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no doctor to give you what you need — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
The air was shifting, heralding the season that would soon be unfolding around them. Typically, this was his favorite time of year. It was usually rare for him to come across other wolves as forward and promiscuous as he was year-round. In March, however, the playing field was far more level and Scully would reliably wander farther and farther from family to make other connections, all in good fun.

Fun came with risk now, however. While he'd been sure to avoid the subject as best he could with @Avella, he knew what lines could be crossed that would not just damage the Ridge, but their relationship as well. Therefor this year felt far more like a tightrope walk. Still, it hadn't kept him from starting to flirt openly and unabashedly with the others he'd grown to favor in the pack, @Moore and @Queenie included along with Hagar, as well as wandering outside of the territory in search of strangers. Only Ella and Punkin' were spared his antics, the younger girl like a second sister in his eyes.

His paws took him west now in this moment, away from the familiar markers of the Ridge and into the open where it would be possible to come across anyone. It didn't have to be difficult to have a little play without any tethers... right?
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Nightingale Forest
me? with drama? and angst? it's more likely than you think -- if assumptions aren't okay let me know!

She hadn't...failed to notice, per say. She just hoped that willful ignorance might change the...changes. Constant shifts in her body that she had never felt before. It added some edge of irritation to the usually bubbly girl. Frustrated by everything, but mostly by herself.

And there was one figure she felt particularly frustrated by.

The monochrome man she had come here for. If only because he seemed so unabashedly open with everybody else, but acted so nonchalant with her. As if she was not the same as everybody else. Her gut churned with discomfort now when she saw him in the meadow. Only because she didn't know how to think of him.

There was no denying that she felt safer near him than all the other wolves she didn't know well enough, but she was still more prone to clipping with teeth and squinted looks. She did not know how he thought of her either. Perhaps that was why she approached him silently. Only greeting him with a nip of his grey fur on his rump.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully hadn't expected the youngest of them to follow after, and couldn't help but feel an unfamiliar pinch of disappointment when he scented her approach. There was a whole moon to get through yet, hopefully ripe with opportunity, and still it didn't bode well to already be cock-blocked at the first opportunity. He felt her wordless hello and turned to give his own greeting, raring onto his hind legs briefly to bat playfully with his fore paws at her shoulders. Instead of communicating or displaying his chagrin, he remained open and affectionate.

Her thickening scent, like Avella's, caused his nose to wrinkle a little, but with a crooked smile the expression he maintained was more teasing than displeased.

"What's up stinky?"
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2022, 12:52 AM by Scully.)