that just wasn't an option. So he pressed on.

Word count: 272

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