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handheld dream shot in hell — Willow Ridge 
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Played by becca who has 17 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate

She recognized somebody here, somebody that wasn't from here.

None other than Moose. Now what was he doin' in a place like this? Was he a friend of Scully or Avella's? Maybe he had followed her here. Which she flattered herself with the thought, pretty certain that wasn't the case but still good for her ego.

Regardless of why he may have come here, she decided to poke his brain about the place finally. Reintroduce and bond or whatever it was packmates here tended to do. It wouldn't be too difficult to pluck his scent trail and follow it. His bear-like form handsome and familiar as always.

"MOOSE!" She shouted very bluntly, a wicked grin on her features.

(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2022, 10:53 PM by Queenie.)
Played by Daisy who has 62 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Moore Bailey

The Willows proved to be quite the pleasant and pretty place, even coated in a layer of snow and frost. While he'd wandered around plenty, there had been plenty of places to explore and scope out and to rest need-be. And while he wasn't quite tired yet, still having plenty to do in terms of territory, Moore was searching for a spot to hunker down later.

Upon hearing the sound of someone approaching, he picked his head up to get a view of the oncomer, doing a double-take upon realizing who it was. Almost immediately, his stance shifted from intently searching to excited, tail sweeping in wide arcs above his back and a broad smile on charcoal-colored lips.

"QUEENIE!" He shouted back at an equal volume, not even waiting a moment before bounding over to her in a few great strides over the frozen ground, snow crunching under heavy paws.

His mind cycled quickly through the options; either she was just passing through, or one of the Archers' had recruited her along for the pack. Regardless, he was glad to see her after their meeting in the caverns, and even more glad he had his nerves in the right place to not embarrass himself in front of her this time.

"It's good to see you! How've y'been? What're y'doing here?" The man shuffled his paws, settling back as to not bombard her with too many questions at once.

Played by becca who has 17 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate

She, of course, soaked in the sight of him. Unabashedly letting her eyes rove his handsome form.

"Whadda mean what am I doing here? I could ask you the same thing!" She loudly scoffed, aiming to roughly push a shoulder into him. No need to stop walking just because she showed up. They could cover ground easier with a conversation flowing. "I got mixed up with Scully a while 'go. Settled down here under some cozy conditions, eh?"

She wondered if Scully was the recruiter. He had seemed real keen and easy going, enough to wrangle her snarly ass into all of this. Maybe she was just smitten with stupid boys, spring on the horizon and all that.

Played by Daisy who has 62 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Moore Bailey

As Queenie looked over him, Moore couldn't help but puff out his chest slightly, his ego getting a bit of an unnecessary boost. Not that it would go to his head; everyone needed a confidence boost every so often. Still, he felt his ears go slightly hot at the attention.

There was barely a stagger as the she-wolf shoved a rough shoulder against him, followed by a smirk stringing itself across his features. He couldn't help but bump her shoulder back, a bit of a playful shove, as they started walking along together. @Scully recruited her, huh? That wasn't that much of a surprise; the monochrome wolf certainly had his charm and his ways, Moore wouldn't be able to deny that.

"Hah, same here! I mean, Avella was th'one who officially asked, but I ran into Scully first." Cozy was an understatement. Between the Archer siblings and @Hagar, he settled in quickly and comfortably, finding friendship easily with the lot of them. "I'd say so, yeah. It's good to be part of a group again, either way. Spent waaay too long goin' between packs."

"Think you'll be stayin' a while?" He asked after a beat, perhaps a bit hopeful. Their time together was brief originally, but he enjoyed it nonetheless and hoped she'd be sticking around for a while.