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Hunter or the Hunted — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
Was asked to start this for @Ainashi : Ainashi, you have inadvertently angered a bull bison. He has taken offense to your close proximity and is charging.

A small ebony shape streaked out across the tough and stiff stubby grass of the Lowlands. The young wolf had explored the various regions around her pack’s new home, but she had been fairly reluctant to head north, north was the direction she had come from, it was the direction that her father had died, her best friend had died, and where she had lost her mother, her fate still unknown to the girl as she skidded to a stop to look around. Her hazel brown gaze shone brightly as she looked around, there was a special kind of beauty in the landscape, the squat, twisted trees and the really, really rough grass. Settling down, Sylva got a small idea!

Glancing around, the yearling murmured “Well, if he’s nearby...guess it wouldn't hurt right to try and speak with him here” The he that she was referring to was Zilas, the only of the three males in their pack that she hadn’t really spent much time with. She spent plenty of time with the brute of a male alpha as he was teaching her, and Merys she had hunted with recently but Zilas...she couldn’t really remember many interactions with the half blind male and she wanteds to fix that. If he happened to be within range, then great, if not then she could always try and find him later.

Lifting her muzzle toward the sun hanging high overhead, She called out for the larger male, asking for him to meet her here if he was able to. Now, with the deed done, Sylva settled down onto her stomach to wait, the sun’s warming heat feeling great against her back as she partially closed her eyes...until she felt it. Something itching, just behind her left ear, grumbling, the young wolf changed position, lifting her self to where she was sitting, and she sent her hind leg to assault the irritated skin behind her ear. Her tongue lolled partially out the side of her maw as she began to scratch vigorously.
