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I can hear myself breathing — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Silence. It's what he yearned for, and it was what he received in the rise.
His deep gray and black pelt rippled as his muscles worked beneath it,
bringing him out onto the rocks from the Serpent's Pass and towards the
budding land of the flowers. His tail was flicking to and fro, for he seemed
in a rather delighted mood. He had previously been accepted into Poison
Pack, and he was not going to let his new pack-mates down. Yet on the
other hand, he was busy smelling around for a specific wolf- Finn. It was
his sister, and once he found her, he was to punish her for ever leaving
the pack. He did not smell her here, though, so he decided to relax instead.

The large beast continued forth now, his weighted paws softened by the
gentle emerald grasses that had sprouted weeks ago. Buds were all
about, representing flowers that were soon to bloom from them. Teal-green
eyes scanned the area for signs of life, and he could see a doe with her
yearling on the edge of a forest on the other side of the rise. His ears
twitched, and he scented the air, walking forward more. The deer
watched him cautiously, their dark eyes weary as they grazed and he
continued to explore the area he had stumbled upon.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Light emerald eyes watched the newcomer silently watching his moves closely. The wolf had wandered over into the area without her even noticing, but that was until she had scented him. He held the slight stench of Poison Path Pack indicating that he was either just in their territory or had recently joined the pack. The a small, determined step forward the female raised her head trying to seem taller than she was. She wasn't going to let the newcomer look down upon her, mainly if he was in the pack with <i>them.</i>

Snorting in annoyance a small soft voice spoke,<b> "Who are you? You smell of Poison Path Pack." </b>The smaller female spoke softly as she studied the larger wolf. He was new to the area obviously for he looked like he was just strolling around looking for something or maybe someone. Blinking her eyes she studied the other wolf closely.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd turned his head quickly as the female approached. His right ear
wriggled at her snort, and he narrowed his pale eyes slightly, just
enough that a bit of his irritation was noticeable. "Indeed, I am."
Jedd's deep, smooth old western voice rumbled these words as he
looked the she-wolf over. He flicked his tail, massive frame turning
towards the wolf. "You seem irritated, miss. Got a problem with
Poison Pack?"
Nay, the wolf was shy, he was quite outspoken.

He looked around, paws kneading the earth softly. His pale green
eyes observed the buds of the flowers more carefully now, wonder-
ing what color the flowers were to be once they bloomed. Damn. He
really hoped he would pick up the scent of his pathetic sister here.
He felt a bit of bloodlust pull at him, and the gray wolf's hackles rose
slightly. He shook away this feeling as quickly as it arrived, for he
did not want this female asking any questions of him.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The female's annoyed eyes quickly became soft as he spoke up, so what she had encountered was not true. The female relaxed slightly watching the large male carefully. He was kneading the ground indicating that something might have been bothering him, though she wasn't going to pry she felt the slight urge to try and help the the larger wolf. He was from Poison Path Pack and that meant that she had to be defensive, but not of him. <i>He didn't deny you help, someone else did, you simply just cannot hold a grudge.</i>

Licking her paw and drawing it over her head to smooth down her ruffled hair her soft voice spoke again, <b>"I do not have a problem, sir. I was just slightly urked by the scent, it is quite new to me."</b> The slight yowl from nearby sent Nina's ears pricking up, though she was annoyed she couldn't bring herself to leave. Besides the yowl wasn't for her anyway, it was Kanosak calling for someone else most likely.
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 01:42 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Sir. Jedd had not been called that in what felt like ages. He tilted his
cranium, eyes gazing at the female. "Very well, then. I detect you
are from a pack, as well- I do not know which, though."
he admit-
ted to his lack of knowledge to the packs around here, but being new
to the wildwood, how was he to know? The yowl that pierced the
quiet air attempted to make its way to his left ear, but it did so un-
successfully due to him being deaf in it. He barely picked it up
in his right ear, and grunting, he blinked rapidly. "Member of
your pack?
he questioned sharply.

She was a nice looking wolf, and healthy at that. She seemed to
be a year younger than he, but a year makes all the difference when
it comes to knowledge. Her brown toned coat reminded him of a few
of his birth pack-mates, and his face went blank before he looked back
to the rocky area in which he came from- the Serpent's Pass. The land
surrounding his pack. He was becoming a master at scaling the rocks,
and it felt nice to be on soft grass again. The pads of his paws had
become rougher, and this was certainly a nice break.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I hope you don't mind me jumping in(: ahaha xD

The feeling of soft, dew-covered grass was a welcome feeling for the white lady. She was so used to the rough surfaces of the mountain, grass was foreign to her now. Now that she was out of the mountains and in the open spaces, she could not help, but feel exposed... She hated the feeling, but before she could turn back, the scent of Jedd wafted into her black nostrils. Hmm. Curiosity kills the cat, but can it kill a wolf too?

The stench of Nina attacked her nose as she was jogging after Jedd’s trail. The white woman stopped dead in her tracks and a menacing snarl escaped her maw. Great, that woman was here. The wolf that insulted her and their confrontation almost ended in violence if the tawny woman had not of left. She was lucky she left before Athena could get a paw on her, but would she be lucky today?

Her hackles raised and teeth bared she stalked forward to where Jedd and the crazy woman stood. Her tail was straight in the air like a flagpole. Her narrowed eyes were locked on Nina, not letting her out of her sights. She came to stop along side Jedd giving him a friendly nudge on the cheek despite her aggressiveness towards the female in front of them. They were close enough that their fur was almost touching. Nina would not even come close to her pack mate if she decided to attack, Athena would be launched into the air before her tawny paws lay on the brute.

Athena had caught part of their conversation as she had been approaching them. Nina had mentioned something about the white lady's pack and she spoke the name with venom in her voice. This irked anger within her. No wolf was going to disrespect Poison Path if she had anything to say about it. "I advise you to speak of Poison Path with respect," she said bitterly. Athena ignored the howl that erupted into the sky, but kept her attention trained on the woman in front of her.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The sight of the familiar wolf brought a not so nice memory to mind. The wolf had attempted to help the other wolf, but Athena had only taken it as an insult instead of simply a good deed. Speaking towards Jedd her soft voice rang, <b>"Yes, dear sir, I come from Copper Rock Creek Pack. Yes, a pack mate. It seems as though he is looking for someone."</b> Looking over at Athena she bowed her head slightly in submission. She had heard of the female wolf's ranking. She had become a second in Poison Path. Nodding her head to the female she muttered a quick congratulations to the female. 

<b>"It's a pleasure to see you again, Madame."</b> Nina spoke softly and respectfully trying not to get on the smaller female's wrong paw again.  Nina made sure to keep her head low and her posture submissive. Even though Athena was in another pack it was only respectable to the higher ranking, which Athena was. The strong scent of Poison Path was in her nostrils and she made sure to record the scent in her brain for the next time she encountered a wolf. 

Glancing in the general direction of home she felt as if she should go back. Two members of the same pack and her lonesome self would not be a good fight if one to occur, and the female could only hope that she could easily find an escape route. Casting her eyes in the direction of the herb bushes she had to make sure she stood clear of the bushes. 

Turning her attention back to the other wolves she spoke softly, <b>"So what are you two doing over here?"</b> Nina wasn't one to pry, but she didn't expect two wolves from an opposite pack to be here. Mainly when they were brand new. There were borders to be concerned about. Though they weren't intruding the brown female felt quite uncomfortable in the presence of the other two wolves. 

Casting a quick glance at the newcomer she marked his appearance in herons quickly. Male, large, black, grey fur with white underbelly with light greenish eyes. Athena was easier to remember since she had encountered the female awhile ago she had remembered what the female looked like so if at a time her senses failed her and she still had her sight she could still classify the other wolf. 
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Oh lawd Athena be creepin'! XP

Jedd turned his head slightly as Athena approached. He pressed his ears against
his skull in submissive manner, and offered a lick at the second's chin. He felt the
tension between the two wolves, and it felt rather satisfying. No, he would not
normally fight a female, but if Athena had made a move to do so, he would not
hesitate to assist her. He huffed lightly, breath expelling from his lungs.

