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you don't say — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by becca who has 15 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Achille Pascal

It was two men that led the Backwater and he had yet to meet the second one. Perhaps rather the first one? He had not yet learned how they balanced each other but he was keen to. There was importance to Achille in making sure he established himself early on, so that they might learn to trust his face as he had offered.

He weaved after the strong, distinct scent. Although he kept his pace casual and light, there would undoubtedly be a look of warm curiosity upon his face.

"Hello," He offered when he thought he finally caught sight of a figure up ahead. "Have a moment to spare?" His tail waved behind him.
" a-sheel pas-kal "
achille's name is the french pronunciation and the faintest accent tinges the edges of his words
Played by Ghost who has 649 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Eros had told the older Valle man that they had a new member amongst them who claimed to be able to hunt and guard as needed. That had been only a day, maybe two before now, so it surprised the leader when he heard the unfamiliar voice calling for him. Viorel had been just leaving a visit with Clover, who was still not fully back on her paws and so he liked to offer what he could. Usually that was just company since he was a lousy healer and there were many others within the pack who could attend her in that regard.

Looking up to see a tawny face with distinct mask markings, the salt and pepper wolf responded with a nod and then gestured with his muzzle to follow him. Once they had gone far enough away he was sure they weren’t going to disturb the injured woman he enquired, ”Achille I assume? Eros told me you had come to join us.” It bode well for him that he was taking the initiative to seek out leadership. Unless he had come to ask for some kind of a favour, and then any goodwill Viorel was beginning to build towards him would be gone.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by becca who has 15 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Achille Pascal
He noticed the gesture and made sure to be quick on his feet. It seemed this pack was full of large-sized men. Achille included, of course. They would be plenty well guarded with more than enough muscle to bring down whatever they hunted. Assuming they all had skill to back that up.

Ah, but -

"Yes. Achille Pascal at your service." A respectful and low dip of his head before it bobbed back up to normal like before. "I figured we ought to see one another, yes? So you know who guards your borders and I know who else leads."

He did ponder other things, but settled for basics first.
" a-sheel pas-kal "
achille's name is the french pronunciation and the faintest accent tinges the edges of his words
Played by Ghost who has 649 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Achille was quick to fall in step with the leader and yellow eyes took short glances to the side to observe him. Appeared healthy enough despite just arriving on the borders presumably after spending at least some time as a loner. Spoke well of the hunting and guarding abilities that he had claimed to have to Eros. Lip twitched upwards into the smallest of grins, he wondered where this wolf had come from, the slightest of accents tangible in his words and the phrases he uses formal in nature.

Nodding in agreement he added, ”Viorel Valle, though I assume Eros mentioned who his co-lead is.” Or maybe he hadn’t, the father had no way of knowing how long their conversation had been on the borders. Still, now was his chance to pass judgment on their newest member, so he asked, ”And what brings you to the Backwater Achille?” He looked young, but wasn’t a yearling which is when most wolves struck out if they were going to look for something bigger than their birth packs. Maybe there was something bigger at play here.

He could only hope there was nothing nefarious going on, the spring season was right around the corner and the leader was well aware of this. Any and all men under their rule would be watched closely to ensure they stayed in line.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]