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First stop; Lowlands! — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by NickWithAShotgun who has 4 posts.
Ketaan Mathaar
Ketaan stepped around a rocky hill in his path. 'Hmm... This is quite a large area. I wonder if I'll get lost in here. Actually, it's not a maze, I'll be fine.' he said. He was hoping he would meet some new faces; they would be the first he'd see since he left his old home and family behind. He tried all the time to get his aging parents off his mind, but he couldn't help the dreams filled with the familiar faces. Would they be happy if I stayed a Lone Wolf for my whole life? I doubt it, but I will have to if I can't find a pack to belong in. The sight of a small shrub-like tree took his attention away from his old life for the moment and he went over to investigate. A small watering hole was near it, slightly confusing the young male. 'This place is really interesting. I like it here, but is anyone else living here? Or maybe just passing by?' He stood by the hole, staring out over the large space. He did notice the grass was tougher then what he was used to, but gave it no thought, instead distracting himself with the past and the possible future. Just thinking about where he could end up made him exited for what was to come. Perhaps he would find a new territory, or maybe he would meet a boat-load of wolves while he searched around. But he knew that eventually he would have to settle down and live in one place. 'I guess I have a plan. I find a pack and try join it. When I want to go explore more, I leave a final gift for the pack and bid farewell. Then I go back to looking around.' He made up his mind and felt confident he would be alright her for a while.
Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
Nick and I have both agreed to set this thread to the 10th of April so the timeline would make sense

Ro wasn't normally one to just waltz on up to a stranger and ask for help, however at this point she was beginning to feel rather desperate, and definitely a whole lot of overwhelmed. 'What difference would it even make? Like, you've talked to soo many wolves this past week alone! What's one more? Don't be a baby.' She scoffed at herself, nervously eyeballing the young male from afar. What was he even doing? Did he need to give himself frequent pep talks too? "Well, at least we might have something in common?" The muddy wolf exhaled dramatically before forcing herself into plain sight.

"Uh, H-hey.. There.." Ro stuttered, trying maybe a bit too hard to appear as if everything was a-okay. "So like, I don't want to bother you or anything but er.. I'm looking for someone, or rather, a lot of someone's. Would it be alright if I ran through the list with you? M-maybe if you've met one of them you could.." Oh my goodness, just shut up. Trying her best to fight off the sudden rush of anxiety that just overcame her very being, the yearling forcibly stopped herself mid-sentence for a brief breather. "I mean.. Er, I'm Ro by the way.." ...What?

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2017, 06:28 AM by Rosalind.)
Played by NickWithAShotgun who has 4 posts.
Ketaan Mathaar
Ketaan was just getting ready to look around more, perhaps find something to hunt, when the girl spoke. He very nearly slipped into the watering hole in slight shock, but he kept balance. The first thing he noticed was the stuttering. Was she nervous to talk to him. While he could see she was trying to sound like the situation was fine, it clearly wasn't. Looking for...someone. That's specific... 'I'm gonna be honest here, I haven't really met anyone yet. So far, my exploration has been just me.' he said. 'But I'd be happy to help you look. I'm Ketaan Mathaar, but you can just call me Ket, if you want.' He looked around a bit, wondering whether to get to know Ro better before just helping her out of the blue. But how would he go about that? He had to think. 'Hey, maybe we should get familiar with each other before we head out on this wild goose chase, what do ya say?' He gave her a lovely smile. Meeting someone is definitely a great thing. I can further understand this place if she knows anything about it. He chose to keep questioning her about the Larkcall Lowlands for now. Seemed like she had enough on her mind, never mind talking about the large area of land.
Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn

"Ah, I see..." She frowned. It wasn't as if the yearling actually expected the male to know anything, however she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed regardless. Though at the very least he was willing to help, and that sure was better than nothing! "Ket.. Okay! Thank you so much!" The fae chirped, Ket sure was a lovely name. Maybe he wasn't so scary after all! 'See? What were you afraid of? It's like this every time! You get yourself so worked up, and for what? Nothing, idiot!'