"Ain't that a bit of a bold question" he sneered, almost rolling his eyes.
He'd imagine the wolf would step with her words more cautiously since there
were now two Poison Pack members in her presence. Turning slightly away
from the tawny pelted female, he spoke: "Paws need a break from the stone.
Don't suppose you'd know what that was like..."
Saying this, Jedd felt the
earth with his paws once more. Beneath the fresh grasses he could feel soft soil-
oh, did it feel good. He was actually tempted to roll about in the grasses, but not
while this other pack wolf was here.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    my kind of party.

He was starting to break into an odd routine. He tried to stay close to Swift River in this time, he was quite disturbed by Rhysis, and his followers. He wasn't sure if he believe a word spoken from Naira's mouth. She'd broken his trust in her, and any new strangers. It was high time he ran into one of them, let them feel the mark of a River wolf's harsh bite.He was keeping close to the edge of Riddle Heights not yet tempted to climb them, but scouting out where this new pack might hunt, or wander. Lucky for him he found just what he wanted. The stench of Naira, and damn old Rhysis on a large brute ambling amongst the flowers. How poetic The thought the heat rose along his back, shifting his black mane in his anger. He calmly collected himself, becoming more curious who this man was. If Triell acted like he was another pack wolf with no ties to his leaders he could get the knowledge he wanted.

While the dark man closed in on his trail he was surprised sensing to females out, and about too. One he knew came from Ruiko's pack while the other was someone who had crawled on the ground like a pathetic worm. This will be good, he smirked, and shady grin crossing his features. Lets see how Athena Moon welcomed her old pack mate. His thick limbs propelled him forward to the exchanging voices. He arrived just in time to hear Athena's harsh words hack into the other lady. Boy Poison Path hmm? They thought they were the shit didn't they? We'll just see about that. He calmly kept downwind of the fickle creatures in the protecting of the prototyping boulders, and jagged rock listening to them banter.

The Copper Rock Creek wolf seemed to be taken it all well, bending to keep the peace. Not for long, he thought, his thick muscles bunching beneath his onyx coat, waiting to spring. He wanted to scare them, and stupid Rhysis. Triell was not as rash as the pup he'd once been, and was bidding his time. He let the male speak his peace, feeling the irritation like a disease in the passing wind.

It was when the male was silent did Triell raise from the rock, and saunter over to the little gather. He had the most amused smirk on his face, and a dark brow raised. All the same his bright golden eyes bore into the white lady while he came to stand near Nina's side."Why's that Athena? Wolves who run away in the middle of the night like cowardice coyotes don't seem deserving of it." He quipped with an snort of his own displeasure. Lets see you down on your knees this time, he thought coldly.

another creeper xD
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 03:33 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The smaller female said nothing to that as the younger wolf almost scolded her. He was right, though she was trying to be friendly, she didn't seem to think that it would work with these to wolves up her ass. She was tempted to call for another pack mate to assist her in getting these wolves to leave, but they weren't trespassing just yet leaving her in no position to make them leave. The respect she had for the wolf quickly dispersed as he sneered at her and taunted her softness. The male knew nothing of her past and of what she had done so why not hold that against him, though she kept her mouth shut, she didn't want any unneeded attention. Attention she had already drawn to herself by speaking.

Keeping her head low and her ears pinned on her head she looked in the general direction of where she had encountered the other lone wolf. The larger, older, wiser male that she wouldn't mind having by her side in a time like this. Trying to flatten down her fur to appear smaller she glanced down at the ground. Nina kept her head down low until another wolf sauntered up beside her. Taking a quick whiff of his scent he classified the wolf as Swift River immediately.

Athena's harsh words were greeting with one of displeasure leaving the smaller wolf in shock Nina looked away. A fight was going to occur now, she knew it. The smaller female had taken Nina's words as an insult. Hearing an actual insult could result much worse than the way Nina had left things with Athena last time. Nina gave the newcomer a unsure glance and a small prob of his stomach with her bushy tail.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
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