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Let the wind blow through me — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 111 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex
For @Riven


He’d been walking south now for days, skirting the foot of the large mountain barring travel to the west. Countless times over, the young man had kicked himself for not heading around the northern cliffs when he had the chance, and every morning, he considered turning back and finding a way around. He dared not try to cross it. Yet still, he was moving southward, hoping beyond hope that he might find traces of other wolves, who would prove more helpful in his search than the two previous encounters.


This morning, as he strayed from the mountainside in search of water, Vasco noted a peculiar change in the scenery. Previously, the woods had been fairly typical, dense and a bit darker than he was used to perhaps, but definitely more normal than the giant trees up north. But now, peeking out of the snow below dark branches, he spotted odd hints of bright orange-red. Before, he’d seen a rare few spring buds, spurred on by a brief warmth spell, though now it was back to freezing, but this was something different.


Coming upon a small creek, the pale wolf stopped to still his thirst, and once finished, he decided to take the opportunity to inspect this strange phenomenon. Walking a few steps, he brushed aside the snow with a paw to get a better view, and was astonished at what he found. He’d seen brown and orange kelp before, but never a land plant with such a bright color to its leaves, and this early in the year as well! Despite his general predicament, the adventurous side of him couldn’t help but marvel in the wonder.

Word Count: 276

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by van who has 128 posts.
Paradise Falls XIV. Subordinate
Riven River ???
Riven had not been outside of the territory much since the pack had been established. There was so much to do within their borders that he'd been heavily occupied for the last several weeks. And still he hadn't gathered all of the herbs he wanted, nor had he been able to find a place to store them properly. The whole thing was making him feel like a failure as a medic. Because these guys could've done so much better, if they'd tried, but they'd probably felt bad for him and felt too bad to leave him out alone in the snow.

He'd meant to take this walk alone, to stew in his misery and feel bad about himself. He certainly didn't expect to run into a stranger, who seemed... very interested in something on the ground.

And this stranger was little, too, like him! Riven's ears perked up and he approached behind the other wolf, peering over his shoulder. His brows rose in surprise. "Oh, that's really pretty," he remarked, tail swishing behind him. "I've seen a few like that growing around here. They're very bright." For the moment, his melancholy mood was dropped - it wouldn't be the best way to meet a potential new friend, after all.
Played by PuppyThief who has 111 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

He’d been so caught up in his investigation, the slow clucking of melt water from the creek masking the stranger’s approach, that Vasco didn’t notice anything until the voice suddenly sounded from right over his shoulder. Letting out a surprised bark, the pallid man spun in place, hackles standing on end from pure fright. Silver-grey eyes widened and then narrowed as they landed on the small form, standing uncomfortably close behind him.


The other wolf was a male, young from the looks of it, probably barely out of his yearling stage. His fur was a shock of surprising, peachy gold, contrasting brightly with the pale blue eyes, staring Vasco down so openly. The older man snorted in discomfort, backing up several steps, until he was half on top of the orange fern. Here he lowered his belly as close as he could to the ground, tail slipping between his legs, half squashed along his stomach.


Only then, did he actually register what the boy had said, brows furrowing for a moment before he understood. “Oh uhm.. Yes,” he said, nervously, glancing briefly at the leaves, now pressed down by his own body; “Very unusual.” He gave the blonde a weak, submissive smile, making sure to avoid straight eye contact as he offered: “I’m terribly sorry, I was just passing through… I hope I didn’t encroach on your territory.” As the lad’s scent filled his nose, Vasco could clearly decern several others’ along with it; Shit! I’m sure I didn’t smell any borders… But maybe the wolves around here were weird and didn’t mark their territory like those he knew; Perhaps others just know to stay away…! He swallowed hard. Shit!

Word Count: 280

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by van who has 128 posts.
Paradise Falls XIV. Subordinate
Riven River ???
Uh-oh. He'd scared him. Riv wasn't used to being... scary. In fact, most wolves would probably consider him entirely unthreatening, due to his small size and age. And the fact that Riven didn't even want to hurt anyone - it was kind of his job not to, in fact. So when the other man spun around to face him, Riven took a quick step back, eyes wide and maw parted just a bit in surprise.

He opened his mouth to apologize, but before he could, the man took on a position that Riven had never had directed toward him before. Sure, he'd submitted to plenty of other wolves in the past, but never had anyone done that to him. He'd never been a high enough rank, never intimidated someone that badly before.

It made his face flush, and he wanted to cry.

"Oh, uhm, no!" he burst out, shaking himself out of the little spiral he'd been caught in. "No, you're not. In my territory, I mean." Oh, god, this was so awkward. He'd never felt so guilty in his entire life. "I'm so sorry I scared you! I'm not usually good at that. I mean, not that I do that on purpose a lot! Or ever. I didn't mean to." He was babbling now, feeling more awkward than he had in a good, long while, and wanted nothing more than to make the other wolf feel better.

Then, boom. Lightbulb.

He crouched down and belly-crawled over to the other man, tail setting at a slow wag. A small, unsteady smile formed on his maw - uncertain and hopefully as friendly as he wanted to come across. "Please stand back up," he urged, resting his chin on his paws and pointedly looking up at the other man. "I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm so sorry I scared you." And he meant it, too - he'd never been hit with a wave of guilt like that before.
Played by PuppyThief who has 111 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

Paradoxically, the blonde reacted just as surprised as Vasco had been, as if he had been the one snuck up on! He looked down at the pale man, completely awestruck, then suddenly spoke in a flurry of words that almost made Vasco’s head spin. He stayed put in his submissive position, but felt himself relax notably as the other prattled on; He’s just a kid… And clearly absolutely perplexed.


The solution he eventually came up with though was so utterly unorthodox that Vasco couldn’t help but smile. The boy dropped even closer to the ground, crawling over so close that he could look up at the older wolf, begging him to stand. Vasco shook his head, a dry chuckle escaping him as he did what he was asked; Well played kid! He stood, taking a moment to brush the snow from his belly fur, then rumbled: “Very well then, apology accepted.” He looked down at the boy, feeling an odd rush of feelings, both good and bad, but he settled on compassion; “You get up too, lad, I don’t much like having to look down at you.”


The boy had to be around the same age as his own kids, Vasco realized, feeling his heart ache for them, wherever they might be. He wondered why he might be out on his own, though, the smell of pack meant his parents might likely be nearby. That thought made the pale man’s heart clench again, though with fresh fear this time, and so he asked: “But you’ve got a pack close by, yeah? Big family?” This kid might be the nice enough sort, but the Halex wasn’t about to tussle with a whole pack.

Word Count: 282

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by van who has 128 posts.
Paradise Falls XIV. Subordinate
Riven River ???
The growing tension inside Riven bled out the second the older wolf got to his feet, and the boy heaved a heavy, relieved sigh. He didn't know if he'd ever hated anything more than having someone bring themselves down so lowly for him - he'd never felt so horrible about something he'd done in his life. How he'd felt, yes, but that was another story. It didn't even occur to him to stand up as well, until the other wolf urged him to do so.

Embarrassed, the boy got to his feet and shook out his fur. "Thank you," he breathed, grateful that he'd been forgiven. He paused for a moment, noting the man's silver eyes. Just like Hudson's, he mused to himself.

"I do!" he replied, tail waving at his hocks. "They're not very far away. It's me, Hudson, Rhaegara, Saga, Aubine, Adelard, and Maugrim and Hrun." He paused, then smiled and whispered conspiratorially, "I can't really tell the last two apart just yet, but I'm working on that." He'd get it eventually, he was sure. It was just going to take building relationships with the two. "Huddy is our leader. He's got a funny accent, and he's really nice." Probably kind of scary, too, come to think of it.

"We just claimed some territory over there," he explained, gesturing over his shoulder. "But you're definitely not past the borders or anything." He waved his tail and offered the older wolf a small smile. "My name's Riven."
Played by PuppyThief who has 111 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

A kid indeed! The blond boy seemed utterly relieved to no longer be put in a position of power, prattling on happily as he got back up, bringing his sky/blue eyes level with Vasco’s greys. The adult continued to smile, if a little strained, as he tried to follow along with the stream of words. Part of him was warmed by the youth’s obvious nervousness, reminding him of his daughter, but at the same time that memory made him painfully aware of his present situation, urging him to keep moving.


Tan ears twitched as name after name fell from the boy’s lips, his chest tightening a little with each new addition. Vasco briefly mused on the odd way the lad seemed to talk about them, like they were almost strangers, but he had little time to delve deeper, if he wanted to follow along with the information as it was given. The news of how near he had come to these wolves’ territory scared him enough that he almost missed the part about them having ‘just claimed’ it, ears and eyes inadvertently flicking in the direction his companion pointed out; ‘Just’…?


The golden boy finally finished his speech, assuring that Vasco hadn’t encroached on their borders, and offering a name. Platinum eyes returned to the youth, silver brows furrowing a little as he considered his answer. Finally, he dipped his head, smile back on his dark lips as he said: “Well it’s nice to meet you Rive, I’m Vasco.” He figured, if he wanted any chance of finding his family, he’d have to give his real name, however vulnerable it might make him feel. Wetting his lips, he glanced around one more time before continuing: “You say you’ve only just settled? So you’re new to this area?” It was pertinent that he find out any useful information this boy might have as quickly as possible, if he and his pack knew nothing helpful to his search, Vasco wanted to get out of their fur before he could get tangled up; I’ve got no time to lose!

Word Count: 346

Thoughts ”Speech”