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I Will Be Chasing Your Starlight — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Tuna who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torin Rohain
ooc: ugh, I don't like this post. Oh well. Enjoy :D

January 7th, 4pm
Where: Heartleaf Creek
Temp: -1'C - +4'C

The sun was beginning to dip into the large purpled sky as if saying its goodbyes and farewells to the world. Darkness was creeping, with an eerie pink and purple glow across the land while the woods began to grow quiet and mean. The world was growing colder now, as night was slowly reaching out its hands to the world as things began to rest. Torin shivered, watching as the sun was starting its descent to the horizon. An hour, maybe two of light still would last upon the sky, casting elongated shadows from the trees.

Black pads commanded forth the large beast, carrying his large body and weight forward atop the melted snowy trails. Fresh water echoed inside his twin ears, rushing over and hiding any other noises the surrounding areas might have caused. His eyes leered forward, watching as his quick gait went around the bend and up and small slope. A small smirk etched his lips as the creek came into view as he reached the top of the hill, at last he had made it here. Perhaps he would find a shelter here tonight. Slowing his paws as he grew near to the water, Torin began to sink his head in for a quick drink of the ice cold water before him ready to quench his thirst from a long day of traveling.


His head reared up with the speed of a frightened doe, twin ears pulled back and small fangs poking out behind sneered lips. Tail rose as did his hackles with his body weight centred. <b>“Who’s there?”</b> Torin snarled in defense unsure if it was a simple rabbit or a creature much bigger, his eyes peering coldly into the misleading and distorted shadows.
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: Phew, sorry for the lateness, this took a while >_<

It was going to be hers.

The impelled form dived under the darkened coat of leaves and snow. With the agility her body permitted her to use, the silver coated beast followed persistently what promised to be her next bite, a tender –and elusive- little hare that ran for its last breath of precious life. The critter was quick, but the wolf panted heavily in hunger, and Suvah knew she had already entered that state of mind, that trance that trapped and leaded your brain and body in the hunt until the prey was no more. Her limbs were fast, but her toughness and endurance were even greater, and her mind was already reminding the luscious taste of crimson blood and tender meat. Her jaws showed her hungry tongue, and small threads of liquid run out of her at the sole thought of what was to happen next.

Her open ears caught the distinct sound of water, and the humid scent merged with the humble smell of the squirmy hare. Orangish eyes shifted, hoping to find the proof of what her senses had already felt, and eventually met the bright tones of sunset, reflecting in the crystalline surface of the current river, and blinding her for a few strides.

Suvah knitted her snout, closing and opening her mouth as well as her eyes as she kept running up a small hill, keeping up with the so desired critter. Its skittish frame had flown from her sight, but the essence remained, and she knew well its tiny legs wouldn’t let the creature run for much longer. Her chest swelling in deep breathes, she dropped her speed, following with a mere trot.

But what she hadn’t adverted is that she wasn’t completely alone, and her adolescent form stood still as soon as the sight of another creature crossed her way, distracting her mind and body from the viciousness of the hunt. The she-wolf let out a slight growl, pointing her mouth at her uninvited guest, whose question had just been answered by her presence. Slowly, she approached a few steps, her mind aching at the thought of the lost meal. If this had turned out to be a completely different situation, the youngling would have probably shown a gentler side of herself. But she was hungry, and her sore mind was still reminding the lost pleasure, illustrating pictures of the escaping hare surrendering under her yellow canines.

Suvah didn’t talk. Instead, she gave a cold gaze to the other one, her round eyes staring at his own in a dense, angry manner; tail lifted in dominance.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo