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Guided by her tears as they fall — Fool's Gold Chasm 
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Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
He clung to her every movement, waited with bated breath. He anticipated her answer to be a straightforward one. Either a lenient and unprejudiced 'He will have a place when he returns' or a very candid and wounded 'He won't be.' What came instead was a reminder, laced with a gentle touch of a reassurance:

"The Chasm belongs to you now. To us."

A slow blink of his black lashes as he cradled her jawline with his eyes. He should have known by now that his denial and reluctance were unbecoming. Aubine had always been the one to call him out on it, but she was gone now.

Saga went on to say that they had waited long enough; she was even weary of watching life go by without him. Adelard could only nod twice. She was right. Ever since Hudson left, all they had done was wait. For nearly two whole seasons, nothing had changed. He was about to open his mouth, to ask more questions, but she laid it all out in a single phrase.

"This isn't his home any longer."

He was glad he didn't say anything at that moment. It would have spoiled all that had just been set at liberty. Adelard Gerau could not afford to waste away or let the Chasm wolves dwindle away. He had done his job - looking after the pack, protecting them, scavenging for them, keeping an eye out for the missing. But, now was the time to accept what he had been shying away from all his life.

"I'll have to take you out for mussels some other time," he half-chuckled. Despite being mid-afternoon, the broken cloud cover easily darkened the winter skies. They would need more sunlight to distinguish shell from stone. "Maybe when... things aren't so heavy." At first, wistfulness twisted his words, but what followed came on a more delicate note. "And, new..."

He turned away, feeling he was being too forward like he had with Riven. He wanted them to stay this way forever, to have all the time in the world to figuratively dust everything off. "Just promise me one thing," he met her eyes again, "If you ever need me to step aside or stand down, you will tell me."
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2022, 01:39 AM by Adelard.)
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by Pinn who has 117 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Sága Tainn

Saga watched him, anticipating a negative reaction, or for the realization to hit him that she wasn't as strong as he thought she was, but it never came. Adelard listened, seemingly accepted her words, and even nodded, a motion that further validated her feelings and it felt good.

She nodded her response, allowing her features to shift as the fire in her heart cooled. Though she had been willing to dig up mussles with Adelard, she wasn't particularly disappointed that the cloud-cover had delayed their plans. They had plenty of time for it, and like the leader had said, things were still heavy and new.

"Just promise me one thing,"

She met his gaze once more, feeling the sincerity behind his words. Saga wanted to tell him that that would never happen, that he had taken the place she felt in her heart was rightfully his, but somehow she felt that that wasn't the answer Adelard wanted to hear. "Ok. I promise, but only if you promise me that if it's ever too hard.. if you ever feel the burden has become too much, that you will ask me for help."

[Image: SAGA.png]
Sága is currently travelling with Huddy, Aubine, Adelard, Rhaegara, Riven, Maugrim & Hrun
Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
Feel free to tack on a fade or archive at your convenience!

"Ok." The single word alone would have sufficed, but she expounded upon it. "I promise, but only if you promise me that if it's ever too hard.. if you ever feel the burden has become too much, that you will ask me for help."

The corners of his mouth twitched. Had she said such a thing to him only weeks or months ago, he would have crumbled. Now he stood tall, fortified and heartened by her. If she would allow it, he stepped into the space in front of her and once again lobbied for her touch. A slight dip of his muzzle to press his forehead to her temple.

"I promise."

Within him, the fire still raged, the ache smoldering through his ribcage and into his heart and lungs. Only the thought of facing it all with her seemed to temper it, to keep him together. He pressed his tongue to her cheek. When she was ready to return to the Chasm, he would go with her, at her side; but, for now, this was all he wanted to live for. Everything else could wait.

ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher