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Keep On Dreaming — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>The girl's trips from the hollow became a little more frequent. She was remarkly more bold in the short month, having gained a fair more amount of confidence, and having part of her curiousity filled. The problem was, each trip she made it only brought more questions, and she'd have to take another one just to fill the unanswered ones. And so it was upon the falling of snow she journeyed to the creek, wondering if it was white, or if it was the same.

When she arrived it looked much the same, only little patches of snow here and there. The youngest Lyall was not reckless, no she kept an eye out, and often would test the air with her nose which was becoming more sophisticated at threading through the array of scents. When she last came to the creek she had not only seen one wolf, but three and had for good reasons avoided it. Now she realized no one was here but her. A calmness settled over her, and a spark of joy. Slowly she descened further down the riverbank, staring at the murky water, and hoping to spot some fish.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Zack who has 4 posts.
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Spencer Rolland
Spencer traveled to the creek, he was hungry but he was to weak to take down a large deer himself, and was to tired to wait for a small deer to come around. So he wanted fish, it was the fastest meal to get, and he would probably not waste much energy. Feeling the cold wind blow through his fur and smelling the fresh air he trotted weaving around the small patches of snow for he didn't want to get his paws cold.

Coming upon the creek bed he sat down at the edge and looked into the water, only seeing his reflection. He sighed quietly and waited for a fish to come near. He wasn't an expert at fishing for fish, but he wasn't bad ethier. Seeing a medium sized fish splash the water near him, he waited for the right moment to snap for it. As it seemed like it wouldn't move, Spencer went for it, jaws wide open and ready to catch the fish, he reached into the water snapping his jaws quickly. Realizing he barely caught the fish by the tail he smiled. He put the fish down, away from the water and watched it flip around. He was about to dig into his freshly caught meal when he caught a scent in the pierceing cold wind, and as being a loner he had to watch his own back and fight his own battles. Looking around, he picked up his fish, and followed the scent.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>A single tail fin flipped through the water, and she stepped closer with a small grin. Another flash of motion followed, and another. The end of her tail wagged stiffly, and she took a sudden step into the cold water. Or tried, the chill to her toes had her drawing it back to shore, and the fish zoomed to the shadows of the creek. Brows pressed together, and an evident pout she decided to try again. This time she put all her paws into the water, walking closer to the fish. She stopped just short of their wiggly bodies. Maybe if she held still long enough she could catch one.

So that's just what she did, nose close to the creek, she waited, and waited. After several minutes, and numb paws the fish slowly trickled her way. She paused a little longer, and then just when one rubbed against her leg, she snapped her teeth to the silver body, missing by a hair. If she had to survive on her own she would miserably fail. She held still, wanting to give it another try.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Zack who has 4 posts.
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Spencer Rolland
Spencer froze in place looking at the pup, his fish still hanging from his mouth. He watched as she tried to catch the swift fish, and laughed a couple of times seeing her miss. It wasn't easy catching fish, but Spencer had to learn the hard way. Seeing the pup fusterated, he slowly walked up to her, taking careful steps so that he would not frightend her. The soft, dewy, grass crunched under his paws and the wind seemed to die down a little.

The small fish, now dead, layed still in Spencer's mouth. He was thinking about the first time he had ever tried to catch fish when he was young and smiled, then his mood darkened a little remembering Damon. He sighed and shook the thoughts away. He hesitated while approaching the pup and thought he should just go back to his den and eat his food, standing about a 100 yards away from the pup he started to turn around and head back to his den.

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>Distant laughter caused her to twitch, and she quicly twirled around in the creek to see who she was amusing. Once her bright yellow eyes looked to see anyone, she saw nothing but the dead grass waving in the faint wind. Bemused, she cautiously lifted a paw letting her nostrils twitch to tate the air. But the wind wasn't blowing in her favor, and she meekly took a step away.

<b>"Is someone there?"</b> She finally managed to sqeak. Fear seemed to breathe down her neck, and she shivered undaring to move. What if it was the strange black female or the white one? Her breaths became more frantic, she was far from home.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2011, 11:53 PM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Zack who has 4 posts.
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Spencer Rolland
Hearing the pup call out to someone, more or less likely him, he looked back at her and sighed. Thinking about his past made him wish to be a pup again, wish that his family could be together again, maybe this loner life just made him more depressed. He looked at the ground and thought long and hard about what his next move was going to be, he closed his eyes and just stood in the densly packed weald thinking.

Spencer opened his eyes and breathed a deep heavy sigh and smiled a little happy with himself. <b><i>Just for a little while </i></b> he muttered to himself. He jogged back to the pup, and put down his fish so he could speak right . <b>"It was only me little pup, I mean't no harm." </b>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>The seconds seemed long, and she was unsettled feeling there were hidden eyes upon her. She never really wanted to come to her doom this way, and she titled her head in each direction hoping to spy what had her upon edge. In the distance came a sandy coated fellow with large black patches. He had his own fish, and a single ear cocked forward when he set it down. She gave him an inquisitive stare, clearly surprised by his friendly exterior. Her lip would twitch at the word little, knowing Trisden would have told him otherwise. Arlette wouldn't argue he was bigger then she was; she was a lanky thing with big ears, and a poofy tail.

<b>"Oh,"</b> she quietly answered, not quite meeting his soft, brown eyes. She wasn't much for talking, or least till she thought of something to say.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Zack who has 4 posts.
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Spencer Rolland
What in the world was he doing? Talking to a lone small pup, he was probably crazy. Feeling a bit awkard as the pup stared at him he figited uncomfortably and looked away from her and up at the tall, dark, wooded area. He thought of how the pup resembled himself when he was a pup, always trying to make a meal out of anything and never giving up. Looking back down at the pup he asked with curiosity in his voice <b>"What are you doing out here all alone?"</b>. Remembering the dreadful day he and his brother had gone out alone sent chills down his spine.

Why did he come to even speak with this pup? Was he stupid or just plain dumb? Spencers heart filled with anger as memories started to flood into his mind. Images of the dreadful day his mom died, the day his father abanded his brother and him, the day his brother abanded him. Spencer didn't want to frighten the pup, he tried to control his anger, he tried really hard. It just seemed to take over his body. Maybe being a loner was making him turn into his brother.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>Would it hurt to tell him what she was doing? Glancing up, with her legs stiff in the water, she bit her top lip for a moment. Quietly she replied,<b>"I'm trying to fish, but I'm not very good at it."</b> She admitted, her head hung in defeat while her ears folded sideways. It was a lot harder than hunting, but she was determined to at least try. It was something new, and competely different from hunting.<b>"But, I'm not exactly alone, my mom's in the forest over there,"</b> she was quick to add, while pointing to the cedar trees in the distance. There wasn't anything <span class='word'>felonious</span> about him, but she knew better then to take her chances. She wasn't lying, her mom was in the forest she just didn't know Lettie was here.

She peered up at the stock still stranger, he looked like he was thinking about something, what she did not know. <b>"You okay sir?"</b> She asked if only for her own curiousity, one ear raised. He did seem to be lost in her opinion, but if she got to far from the forest she would be too. Maybe he was of another pack or something. </blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]