"O-Oh, o-okay!" Ro stammered, what was she even supposed to say? "Well, Erm, I'm a year old as of.. Uh, a month ago.. I just got kicked out of my pack, my mom hates me or something.. And er, I dunno.. Oh! My dad once told me that I'm his favorite kid because I don't have a white spot on my face like my brothers do! Apparently he hates white spots or something, I dunno. He was a weird guy, too bad he didn't tell my mom to shut her mouth, right? Hah! heh... Er..." Wow, awkward. Way to scare 'em off, Ro. "Uhh, Actually, Er.... So tell me about yourself!"

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2017, 10:26 AM by Rosalind.)
Played by NickWithAShotgun who has 4 posts.
Ketaan Mathaar
Did I use Fanfaronade correctly?

'Hey... You seem nervous. Are you okay or is this just in your nature? Maybe I should stop asking questions.' Ketaan was seriously liking the girl. She had a nice background, or at least, that's what it seemed like. He just found her stammering and stuttering a little odd. Maybe she was a bit scared of him. How do I make her feel less nervous around me? Maybe I can help her to be more confident around others. He came up with a plan, but that would have to wait for now. At this current time, he just had to tell Ro of his own past. 'You see, my family is, or was, loved by my old homeland. I'm not trying to fanfaronade, but they really were respected. Now, they've grown old and told me to go and find somewhere to live my life. It's how I came here. But, I just can't seem to settle down in one place. I like to explore, but my parents want me to just relax for once.' he explained, sighing at the image of his mother and father in his mind. 'Well, that's it. Want to... Hang out with me for a while?' He felt a tad concerned for his new friend.
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2017, 10:45 AM by Ketaan.)
Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
Sounds fine to me! :)

"I, uh, It's in my n-nature.." The yearling stuttered, a bit embarrassed that the male had caught on to her flaw so quickly. She then listened as he explained to her a bit about his background, and boy did it sure sound fascinating. His parents kicked him out in order for him to live his life? If only it'd been the same for her. Ro was almost one hundred percent positive that her mother would kill her on sight if she ever came back home, and her father, well, he just went along with it all. Never once sticking up for his daughter, what a coward.

"O-oh! I'd love to but, are.. Are you sure?" Hanging out for a little while could be fun, but the yearling didn't want to inconvenience her new ally if he'd had some big plans for the day or something. And she'd have to make sure to not stay too long, forgetting the names on that dang list was still highly plausible. "I just.. If it wouldn't be any trouble then.. Yeah, that'd be okay!" Boy was that sudden, who knew she'd run into so many nice wolves!

Played by NickWithAShotgun who has 4 posts.
Ketaan Mathaar
Ket was happy to have Ro by his side, and he was sure she felt the same. 'I'm sure I can help you be more confident around others, Ro. I have a good feeling I can. Maybe if we stick together, we can help each other.' he said. His plan could come into effect quicker then he thought if there was a pack somewhere in the Lowlands. Spending at least a year in a pack could be a nice idea, and it might help with the nervousness of the girl. 'This might seems sudden, but do you know if any packs are around here? I have a little idea of how to help out with that stuttering of yours.' he asked. What if she doesn't know? Crap... I hope there is. Still, I guess a little hunting along the way could be useful and provide a little gift of sorts. He let one of his paws get close to Ro, hoping a little physical interaction would help. 
Surely, there should be a pack somewhere around here. Seemed like a place wolves could make a home. 'Well, Ro, do you have any hunting experience? I could help you out, my Father used to hunt a lot and he taught me a bit. I'd be happy to pass my knowledge to you. May not be much, but it'll keep us alive if we find anything.' He wanted to keep this girl safe. She seemed a bit troubled in her past, what with her Mother hating her. 'No matter what, I'll be happy to stay with you.'
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity