Matilda Archer was delaying.
After the run in at the willows she should have continued south as she had originally planned, but instead she had faded back into the trees, heading west under the cover of the forest. She hadn't gotten off so easily, bruises and small stinging cuts, hardly bad enough to scar made her neck and shoulder stiff and her face more comfortably left sitting with a blank expression. As much as she wished to scowl, they had come out of the encounter on top, after a turning of the tides bought her aunt and... well whatever Adeltra was, she was probably a cousin of some sort... But she couldn't stay still for long, there was still so much to see.
Things got strange around here. Green old trees gave way to blackened trunks and fallen sections of forest where new growth was well and truely in swing. "Huh." It wasn't the most eloquent observation, but as far as she knew she was alone.
Into a sacred coffin