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Blinding Lights — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle
What you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water [Image: 029C58BC-453E-47B1-A7CD-587ADFA22B41.web...e&]
Euna Valle
RE: "The ground beneath your paws begins to give, as there is a hollow just underneath filled with glittering crystals." The dark cave is lit by buggies that glow!

Euna was out and about scratching her itch for adventure. The desire to push boundaries was becoming overwhelming. She needed to see the world. Getting lost had expanded her mind, and she just…needed to learn. She needed to see. Needed to experience. There was so much she could do, if only, she could get past her father’s watchful eyes. The girl’s head popped up to peer around at her packmates within the den. Not everyone was here, of course, and despite what would give her a higher advantage she didn’t care to locate her father. Whether he was inside or not she was confident in her ability to play this off cool.

The girl got up, stretching, then casually trotted out of the den like it was any other day. She made her way towards the caches to throw anyone off. It made it seem she was just going out for breakfast, then she veered off for the borders once out of sight. Her paws carried her through different lands, the sun shifting in the sky as she traveled. She walked until things had become unrecognizable, her tail wagging freely. Her eyes danced around the meadow, and soon her paws were moving to do the same. She frolicked without the worry of anyone finding her silly. Euna was a child, and no matter how serious or mean she behaved, she had a child's heart deep down.

The ground beneath her echoed out a rumble, Euna halting with flattened ears. Her legs moved to a wider stance as she braced herself against the trembles. Her nails raked against the hard snow, scraping against its surface.  The earth began crumbling beneath her as she scrambled to find a safe landing. Her front paws made contact with a slippery ledge, snow giving way to hidden ice. She trashed and pulled trying to heave herself over the edge but ultimately slipped. Euna fell into the hole with a shriek, crashing onto a soft landing.

Despite her cushioned landing the girl lost consciousness for a bit. As she came around, she lay disoriented and confused. Her dark eyes scanned the hole she’d abruptly made with her dramatic entry. Etched out of the ground from nowhere. The fall hadn’t been far, but she knew it was too steep to jump out. The cave walls were slick with moisture that had hardened to ice. She was trapped.

Euna wasn’t a weakling, so she didn’t call out for help. She had no intentions of panicking, even as the stars above her twinkled. She knew she’d be in trouble, and yet, she couldn’t find it in herself to care. All she had to do was play innocent. Wrap them around her paws with sweet words. Apologize, move on, and go forth to manipulate another day. The girl stood up, shaking her pelt free of snow, and looked herself over. She looked fine, and for the most part, felt okay. Just a little sore. The pup set off to venture down a winding tunnel. The pitch black made it so that she couldn’t see, relying on her nose for guidance. She followed the faint scent of water until her toes were touching shallow depths. She stopped, squinting her eyes as she tried to make out anything. A faint light had her carefully walking around a bend. She came to a wide room illuminated by…something? The light bounced off thousands of glittering rocks. Her jaw dropped, and the child gasped with awe. This. This was worth any punishment.
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

He’d been laying low since the incident at the Falls, wanting to make sure he was in the clear and wouldn’t be leading any revenge back to the Backwater. But it was getting harder and harder to manage alone as winter drew on, with further and further between even small scraps of food. Vasco had starved before, when he was younger and stronger, he had no intention of doing so again, even if it would mean more trouble for the pack; We’ll deal with that…!

So, the aging man slowly inched his way back towards heartleaf creek. He took his time, resting often and spending days simply foraging, even attempting to hunt, though with scant success. Last night had been lucky though, as he’d reached the edge of the marsh and come upon a burrow where a young woodchuck was sleeping blissfully. And just like that, his stomach had been filled with even a bit leftover for the following day, leaving him rather chuffed as he found his way to the caverns to roll up for sleep.

But his rest was short lived, as the sound of tumbling rock woke him with a start. Fearing the walls were caving in around him, Vasco darted off in direction of the first light he saw, following a winding tunnel into the heart of the caverns, where a stunning sight stopped him dead in his tracks; This can’t be… He almost thought himself dead, walking among the very stars of the heavens, as he gazed around at the twinkling crystals, mouth agape. Then a sound of movement snapped him back to reality, head whirling as he tried to peer through the dimness; “Who goes there?”

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle
The Price of your Greed
[Image: 029C58BC-453E-47B1-A7CD-587ADFA22B41.web...e&]
Euna Valle
She wasn't alone. Her sightseeing moment was over almost as quickly as she discovered the stunning scene. Her ears flattened as she quietly shuffled backward. The young wolf attempted to hide in the darkness. Her eyes sought out the voice she no longer recognized. The smell of her relative was lost to her. He was a faint and fuzzy memory she could not recall from her early days. Euna didn't feel like being caught by a grown-up. Stranger or not. That meant talking, and talking usually meant explaining herself. She wasn't about to do that if she could get away with it...but...the glowing rocks. Euna glanced up at them.

Maybe if she crouched down real low, and didn't move or make a sound the other wolf would wander off? Then she could keep staring for a bit! Yeah, that sounded good. The pup hunkered down in a slow movement. Her belly pressed into the hard ground while her little legs curled underneath her. There was no harm in watching if she wasn't caught doing so!
One Kiss away from Killing