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she is the job — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Greyer who has 251 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
March 18th; Late evening; Broken Clouds; 28.31° F, -2.05° C.

It was with a rather heavy gait that Adelard skulked about the borders of Paradise Falls. His nose was against the ground, following @Isla's most recent trail. He paced, pressing his paws into the thawing ground every so often. Strangers who passed through Kingsfall knew now to keep moving. This part of the forest was well-protected.

He dropped down on his right elbow, leaning into his right shoulder until he flopped onto the ground. A good scent roll dispersed his scent as well as added to the already wide range of potpourri in his fur. Upon getting back onto all fours, he shook out his thick winter coat and lashed his tail out behind him. One deep breath in. One deep breath out. This was it. No more creeping around, no more stealth operations. He wanted the wolves here to know that he held obligations and intended to follow through.

A couple of barks went up into the twilight skies. A solid and polite declaration that he was here. He licked the side of his muzzle, waiting for a second in case Isla happened to be nearby. Then he turned about in a circle, lifting his nose and head. A low, beckoning howl challenged the gentle roar of the territory's waterfalls. It asked for one thing, and one thing only. Adelard Gerau sought to speak with those in charge.
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle

Isla could have been described as a hawk. She already had a nature to tend the borders and when she thought she heard him, she whipped around on her own trail. She backtracked every step she had already made.

His voice raised in a howl and she knew soon enough @Finley would arrive to see him. Isla wanted to be first, for a multitude of reasons.

Although she had slowed enough upon arrival to not run full force into him, her pace was still heavy and quick. A sharp bark pierced the air. Her tail whipped around behind her.

If not stopped, she planned to greet him by shoving herself alongside him.

Played by Ghost who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Mentor
Finley Lennox Kane

Isla’s scent had changed a few days ago and the mother had been able to infer that she had accomplished her goal. Finley had not pressed her on the matter or any potential father that had aided her in her mission. She had stated from the very beginning that she was planning on doing this alone and there was no partner in the picture. So, there was really no point in asking.

Finley had been in the process of seeking out Atara to see if she wanted to go for a walk before it got too dark when the all had gone up. Internally she cringed at having to take time away from her daughter to answer a stranger but externally she plastered on a pleasant expression. So much of these days felt like going through the motions, and it was beginning to wear on her mental health, and Flair didn’t seem to be getting any better.

That didn’t matter, by the time she got to the loner she looked neutral and once her green eyes fell on Isla snuggled into the man’s side she brightened. So maybe the young woman had found herself a real partner after all. Smiling she stated, ”Isla, I see you’ve brought a friend home.” She seemed to be doing a lot of that these days.

Played by Greyer who has 251 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
Adelard waited, but not for long. Moments after he had called, the woman who had led him here appeared. She emerged from the woods at an easy pace and greeted him with a bark. He didn’t even move as she approached, nuzzling and leaning into his shoulder and flank. He regarded her with two low chuffs, a greeting and a sound to signal his relief to be reunited with her again.

He craned his head over her, nibbling at what ever but if fur he could reach. His little display of affection was put to a stop when he heard another set of footsteps coming their way. He took a step forward as if to shield his little soot sprite from the woman, but he held his head low and did not lift his tail. The woman before him showed she was no threat.

If Adelard had not been duty-bound, he might’ve seen the Leader in a different light. To say she was pretty was an understatement. He made a mental note to explore that later. Right now, there were other things to he had to focus on.

“Isla, she hailed the smaller woman, “I see you’ve brought a friend home.”

The tail behind his heels began to wave. His guarding stance let up with a shake of his pelt. He circled around Isla, nuzzling her shoulder with his nose as he came to stand at her side. His head tilted to one side in keen interest as he looked from one to the other. Perhaps he ought to let the women talk first…

The large brute sat then reclined forward as if he were a guard dog told to stand down.
heat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle
She was thrilled to have him close once more. Nearly irritated that any sort of affectionate gestures ceased until she realized why. Finley was attentive — perhaps a trait imbedded in her motherly nature — and had arrived just as expected. While she stayed strong alongside the large man's side, there was a warm look that brewed within her gaze.

Words were required and now he would hear her. A husky voice, laced with the importance of her ask.

"I want him to stay."

And although her voice worded her want, it was not a demand. Her posture deferred to the Falls' matriarch, even as her tail dared a little wave behind her.
Played by Ghost who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Mentor
Finley Lennox Kane

The stranger stepped in front of Isla to posture protectively over her and Finley’s eyes narrowed slightly, smile faltering. It was not the most comfortable thing for her to do, but her tail raised a fraction of an inch. It was not this gentleman suitor’s job to be protecting the younger woman from her. But, he quickly relaxed and shook it off and the leader tried to let it go, only because Isla seemed so happy.

She had never seen the Valle woman take such a liking to anyone, certainly never displaying physical affection - or really any affection at all. Tails began to wave from the subordinate and the loner and in return Finley returned to a more neutral position. Isla’s tone brought a twinkle to her eye, there appeared to be the blooming of young love here on their borders.

Turning her attention back to the loner, ”If you’re going to join us you will have to pull your weight, not just for Isla but as a member as a whole. You’ll answer to me, Finley Lennox, and everyone else who outranks you, I assume this won’t be a problem?” She had been practicing how to answer calls from the border in what she would consider a more professional manner and was beginning to slowly become more comfortable with it. She added, ”And what should we call you?” A new member would need a name after all.

Played by Greyer who has 251 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
The Gerau eyed the Leader, holding her gaze for exactly three seconds before turning to Isla. She spoke for both of them, something he was a bit grateful for. There wasn't much that he cared to share. He simply wanted what the dark woman had said, "I want him to stay."

The ear closest to Finley turned toward her as the brute nuzzled his cheek to Isla's forearm. It might've seemed sweet but, to him, it was a way of declaring loyalty. Marking her with his scent and vice versa. A small part of him wondered if he was making a mistake. The tawny woman was in charge and he desired stability. Youth, in all its fun and glory, also brought with it impulsive decisions and gullibility. He gave a soft snort. Isla seemed mature for her age, having come into adulthood just recently, but he dared to cling to her. Her... and all the opportunities she represented.

He could feel Finley's gaze on him and he peered at her from the corner of his eye. "If you're going to join us you will have to pull your weight," she clarified. "Not just for Isla but as a member as a whole." He pursed his lips, eyes narrowing before blinking the judgmental look away. When he thought that was all, she quickly instructed him to answer to her and his superiors. His younger self would have rolled his eyes. Typical and traditional, as was the way of the wolf. "I assume this won't be a problem?"

Adelard gave another huff through his nose. He had to give it to her... he expected Isla to be quite a force compared to her Leader, but Finley held her own. He gathered his limbs beneath him and ducked his head beneath Isla's before moving away. A guarded gaze met Finley before lapping his tongue at her chin. Here, being close to her, he picked up a few more things about her. She had a family, knew the lands well, and potentially had a family of her own... Another mental note to think twice about his flights of fancy.

He withdrew from her personal space, looking from one to the other once more. "Adelard Gerau," he drawled, his accent from the east catching on the syllables of his surname, "of Coquelicot Coppice. Of Ménage Gerau, there is no call we do not answer. There is no faith that we betray. Whatever you ask of me, I will do it."
heat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle

In that moment, she admired Finley. Perhaps the woman had become motherly in some vague sense to Isla. Perhaps she filled a void that Isla had not known she had. For the Valle had so many holes in her heart that she was bound to miss one or two...

She had not considered that her consort might say no. That he might defy the higher ranked woman. If he had a mind aligned with hers, he would see the benefit here for them. Things could always change but she knew they both needed to play smart to excel. She welcomed his nearness, still reluctant to ever feel him leave or drift away, but she understood. She welcomed his display to Finley as well. It had not stirred her fired greed. She only saw that he had accepted the Falls — her — as his future.

Adelard Gerau. Her chosen.

She gazed upon him with a pride that lifted her head some. Her tail had picked up a touch of speed as she looked to Finely again. Pale-blue eyes searched the face of her current leader. Desperate and eager.

(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2024, 03:04 AM by Isla.)
Played by Ghost who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Mentor
Finley Lennox Kane
Finley exit

When he spoke he had an accent that the leader had not expected and it brought a slight smile to her face. She could see why Isla was infatuated, it was charming, he was objectively handsome and clearly able to provide, and he was well mannered. A little possessive possibly, but well mannered nonetheless. She allowed him to lick her chin - though it was a gesture she still wasn’t used to receiving. Plus, she was proud of the young subordinate for letting someone past her hard shell, so she said ”Well then, welcome Adelard Gerau to Paradise Falls. I trust that Isla will be able to show you around.” She looked approvingly at the Valle woman, before taking her leave.

Played by Greyer who has 251 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
It might have been true, once upon a time, that Adelard Gerau was meant to lead. And, Adelard had led a pack before, albeit one not founded by him or his own flesh and blood. Try as he might, against all odds, it was never meant to be. In this lifetime, it was never him. His twin Aubine Gerau, now Second in pack far from their ancestral home, was a budding matriarch. A co-Leader to Finetooth Falls, a place where Adelard and some of his children had been during the past year.

Adelard was a follower, and for the women before him to ask for his loyalty was a simple ask.

"Well then," the older woman addressed him, taking his submissive gesture in stride. "Welcome Adelard Gerau to Paradise Falls." He gave a low woof in exchange, wordless gratitude. She looked to Isla then moved to return to what she had been doing before.

He watched and waited until Finley was no longer in sight. With his head lowered, he pressed his forehead to her shoulder, rubbing his temple along her neck. Ready when you are, his waving tail seemed to suggest. A small huff and a nip to her ear, where you go, I will follow.

heat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher