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it's always darkest before dawn — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Overcast — Current Temperature: 53° F/12° C. Early morning, just before dawn.

It had been a long time since his paws had carried him in this direction, and as the morning mists curled around his forepaws with a silence so obvious it almost seemed loud, Indru had no idea why. The leader stood with the water level a quarter way up his legs; and even though the water that pooled at the base of the falls felt like liquid ice it was refreshing and just what he needed. The soft glow of the moon reflected from the water and illuminated the wolf, and even though he knew he was potentially at an disadvantage with an almost impenetrable darkness surrounding him he could not bring himself to move.

Slowly Indru dropped his head to lap at the water, watching his longer winter fur flow with the after effects of the current around his paws, and relished the feeling of it pour down his throat, the coldness of it making it even more soothing. The River wolf had left his family sleeping peacefully in their den, the soft snuffling of his children in a night a sound he knew would never tire of and would miss dearly when they inevitably grew up. He did not know why he was still restless, perhaps it was still the slight hints of discord that disturbed his once peaceful sleep, but he took comfort from the fact that the pack was healing (and rapidly), and that soon the pack would be as strong as it ever was.

Quiet as he could, reluctant to make too much noise, Indru moved slightly deeper into the water and stopped just short of letting it reach his stomach, facing the falling water as he kept his back to the darkness of pre-dawn behind him. It's always darkest before dawn, but it's always quietest too.

Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
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Estella del Universo
Stella couldn't quite sleep comfortably. Everything she tried didn't seem to help her. Closing her eyes hoping that she would fall every time she opened her eyes hoping it was morning already it always disappointed her. She couldn't stand being a loner. It was always so boring and everyday was always the same routine. In a pack of course there were duties and activities that had to be done everyday, but at least she wouldn't be bored out of her mind and she would have company. Everyday would be something different and new rather then the same thing and dull.

Her eyes were heavy as she knew she was tired, but her body just wouldn't allow her to sleep. Instead her mouth became watering with thirst and she stepped out of her lonesome den and began heading to the nearby falls. The could smell the fresh water in the air and her tail wagged as she closed her eyes and imagined the taste of relief when she will drink it. It will be such a refreshment especially to drink the water at this time while its cool.

Stella arrived to the falls and began drinking from it. She looked up and noticed a wolf she really didn't think much of him until she caught his scent. The young female stopped and lifted her head, <b style="color:#628A97">"Indru?" She asked as she looked at the male in the water and waited for his response. She hoped that he still remembered who she was.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The arrival of another was given away by their scent of them before he saw them, but not long after Indru turned when he heard the quiet footsteps of another as they approached the falls for a drink. He could tell immediately they were a lone wolf; no scent of a nearby pack clung to their fur and the biggest give away at all was the lack of any scents from companions layered into her fur. Not only was she without pack, but she was alone too. The thing that drew his attention more though was the familiarity of the scent, many a lone wolf crossed through Relic Lore and Indru would have been surprised if they didn't return more than once, but for him to remember it he must have had interacted with them more than in just in passing.

Just as he turned to get a better look at the young female he heard his name called, and the voice too stirred and a memory. The water washed around him as he walked over to her, his fiery eyes now trying to battle with the darkness of the pre-dawn opposed to being soothed by it. Estella, he replied automatically when the pretty shewolf came into sight, and quickly he had a flash back of that time on the mountain, her wounded paw and the long trek down that he had helped her with. She had been a member of his uncle's pack then, though he could remember wanting her in his own, the numbers still weak at that point. Your back, he started, his muzzle curling into a handsome grin as his eyes washed over her, she was skinny (as most lone wolves were) but otherwise seemed fit and healthy. What made you return? His instinctively defensive posture had lessened at the familiarity, and softly his upright tail waved behind him as he waited to hear what she said.

Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
She was happy that Indru was still there. He was one of the few wolves she met while her stay in Relic Lore that she knew. He helped her when she wounded her paw and she knew that she could trust him. She remembered as a yearling she had a major crush on him all because he helped her down the mountain. She watched him as he neared her and studied his body movements. His tail up straight in the air, head held high and his chest puffed out with such pride and courage. It was good that he was still a leader. She knew he was a wonderful one. Even though she had never been in his pack before, but his personality said it all.

With such a huge smile on her muzzle she wagged her tail with relief that he remembered her. It was wonderful that she was special enough to remember. Perhaps it was because she was younger then or maybe it was because she hurt herself on the mountain... That had to of been it. Who could forget a moment such as that? It was a funny one if you thought about now. <b style="color:#628A97">"Yes I have," she replied to him as he seemed almost surprised that she had returned. <b style="color:#628A97">"Out of all the places I've visited I realized that none of them could compare to here. I should of never left in the first place, but I was curious what the world had to offer and it was selfish that I left," she said as she thought back to when she lived in her parent's pack. Perhaps it was best that she left their pack, but to leave Relic Lore... Was a big mistake. <b style="color:#628A97">"Everyday I was gone I longed to return and well," she looked around and back at Indru. <b style="color:#628A97">"I'm home." She simply said. There was no denying it this was the closest thing she had to a home and it felt like one.

(This post was last modified: Nov 12, 2011, 12:42 AM by Estella.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The reasons the female gave for returning didn't surprise Indru, this place was home to him and he knew it always would be, but even those who weren't born in Relic Lore understood the appeal the forest had. A smile broke his face as continued to talk, but he shook her head at her admission of her selfishness — it was her right to explore, and at the age she had been he didn't blame her. Sometimes part of him wished he had explored a little when he was younger, seen beyond Relic Lore further, but overall he was happy with his lot at the moment and how his life had turned out. I'm glad, Estella. Really, slowly so not to startle her he left the water and stood on dry ground once again, his wet fur clinging slickly to his legs and stomach. It's good to explore. It makes coming home all that bit sweeter.

Now he had left the water the cold of winter was more apparent and Indru shook his body quickly, hoping to shake of the worst of it and let his thicker winter fur dry out. Do you have... What do you plan to do now? The wolf did not want to shove his pack upon her and make her feel opposed to it, but the thought of her as a lone wolf in winter was not a comforting one. Life alone was a hardship without company, but that life through winter could easily be a death sentence. If you want a true home, a pack, I could offer you one. He let the offer hang and for the female to take it as she wished, a rebuttal would not offend him (perhaps his pack was not for her), but he would welcome any able bodied wolf through the winter, especially one as respectful as this young female was. I have children now, three. You could meet them if you wanted. Pride clung to Indru's voice as he spoke of the three pups he had fathered, they were 6 months now and growing strong thanks to the safety of the pack. As gentle as Estella was he knew that they would love her.