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don't watch the water — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Eskil || Northern Drooping Willows, Late afternoon, Patchy rain possible, 67 ° F, 19 ° C

She had found herself in a strange place. Trees with limbs that swung softly and brushed as low as the ground in some places. Some of the trees sat next to water while others only mingled with the grass or fellow trees. It was a rather serene place. A place that she didn't mind linger about in. It wasn't completely awful here even with the rain that softly fell from the sky.

Abaddon weaved back and forth through the trees. Dark sides brushed against the low branches as she made her way towards the base of one of the willows. It offered some protection from the drizzle. She felt like she was in her own little world. Hell, she might as well have been. Without being tied down and no longer did she have obligations to hold up any laws (besides her own self-established ones) she was free to do what she pleased. Each day she saw new things and every few days it seemed like she met someone new. Of course, she'd much rather be home ruling the mountain side but she could wait for her own time to come. There was a mountain here. Perhaps it would prove useful one day.

With a soft sigh, her body slumped onto the ground in a relaxed laying position. Perhaps she could wait out the tiny storm before continuing her journey.
Played by Kydnt who has 74 posts.
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Eskil Whitebark
Aside from his friend getting killed and then getting half his face ripped off, things were going pretty well. Or at least, well enough that he couldn't complain. Eskil was trying to keep his head low, take care of pack business, keep an eye out on the pups and help out where he could with their care. Eskil set out that day with a mind to search for prey, either for something he could bring down on his own or call his packmates in for a hunt. 

The forest seemed calm, perhaps the larger beasts had found the dreary weather unfavorable. There was little action seen between the trees besides the occasional flitting of birds or scurrying of chipmunks; Creatures much too small for Eskil to waste the energy on the meager amount of food they provided. If he became bored enough, perhaps he would catch one later for the cubs to amuse themselves with and hone their skills. They were getting more and more mobile by the day, 

Eskil's damp black nose twitched at an animalistic scent that the wind brought towards him. Unfortunately, it belonged to nothing with hooves, but that did not mean it wasn't of interest to him. It seemed to be a wolf he didn't know, and while they were safely outside the territory that didn't mean it wasn't his business to find out who it was and what their intentions were. After all, if not an Asurn, there was something out there that saw fit to tear apart a helpless pregnant woman. Eskil picked up the rolling pace of his long limbs to a quicker lope as he sought out their scent.

He parted the willow vines that stood between them, his mangled face peeking out to find a dark coated female reclining along the ground. He chuffed, not sure if she had noticed him over the sound of the rain. "Hello there," He called out.
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oh but to enjoy a late afternoon alone didn't seem to be happening. Her eyes caught movement in the branches and the scent that followed was masculine and wolfish with the scent of others mingling in too. Had a pack wolf come to confront her? But when he broke through the veil and could be better seen she halted any previous defenses. Her muscles relaxing more as she laid against the tree. His voice wasn't demanding at all.

"Hello to you too." She welcomed back with an easy and relaxed tone. Her vibrant eyes looked over him with little concern for how he would feel about it. She wasn't doing it maliciously either. Perhaps out of admiration or pure curiosity. He was tall like herself and they were close in weight to a degree. Abaddon was positive she still had mass on this male but that wasn't anything strange for her. "And what can I do for you today?" Her gaze settled on his face and noticed the torn chunk. The dark female had to admit she was curious what he had done to deserve such a thing. That was if it had been done in a punishing way. Abaddon bit her tongue for now, though.
Played by Kydnt who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eskil Whitebark
Eskil carefully strode forward, closing the space between the two and gaining a more comfortable speaking distance. The woman was quite the impressive sight, given how massive she was. Eskil tried not to feel self conscious as her gaze lingered unabashedly on his face. The scars on his muzzle he'd long worn were bad enough, but the missing chunk was really too much. He angled his head the slightest amount as if it could do anything to hide the damage, knowing it was already too late for that.

Eskil looked her over the same as she did to him, taking in her thick coat that was black as night except for the sole spot of white on her chest, and vibrant yellow eyes that stood out from their dark framing. He shook his head at her question. "Oh, nothing at all." He rumbled pleasantly. "My pack's near here, I was just seeing who'd shown up in our neck of the woods." Eskil told her. His posturing was confident, but relaxed. She obviously meant no harm.

"Is there anything that brings you here?" He asked after a pause. Was she a lone wolf passing through? A scout out to deliver a message? His ears tipped forward with curiosity.
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She had smelled the scent of others some way south of here but she thought she had done well giving the pack distance. Surely she hadn't sparked enough interest with them for him to come sauntering after her? Alas, it seemed like she had. Maybe mother and father would be proud of her (not that it really mattered too much now to the young female).

Her head tilted softly at his questions. A hum leaving her throat as she pretended to give it thought. "Nothing I suppose. Just kind of found myself here." The large female's tail gave one good wag before it settled against the willow's roots again. She had no real reason for being around here. In fact, she didn't really know what or where here was but she was on her way out anyway. The land seemed to change the further she went which signaled a new place was ready to invite her.

"The name is Abaddon in case you were curious." A small smile lifted her lips to expose ivory teeth in a more or less friendly manner. If he had been curious about her presence surely he would enjoy a name. She fully expected one in return even if she didn't say so.
Played by Kydnt who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eskil Whitebark
Eskil softly chuckled at her response. "I know how that goes," He quipped. It wasn't long ago that he'd been wandering hell's half acre in search of a wolf who may or may not be alive. It was only by chance that he'd wandered into the meadows to the south and come across Ravenna. And he was thankful he had, because Eskil really wasn't cut out for the rogues life. He liked having a home base, a place to call home, wolves he saw and interacted with regularly. When on his own he would go days, weeks even before seeing another soul. He wasn't extraordinarily social, but it did get awful lonely.

"I was curious," He responded as she gave her name, a small smirk that was terribly short lived and transformed into a fleeting wince as it pulled at the torn, healing muscles of his jowls. "Name's Eskil." He politely gave his own name, lowering his hindquarters to the damp forest floor and trying to ignore the awkward sensation of mud seeping into the fluffy fur of his ass. "While I'm being curious, have you found yourself anywhere interesting?" He asked, not out of any obligation of striking up polite conversation, but instead a genuine curiosity for the striking woman.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He was nice company. The large male could hold a conversation and wasn't too hard on the eyes. Abaddon didn't feel threatened by his presence but she didn't exactly feel like she needed to be. He was nice enough for her to relax. After all, he did seem simply curious about her. Fine by her. She could easily babble on about herself all day if asked to.

The dark female was pleased with his response. He reaffirmed her thoughts and seemed to relax better himself. "Be curious all you want." Abaddon softly cooed. Curiosity may have killed it back but didn't satisfaction bring it back?  "Pleasure to meet you Eskil." She started off with easily before answering his question. "On the other side of that mountain has some lovely places. Plenty of creeks and rivers. This side hasn't been awful, though." Her face was easy with hints of a smile. "But if you're talking about more permanent places then no." She wasn't interested in settling down so fast. At least she didn't think she was. Abaddon supposed a home hadn't been a real thought after she had dismissed herself from her own.

"This area worth hanging around?" She had to suspect his answer would be yes. He both smelt like the mysterious pack and had mentioned his neck of the woods. So unless he was a prisoner or was being held hostage she assumed he would like this area.