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Drunk as a Skunk — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
You've discovered an orchard of apples! The ones on the ground have fermented and you start to feel a little tipsy! I just wanted to see a drunk dread honestly

Hanging around the darkened woods, Dread was grumbling slightly. He was hungry but all the rabbits were hiding and there were nothing to scavenge from.

Yet the scent of something caught his attention and he perked up. It smelled like fruit or something?  

Following the scent, he came across some twisted apple trees, all gnarled and bending everywhere, with knots in their branches. There were something scattered around the base of one, which made Dread in closer.  

Gently he picked up the...apple? At least, it looked like an apple but that had melted under some intense heat. But as the apple was picked up in his mouth, its thin skin broke on his teeth and spilled its soft innards on his tounge. Dread was surprised and instantly spit out the apple, his tounge sticking out as he shook his head. Whatever it was, it tasted somewhat sweet but with a sharp bitterness chasing after it.

Pulling a face, Dread glanced around at the other fallen fruits, frowning at them. Well, they were the only edible things around and as he tilted his head up, realised there was no way he could reach the few fresh fruits hanging on the branches above. So the choices were to either go hungry or to eat the ones on the ground.

Grumbling again, Dread begun eating some of fruit by his feet. They might not taste the best but it was something at least. However, after consuming several of the fruit, his vision was becoming slightly blurry and he was feeling somewhat dizzy. What was happening to him? Were the fruits actually poisonous? It made a little sense, with the somewhat wierd taste of it but other then being dizzy and blurry eyesight, he felt fine...

Dread tried to stand up, as he had laid down to devour on the apples near him. But he tried to place his legs beneath him and push up, he did indeed go up....than fell sideways.

An "Oof," escapes him and Dread simply laid there on his side, staring at the trees and ground in front of him, with apples scattered around him.

Well, that was a thing that happened.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2016, 03:00 AM by Dread.)