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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
Backdated to the morning of 1/11 | Cloudy, 4° F | Early morning
This thread is meant to be quick and to the point. Aleister is announcing that he has reclaimed leadership to the pack. If your character would like a more in-depth conversation, I'm more than happy to have a thread together. He is calling to all the pack, so if you can respond that would be great, but there would be no in-character consequences. I will post the next round on Thursday, Jan 20th. @Nash @Aquene @Oksana @Siyet @Flair @Jethro @Moonshadow @Stella I'll also tag @Chan @Leo but don't think they would be back in time, but I believe @Woya would still be around at this time, so she is welcome to join
Also no posting order at all!

The transition was quicker than the Vuesain anticipated having realized he was truly ready to reclaim his leadership position when Kateri had gone missing. And Chan seemed ready to relinquish it back to him after everything that has happened to the Cove. Aleister couldn't express how grateful he was for the tawny Eastfall and he hoped now the man would be able to find the freedom he deserved. So once Aquene and her party returned to the Cove yesterday, Aleister felt it was necessary to announce the transition. With the morning breeze bringing the crisp, mountain air into his nostrils, the Vuesain lifted his dark muzzle into the sky to send a message to the entirety of the pack. I have reclaimed leadership of the Cove. If anyone had questions, he was right in the open alongside the lakeshore.

(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2022, 04:43 PM by Aleister.)
Played by Flywolf who has 679 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Yesterday had been a busy day; first returning to, thankfully, find Kateri home, and then the fight with the entrepreneurial lynx. It left Nash exhausted and ready to sleep in, but for some reason he couldn't quite get enough rest. He sighed deeply and shifted, hoping that even as the sun came up he would be able to find sleep.

No such luck. Just as he was about to tip into unconsciousness, Aleister's call filled the air. Nash's ears stood up, and then he lifted his head. A storm of emotions swirled through him. First and foremost, he was glad his friend was recovered enough to reclaim his rightful role as their leader. Then next was a guilty chagrin; it meant Chan was now free of the responsibility that had kept him here so long, and now he could leave whenever he was ready. Nash couldn't convince him to delay any longer, nor would he try. He was glad to have had these months to reconnect with his brother; he wouldn't let him leaving drive them apart.

Giving up on sleep, Nash hauled himself to his feet and trotted out to meet Al with a smile. "About time, huh?" he called as he approached, amicably bumping his shoulder.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana had found get way to the lake after a patrol. She thought she'd get a drink before returning to her duties. That was put on hold when she heard Aleister's voice announcing through the forest that he was their leader once more. A wide smile crossed her lips. Since be didn't sound too far away she quickly made her way to where she found him and Nash by the lakeshore. She approached the pair still smiling. "I'm really happy and proud of you," she told the Agouti man. He'd come so far since that day she found him so upset. "I know you'll do well for this pack." She meant that because she believed him to be a good man who cared very much for his pack and family.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Chan was no longer the Cove’s leader, and Jet wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that, just yet. He held quite a lot of respect for the elder of the two Eastfall siblings, especially as an Alpha. Especially in comparison to the man that would be taking control again, who Jethro knew very little about. But he did know that the man had been willing to let him stay, when he and Nori had first shown up, so that counted for something.

At the very least, though, Jet owed it to the man and to the others in the pack to continue to offer support in return, until they had the opportunity to become better acquainted. A couple of others had already gathered along the lake with Aleister by the time the dark one arrived. He moved a bit slower than he might’ve liked, the cuts he’d earned from that damned lynx stinging, but it didn’t seem like he was too late. Nash and the other female were far better acquainted with the Aleister than Jet was, so as was so often typical in these settings, the dark one opted to remain back a few paces while the others conversed, and offer his loyalty with a silent bow of his head.
Played by PuppyThief who has 371 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Flair Smoke-Athesila
  She had finally made it back to the Cove the night before, taking her sweet time climbing back up the mountain; To not stress her ribs, or so she told herself. Just like she told herself that choosing to sleep alone, aways from the den site was to not disturb anyone already asleep. She was getting quite good at making excuses.

