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fehu — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson
RE: Kjell, a beautiful tune of birdsong wakes you up on a cool, spring morning.  Open to any!

The song was out of place.  Sweet, and soft – like a maiden’s touch, muzzle laced with lavender and gooseberries.  An ear twitched as the dragon prince glanced about the battleground, feeling worlds away from the blood-soaked ground, the stench of blood biting at his nostrils.  His jaw clenched, orange eyes wide.  Hackles rose like smoke billowing from a razed village – his, it was his, all his!

Ears flattened and to his sky the dragon reached, his own song echoing that sang so sweetly.


The sound of his own voice started Kjell awake, rolling onto his belly as he glanced around.  While the peaceful scent was gone, the twittering song remained, gently bringing him from the land of dreams and glory to the one he was trapped within, confined by a mortal body.  The man might have cursed if not for the soothing notes, and he gazed upwards, finally spotting a songbird nestled high within a tree.  “Guess not,” he murmured, mouth twisting into a sideways smile.  “Probably time to go, though.”

He had a wolf to find, and a dragon to slay.  Bunking down was done only out of necessity, when rain clouds blocked the moon and made the ground dangerous and slick.  While resting with an uneasy mind was difficult, it was made worse by the thick stench of pack nearby – careful to avoid their borders, but still.  Kjell wanted no trouble.  He got to his feet, and shook out his coat.  Time to go, indeed.