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hey [lady] — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol

Clear — Current Temperature: 37° F/3° C

you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

She felt alone and abandoned; completely forsaken by the world. No matter how many wolves she met, it seemed to come to nothing. They had all left; they were all gone. And it was no surprise, the, being loners. Loners were wanderers, without pack and without family. For the time being she was one of those loners, but she longed for a family and a place to call him, though she was certain that she would never have that luxury again. But her heart ached for that sense of belonging and the knowledge that she wasn't alone. There were packs in the area - she had met the leader of one - but she couldn't bring herself to approach one and ask to join. There were two reasons for that. First, she wasn't sure if she wanted to set herself up to be hurt again. Time after time her family had been torn from her life by some tragedy. But it wasn't just that. She had been an alpha once. Could she handle taking orders from someone else?

It was cooling down now that evening was on it's way, but her fur was keeping her warm for the time being. It was clear that Anyu was physically and mentally exhausted. She had wandered away from Bramble Falls at last - the kill they had made there was long gone and she wanted to make her way back to the Thicket of Secrets where she had dug her den several weeks ago. She had just made it back to Wild Cherry Orchard, which she had last passed through some time ago. She walked with her head down low, almost dragging her paws. On the inside of her right foreleg, a little ways above her paw, there was a light red patch, as if there had been blood there recently. Despite that, she didn't appear to be limping, but it was clear that she was not feeling herself. When she reached the center of the orchard she came to a stop and sat beneath one of the cherry trees, which were currently leafless, as they would be for some time yet. The sun was inching towards the west, and soon it would begin to get dark. She wasn't sure that she could force herself all the way to the Thicket of Secrets before then.“Speaking.”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
While exploring the areas near the dens he smelled a familiar scent that brought happy thoughts. Its anyu! Kashi thought quickly following the scent past all the wild cherries he spotted her dragging her paws. She looked like she was surviving but could do better. He shivered a little in the cold but warmed up when he started to run towards her tail wagging. "anyu!" he cried out happily.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu was about to start walking again when a voice reached her ears. She almost didn't catch it, but she could swear that the voice had said her name. At first she didn't recognize it. To her ears it sounded as though it belonged to a younger wolf, though it was distinctly male. Had she told her name to any male wolves recently? There had been Indru, yes, but he was her age, not younger. Valtyr, but it didn't sound like his voice. Kanosak sounded older as well. So, then, if the wolf knew her name then it was either Kashi or it was someone who had picked her name up from someone else and just happened to know what she looked like.

She turned to look at the voice and saw a small brown wolf running towards her. She would have recognized that wolf anywhere, having taken an instant liking to the yearling when they had met some time ago. He was looking much healthier since she had last seen him, though he still needed to fill out a little more. Clearly things had been going well for him since they had parted ways.

“Kashi!” she called, smiling slightly and feebly wagging her tail. She was too tired to run to meet him so she waited for him to come to her, as he was clearly doing.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi was overjoyed at the sight of so much that he tackled her playfully wagging his tail. It seemed so long since he had seen her at the hunt weeks ago. He never did want to leave his new friends the day after but he felt that if he stayed with them he would only be holding them back and be a liability. He did what he believed what he had to do, sure he almost died of starvation but it was all worth it because here they were meeting again. "anyu its been too long and you look like you're getting thin." He said voicing his concerns. He then got off and walked around her to see her health. He could smell other wolves mingled with her scent as well as the faint ones from the hunt. It was clear alot has happened to her since then.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu reached up with her mouth and gently grabbed his ear, tugging on it playfully as he tackled her. She felt a slight pinprick of pain on right leg, but it was just from the small wound as it was rubbed by something else - the ground, her other leg, or a rock or something. She shoved the pain to the back of her mind, willing herself to pretend that the injury didn't even exist. Better to forget it had ever happened than to dwell on it and let it happen again.

“You're calling me thin after the state you were in when we first met?” she said, both avoiding answering his concerns and gently mocking him. “But just look at you now. You're filling out nicely." she looked him over, following him with her head as he circled her. He had the smell of other wolves on him, and they were stronger. He must have been spending a lot of time with the other wolves for the scent to be that strong on him. Could it be that he had found a pack to take him in?

Sadness colored her face when she thought of that. She liked - even loved - little Kashi, but if he was part of a pack then she wouldn't see him very often. “Before long you won't be a Scrap anymore," she said, smiling half-heartedly at the same time.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2012, 12:24 AM by Anyu.)
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi wagged his tail as he felt his ear be tugged by anyu before he tugged hers back. It was true that he was gaining his former weight back. "you would of had your heart stop if you saw how thin i was before i joined the pack, i was skin and bones when kano found me, hes here too anyu." he said this to inform her of why he had all the different scents on him. He then started to speak again slightly nervous and very hopefull,"your going to join the pack too wont you anyu." he looked at her with expectant eyes. He hoped with every fiber of his being that she would say yes he was slightly embarrashed to admit to himself that he saw her as a mom rather than a friend. He wanted her to join because she had a sad look after smelling him.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

“Pack?” she asked warily, though she already knew that he must have found one by the weight he had managed to gain and the scents in his fur. She had already been approached by one pack leader and she wasn't sure what to make of the encounter. It seemed as though some wolves expected everyone to want to join a pack. While she wanted to, there were deep emotional obstacles to making the step to ask for acceptance.

