She hated to admit it, but he was good. He’d gotten good since they first met, and because of it, she felt a hazy cloud surrounding her. The bloodloss from her leg was steady, and she knew she needed to find something to stop it. Think Mae, think… Cobwebs. She knew she could use cobwebs to stop the bleeding… in theory… if she could find any in the middle of winter. She should have taken being in a pack as the opportunity to learn more about medicine in case something like this happened… of course, how could she have ever predicted what had happened to them?
She drew a deep breath, accepting the fact that if she didn’t get medical assistance soon, she could very well die by the hands of herm mate… ex-mate… ouch, that stung a little. She was too proud to accept that. She sat down, keeping her leg pressed against the snow, hoping it helped the wound clot and praying to her ancestors, which admittedly she hadn’t done in quite a while… perhaps that was why this had happened to her.