  This morning, she was up early and on her way off to hunt, to make up for her absence, when the howl echoed through the territory, freezing her in place. The message was short and simple, and one she had been expecting for a long time now, and yet, hearing it seemed to knock the wind from her lungs. She turned her head briefly gazing in the direction of the howl – it had not been a summons, though she was sure the rest of the pack was eagerly gathering to congratulate Aleister – then she turned back around, heading for the border.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Kajika was laying outside the den resting his eyes when he heard Aleister's announcement through the trees. Chan had told him that this was coming but hadn't known when. Now it was finally happening. The dark man had only one thought about it in his mind. He thought it was important to tell the Vuesain man himself.

He rise to his feet and made his way toward the the lake. His large paws carried him as fast as they could which wasn't as fast as they once had. Still he reached the lake where a few others had gathered already. Kajika recognized Nash but the other two he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting properly. He walked up to Aleister with a wide smile across him maw.

"Your father would he proud to have a Vuesain leading the cove once again." Though it might not be Fallen Tree Cove by name it was still the cove in everyone's heart who remember what it once was.
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
again no posting order! @Oksana @Nash @Jethro @Flair

The dark Eastfall was first to greet him alongside the lakeshore, his ocean and sunshine gaze smiling as his companion joined him, bumping him in the shoulder. "Indeed," the Vuesain countered as the smile remained on his maw as his love came to join them as well. Moving to close the distance between him and newly discovered mate, Aleister smiled broadly at her words. "Thank you, Sana. I couldn't have done this without you," he answered truthfully. The man would likely have been in pieces with everything that had been thrown at him, but Oksana was determined to help keep him together.

Jethro was next to show, though he kept his distance from the gathering, but his respect was given, nonetheless. Nodding back towards the male, "Thank you, Jethro," he stated in response as his mismatched gaze looked over to see his new advisor approaching. Squaring his shoulder lightly, his gaze lingered upon the older wolf as Kajika approached him with a broad smile upon his maw. His words touched him, causing his head to dip lightly as he heard them. He was happy to know there was a possibility that his parents were proud of him as that was all he needed. "Thank you, Kajika. It's an honor," he answered as he looked to Sana one last time. Aleister was just happy to be alive and strengthening the Vuesain line with every breath.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
A few others arrived after she had. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face if she tried. The pride she held for her mate was evident all over her face. He'd finally after months of healing found himself in a place that he felt he could regain his leadership. Through it all she'd had stood right there at his side doing everything she could to help him through. She could only imagine how he must feel being able to come to this place in his life. As his mate she would always stand by him and support him.

She smiled up at him as he came to meet her. "I'm so happy that I could help you, Aleister and I'll always be at your side." She hoped that now that they shared their affections for each other he realized she wasn't going anywhere. She had seen him through his darkest days but she wanted to help him to see more happy days. Oksana lifted her muzzle up to his ear, "I love you Aleister. That won't change." She knew it in her bones how much she cared for him.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Kajika was rather proud of Aleister upon hearing the announcement. It was bittersweet for the older man. He would have loved for Namid and Vespertio to see their son as leader of the cove. To see what they had built to be rebuilt after the coyotes. He had hated very much to give up Fallen Tree Cove but that was in the past now and it was upto the young Vuesain.

Just as his mother amd father'd had their moments were they had to relinquish the throne for a time Aleister had done the same but it was his time to reclaim what was his. The dark man had gone to Congratulate his new leader along with others of the pack. He offered words he hoped would encourage and inspire the young man. It was a nod and a smile that he said, "And I am honored to serve you just as I did your parents."
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
The conversation went on between the Cove’s new leader and some of the others, and he was close enough to hear some of it. Most of it was congratulatory, and there were some other more.. mushy things as well. Talks about pride, love, and parents, things he had never heard or experienced for himself, couldn’t particularly comprehend, and things he didn’t need to stick around to hear.

Jethro was not quite sure how he felt about all of this. It would take time, probably, to sift through his thoughts. But for now, he had been noticed and acknowledged, and that was enough. He’d not falter in performing his duties because of this, even if his loyalty or respect for Aliester was nowhere near as strong, just yet. Hopefully, though, that could change in the future.

-exit Jet