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where'd you get the nerve — The Wildwood 
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
for @Daighre
1.26.21 | mid afternoon | light snow | 5°F, -15°C 

aleister vuesain
the rogue prince

His scouting trips to the Heart had been becoming more frequent as the days went on. Their borders over at the Cove were strengthening each day now that there were five of them reinforcing them. Soon they would be able to make it official that they reformed their birth pack, though giving it their own character to it. The Vuesains and Eastfalls seemed to be destined to once again meet to succeed at this common goal and he was beyond happy that he had them to help him and his sister. Aleister felt it might have always been Neha's goal to one day lead the Cove wolves just like their mother did and now they were so close to securing that goal with him at her side.

Her happiness was all he worried about, however, so he was determined to take the weight of leadership as much as he could. Knowing that once it took a large part of her and he wasn't sure she would ever be able to recover from the turmoil. But she prevailed, making her the strongest woman the rogue knew. Happiness found her and he was glad for it. His own contentment was there, but he felt he was still missing something. Perhaps that feeling would cease once the pack was formed.

As the snow crunched beneath his paws, his breath clouded in front of him as he traversed through the Wildwood on his route home to the Lake. It wouldn't take him long to reach the Heights once he got to the Grove, but he decided to take his time this trip. Just in case he came across something worth discovering.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2021, 06:29 PM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
There was someone nearby.
He could smell them, the scent of others on their skin. Hear them and the sound of their footfalls, the crunch of snow underfoot, and, under that, much more inaudibly, the sound of their breaths, frosting huffs as they walked.
And upon seeing them—him—old, dark, and, ultimately, annoying, Daighre kept walking.
His shoulders tensed, his tail bristled, and his stance low. His head carried in line with the flat of his shoulders and his spine, slouching, and his movements stalking.
He had no interest in him.
In what he might have to offer.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the rogue prince

If he hadn't of heard the distinctive crunch of snow beneath sturdy claws in the distance, the rogue would have been happy to continue in his course home. However, once the sound reached his ears, his attention drove his gaze to find the source. Blonde clashed with the bleached territory as the stranger moved away from him with vexed body language. Perhaps if the Vuesain was further from home, he could have easily ignored the male. However, they were not far from Cove and Aleister was curious. Where was this man going with such bristled features? Curiosity killed the cat, or so the saying went. Hopefully it spared wolves. Rough day? He called out with a lightness in his voice, hoping he wasn't pocking a hornet's nest. 

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The man stopped and spoke—
And of fucking course the man just had to stop and speak. Why wouldn’t he? Why fucking wouldn’t he?
Somewhere behind him his tail twitched, and Daighre’s own steps came to a rolling halt. Slouched, slumped shoulders and his head held low, lower than the line of his spine.
What the fuck was it he had said?
Rough day?
Fucking bullshit. That’s what it might as well have been to him.
“No.” He grouched, monosyllabic. His gaze narrowed and heavy brow furrowed. Like curtness and assholery was the efficacy to social interaction. To friends and family and rainbows and sunshine.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the rogue prince

Man, he did poke the hornet's nest, didn't he? The blond stranger was as rigid as ice as he stopped and gave him a cold glare. Aleister could almost feel the sharp daggers piercing him. Spending many years outside of the Lore, the Vuesain had the honor of meeting very colorful wolves, each them different from the next. They kept his world interesting. Some days he would divulge in speaking with them and some days he would simply avoid them. Today was a day of indulgence. But perhaps, he would gain something from this peculiar meeting with the grumpy lad. Oh, well you had me fooled, he answered coolly.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
‘Oh, well you had me fooled,’
Daighre grunted.
Let his eyes roll the way he wanted them to, open and unashamed and moody.
Because, yeah, sure, asking him a fucking question then act like a fucking drama queen when the answer wasn’t what he wanted. What the fuck kind of answer did he expect? For an open heart-to-heart detailing just how horrible his day was? That it would be so much better since prince fucking charming showed up to save him?
He wasn’t a little fucking bitch.
And with a shake of his head and a scoff, his head turned away—
It wasn’t his damn fault the man had unmet expectations. He wasn't the dumbass that set them.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the rogiue prince

'Whatever.' Wow, what crawled up his ass and died? He sure had a lot of attitude for a child. The Vuesain didn't expect anything from the boy aside from possibly finding out where his piss poor attitude self was headed. But, honestly why was he so worried. Aleister has always been a level headed man, but this boy irked him. Scoffing in return, the Vuesain didn't deem this interaction worth any more of his time. That piss poor attitude isn't going to get you anywhere in life, kid, he stated coldly as he turned his own head away from the blonde kid. If the kid had nothing else interesting to say, he might as well continue on his way to the Grove.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A warren of rabbits is hidden under a nearby tree. +3 Health
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
who is gonna fight for what's right

Not wanting to waste anymore time with this unpleasant being, the Vuesain male decided to turn tail and continue on his journey back home to the Cove. Whatever was wrong with the kid, wasn't worth his time finding out. Perhaps, he was just raised with a pack of coyotes instead of a respectful pack of wolves. The blonde kid was not worth the fight or energy of the Vuesain man. If he was a little more respectful, perhaps he would turn an ear and hear him out. Aleister didn't have time for games as their were wolves out there that expected his guidance and he would return to his companions waiting for him there.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]