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from the outside — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer
Hundreds of crows litter the skies. Could it be a bad omen?

Back-dated to 11/4. @Nash @Aquene

She had not meant to wander and be away for any amount of time. At once she had known that her mother and father would panic, that they would surely tear down the whole mountain if it meant finding her again.

So she had made sure to come home with something good. The large gatherings of crows had guided the half-grown child to a feast south. She had thought it would have been a mighty thing to come home with something to show. Within her jaws was the ankle of a deer. The leg up to the hip had come with her. Had she been any younger the sight might have been borderline comical. Yet when she stood upon the age of half-a-year she was near the size of a small adult anyway.

She knew the smell of home well though and was grateful that it welcomed her senses so openly. However she was rightfully tired. Even if the loud chattering of crows seemed to be a trumpet call to her arrival home.

Her head tilted back to join in their call.

Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Panic had settled in when Eclypse had gone missing… a flashback to her eldest, to when Kateri went missing and she had scoured the Lore looking for her… even now she paced the border anxiously, fighting the urge to run out after the faintest hints of scents that would point to her… and there was nothing… nothing until she heard the crows, and mixed in with it a familiar sound. Relief flooded through her heart as she rushed through the soft mountain snow, kicking it up behind her as she moved, grateful to see the ebony girl’s presence.

“Eclypse!” She’d call out as she moved forward, gently nuzzling her side before beginning to look her over and inspect her for any injuries she might have, as well as to get a feeling for her overall health. “Are you hurt? Where have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick!” She sounded just as frazzled as she felt the entire time, the worry thick in her voice and overbearing.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer

At once she stepped into her mother, she sought the embrace of something warm and familiar.

I'm sorry. And she was genuine in this too. Her own voice dripped with an apologetic tone as her body ducked down for a moment. Low and submissive in her body language too.

I'm okay, though, I promise. I just got a little far out. The smoke had cooped her up and with her growing age had come a desire to know the whole of their home. Being alone on the mountain had instilled a certain sense of...entitlement, perhaps. Protectiveness too. A guardian like her father it seemed.

She nudged forth the dirtied offering of meat that she had brought with her. The crows had not settled at all. Maybe content to find a place with life, too. They could live off of the wolves and the wolves them.

Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She looked so cold that Aquene worried about shivers or a cold… the way that the apologetic tone hit her panged her heart as she did her best to comfort her and assure her that everything was okay. “It’s okay… what matters is that you’re home now, safe and sound.” God, she had to be starving. Aquene knew that she hadn’t participated in a full pack hunt yet, and while she was learning to hunt, no child’s hunting skills were perfect.

“Come on, let’s get you to the den so you can warm up.” She encouraged, already nudging her along, eager to get her to the safety of the herbal den where Aquene knew she could do the most to keep her safe. She couldn’t help but worry about her daughter, her health, especially knowing now that one of her grandchildren had fallen to illness and the other was being raised with Kateri missing god knows where…

No, she would not let a similar fate befall the rest of them.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer

She could not blame her mother, but there was no denying that she felt smothered in that moment. As if somehow she had been gone longer than she realized. She knew she was the baby still but...

Is dad there? I wanna see him. Grandma too... Perhaps there was a sense of stalling in the way she asked this things. Not so quick to want to be smooshed back into the den. Even if it would be warm and familiar. Hesitantly she allowed herself to be herded. Sniffed along the scents as they went to pick apart those familiar and those not.

Surely with her growing age there was a fairly direct need to know all of the faces in her home no matter if they came and went. Maybe everyone would be a bit more receptive to hanging out with her if they stopped viewing her so directly as a child to be watched over.

Even if she still very much was.

Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

There was a gentleness in her tone as she said it all, even as she continued to smother her daughter, she found that she could not help it. The girl had worried her sick, and she needed to ensure that she remained okay. As she asked about her father and her grandmother, she offered a nod. “They’re around the territory. They’ve been looking for you too. I’m certain once they catch your scent, they’ll find their way to the den.” She noticed the hesitance in her daughter, but in that moment she cared little.

All she cared about was getting her to the den, and looking her over properly before getting her a nice meal and allowing her to cuddle up and get warm. That was her priority as a healer, and as a mother. She had to make sure her baby girl was okay.

Even as she grew older, and more independent just as all the others had… Aquene would always be there to dote and take care. “I’ll get you a nice meal, and you can rest up.” And later she’d inquire about what had happened that had Eclypse wander off to begin with.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer
Right, of course, it made sense.

Her steps lightened some and found it a bit easier to follow after her mother. Reminded herself that she would see all of home again soon. That she would go back to exploring each cranny of the lake without a care in the world. That she would chase after mother or father in the lessons she would need to learn before her first year.

She loosened a bit of a yawn without much thought.

"Will you let me come with you after a rest?" Her mother seemed to hold some of the knowledge that her father did not. Things about herbs and healing. Eclypse figured these were things she ought to know better too. Heaven forbid she got caught out there for longer than just a few days...

"I wanna learn more." As if her mother needed any elaboration from her curious child!
Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Though Aquene would be nervous to let her out of her sight, she would allow such actions once she confirmed her daughter’s overall health. No doubt there would be an eye kept from a distance but she never sought to entirely smother her children, for fear of driving them away from her, and Eclypse was no different. She prided herself in the close relationship she’d had with her children, even if there were a few where such a relationship no longer existed… she wondered now where Kateri was, if she was safe… why she had not returned to Archer or their children.

She feared the worst, and could only pray to the stars that the ancestors were there to watch over her and guide her.

“Yes, I will let you come with me.” She offered, finding herself elated that her daughter showed an interest in such things… she did not even pause to wonder why she was suddenly interested in such. “After you rest I can teach you about different herbs and treatments… if you want to. Are you sure?”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer
She had not expected questioning but she only offered a bit of a goofy smile to her mother. Leaned in to gently bump her skull against her mother's jawline. Submissive and sweet in the action.

"Of course I'm sure! You can't be the only shaman running around here, you know. Not with Dad and Magg running around the borders." Eclypse knew she was on that list too but right now her goal was to bond further with her mother. An easy task! Yet important nonetheless.

"Where would we even start with that?"

She blinked a bit curious and owlish as they ambled along the familiar grooves that would lead to the den.
Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She had not expected her daughter to find what felt like a sudden interest in plants… though perhaps it was just a matter that Aquene had been too busy leading beside Nash to have noticed… she couldn’t help but wonder if she had failed to offer nurturement of such a skill earlier… perhaps she might have returned in better shape if she had.

There was a chuckle at the mention of not only her husband, but of Magg, and the trouble they could find themselves in… and then another question. She’d bump her head gently against the girl’s shoulder in response. “You raise a good point, my young apprentice… perhaps we ought to start with scrapes and cuts… the ancestors know that Magg and your father both have a penchant for getting those.” And then perhaps she’d cover the plants relating to dealing with the cold and chills.

With winter approaching, it would be good to have an extra set of paws around.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]