“Well, it's a good thing Kano found you then, isn't it?” she said with a weak smile. She had been worried about the Scrap. She had never had any pups of her own and he brought out the mother in her. She had always wanted pups...could he be a replacement for the pups that she would never have?

Anyu felt a pain in her heart when Kashi asked if she would join the pack too. She wanted to; she really did. She wanted to be with him and she wanted to see Kano again. But the idea of joining a pack made her head swim. How could she set herself up to lose everything again? What if she joined the pack and something made her lose all of the friends and family she made there?

“Well Scrap,” Anyu said slowly. “I'm just not so sure I'm cut out for life in a pack.”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

It was with a heavy heart that the golden wolf trailed the scent of the young scrap, rabbit dangling from his jaws as a peace offering. Of all he was going to have to leave behind, this farewell was going to hurt the most. Best to get it over with sooner, to save time when he and Volkan would have to leave to travel across to the cedarwood forest.

As the Scraps scent got stonger, another familar scent passed his nose. Anyu! he perked up. He had liked the white she-wolf and had been reluctant to leave her but he had to. Now he was second at Copper Rock Creek and with the younger wolf at his side, he might even be able to talk her into returning with them to meet Ruiko. He would feel better knowing someone like her was there to look after Kashikoi while he was gone.

The two were talking and he caught the end of Anyu telling the scrap she wasn't made out for pack life. "Rubbish." he said around the rabbit in his mouth, with an awkward smile and a wag of his tail, she would be perfect. He continued to talk around the prey, his words slightly muffled, "We need a pup-sitter come spwing..." he said happily, winking at the scrap as he continued to saunter towards the pair.

Pushing down his sadness at having to leave, if only for a short while, he dropped the rabbit in offering at the white wolf's feet. He could catch another for the scrap later, "And you could use the stable supply of food clearly..." he said with slightly more worry in his tone than he had intended. The white wolf looked as if she hadn't eaten since their hunt.

He smiled at Kashikoi reasuringly. Perhaps he had best talk to Anyu before talking to the younger wolf, she was great with younger wolves from what he had seen. He wasn't great with goodbyes, he hadn't told anyone in his birth pack he was leaving but he just didn't feel right doing the same to this little guy.

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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi was extremely disheartened when he heard anyu's reply. How could she not be cut out for pack life it was what wolves did best sticking together. He smelled a familiar scent as the wind shifted he could smell kano come their way. Before long he heard the reply, "rubbish" he was glad that kano came when he did he was worried he wouldnt be able to convince anyu but surely with his help he could. He watched as kano placed a fresh rabbit in front of anyu. Why was he bringing a rabbit? He was clearly searching for me before he also smelled anyu he thought and told himself to bring it up latter.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu turned her head in surprise to see Kanosak coming towards them, a rabbit hanging from his mouth. It took her a moment to regain her bearings. “What're you doing here?” she asked him casually, realizing that she didn't know why Kashi was here either. Of course she was glad to see both of them. She had grown rather attached to the two during their short day of hunting. It just didn't make sense that they would wander from their pack now that they had a home to belong to.

Unfortunately, Anyu could feel herself growing defensive. They didn't understand what they were talking about. Just because she didn't think she was cut out for pack life didn't mean that she didn't want a pack. “I'm sick of losing my family,” she said bluntly, looking mostly at Kano. She didn't blame them, but she didn't want to be pushed into anything when she was so scared. “I've been through so many packs over the years that i don't think my heart can handle another one.”

Granted, it had been over a year since she had last tried to settle down and start a family. Things might be different this time. But she didn't want to set herself up to get hurt again and she was worried that joining a pack would be just that. As much as she loved Kashi and liked Kano, she was scared. Really, really scared. Even though she had lashed out a bit in frustration, the fear showed clearly in her eyes and in the tension in her muscles.

Anyu looked down at the rabbit, confusion in her eyes. “What's this for?” she asked. She didn't like the idea of anyone giving her food, but the rumble in her stomach made her think twice about declining anything right now. If Kano wasn't going to eat it, she would.

Kashi seemed disappointed by her answer and she felt a pang of guilt. Gently, she nudged him with her muzzle in apology, fear and sadness in her eyes. She didn't want to let the little pup down.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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