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{M} Strangler fig — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Silverfrost who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adrestia Revlis
marking as M for pregnancy talk

It was a sunny day as a she-wolf padded through the Kingsfall. Her fur was a silvery white that made her perfectly blended in amongst the snowy terrain. It would be easy upon first glance to confuse her for a coyote with her slender and lean features and a bottlebrush for a tail, but her scent and coloring affirmed her as a wolf. Her visage was heavily scarred, most notably on her face where she lost the left side of her face. Her body was covered in scars blackened like her skin. Her one singular eye was a stunning verdant green and she wore black raven and crow feathers on her tail. She carried a rabbit in her mouth.

Adrestia was not the type to remain idle for too long. She also wanted to remain useful to her new pack. With her natural camouflage and swiftness, she was able to catch rabbits on her own. She had mostly been living off of rabbits as a lone wolf since she was really only able to bring down fawns and other small animals due to her size. She would probably hunt a bit more. Some for herself and perhaps bring rabbit to anyone else in need.

OOC→ lalalala
(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2024, 07:57 PM by Isla. Edit Reason: fixing code (: )
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle

She had always been prone to moodiness. Now it seemed to hang over her heavier and sharper. Leadership had changed hands again and she had not come one lick closer to it herself. Chan at the helm? She could not help but feel the tendrils of panic clenched around her. Sooner than she thought it would not matter, she would be too busy to think of worries beyond herself.

For now? She could skulk like a troubled dog after a new scent. Another face. Isla wondered if @Nadine would be bothered when her own time to rise to subordinate came. Had something protective bloomed within her for the younger woman?

A little shake of her head as she thought she closed in on the newcomer. Along with the scent of food. She chuffed deeply, wordlessly, to announce herself.

Played by Silverfrost who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adrestia Revlis

Adrestia scented a new presence before she heard them. After losing her eye she was more observant and diligent to what was around her. After all, she had a massive blindspot. She turned her head towards the chuffing. Her well-trained nose picked up the scent of pregnancy. The woman was blessed by the Goddesses. She didn't know how bearing children worked in Paradise Falls. She didn't plan on having any anytime soon. She had worked it out with her beloved that the golden she-wolf would carry the pups and now she was too old to safely carry. In the Night Witches it was a matter of asking for permission but the Alphess would accept unannounced litters. After all it would make the pack stronger. The wolves of the Jagged Coast operated under a similar system except for if there were unsanctioned puppies the puppies would be cherished but the parents might be demoted.

"Hello," she said. "My name is Adrestia. You must be starving." she said and placed the rabbit between her and the she-wolf.

OOC→ lalalala
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle

My name is not Starving,

Although her voice lacked even a trace of humor, it had been an attempt at a joke. No matter how hollow and sunken she had sounded when it had emerged. Admittedly it had been a kinder response than she had given a month or more ago.

She imagined this must have been something similar to what Nadine had done. Isla still had not grown used to others who might feed her so freely. She was not sure she had even seen such a thing happen to leaders. Yet it was with that thought in mind that she reached for the rabbit now. Hardly afraid if any retaliation might come.

Played by Silverfrost who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adrestia Revlis

Adrestia let out a chuckle. "Pardon me," she said "I sometimes forget my manners, even my denside manners." She knew how new mothers could be. Her wife had been snappish too. She thought fondly of when the pups were born. They had been perfect she thought to herself. Beautifully well-formed and she had been proud, both of them had been. She moved past those memories with a mixture of sadness and joy. She sat down where she stood as the woman took to the rabbit.

"If I may ask, how far are you along?" she said. "When my wife was expecting she used to crave all kinds of foods. Young rabbit, squirrels, even frog legs. I had a hell of a time catching those squirrels. She also craved some berries and luckily I'm an herbalist so I could find her the safe ones."

OOC→ sorry for the waits im knee deep in stardew
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle

Isla knew that if anyone deserved to apologize, it had likely been herself. Yet she would not fuss if the other woman wanted to fall on her sword. It would benefit her the most.

She mindlessly picked at the rabbit when there had been no backlash for it. Her appetite some kind of pendulum that had begun to exhaust her to deal with. She hoped it got better instead of worse, a laughable thing in the weeks to come but she had not a clue. She even had less of a clue on how far she might have been or when it would all end.

I don't know. She admitted plainly. Had she needed to be tracking? Maybe she could...try to guess the first time but... How would I tell?

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2024, 11:22 PM by Isla.)
Played by Silverfrost who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adrestia Revlis

Adrestia considered carefully, she must be a new mother. "You have a name or should I just call you 'Starving'?" she said playfully. But she switched to healer mode. She looked at the woman, studying her features. "Well, have you been throwing up? Having any particular cravings? Have you been more hungry than usual?" she asks. She didn't know how receptive this woman would be to her touch because she knew halfway through the pregnancy the pups would be palpable through the abdomen. However, it was best for the mother to have kept track since she last bred but Adrestia wasn't about to ask this woman.

OOC→ lalalala
Played by becca who has 219 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Guardian
Isla Valle
ignore this sourpuss

Isla. She offered, simple and a touch pointed. She was more concerned about her wellbeing and whatever this would be like instead of pleasantries. If they shared a pack, the older woman would have heard her name eventually anyway. It was a good thing she had schooled her face on being neutral for so long.

Hungry. As if that had not been evident by her willingness to take the rabbit. Nauseous sometimes. Not throwing up. When would that start? She hardly fancied the idea. Her night sickness had already begun to bother her and it had seemingly just started!

What'll be next?

Played by Silverfrost who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adrestia Revlis

The she-wolf gave her name as "Isla". It was a pretty name to say the least. No offer of surname which Adrestia understood. She understood how new mothers could be. Her wife had been snappish a bit too and was tired when she wasn't grumpy. Adrestia figured she could at least advise the girl and help her as a new mother as long as she didn't try to be a healer but instead as a fellow mother.

Hunger and nausea but not throwing up. She must be early still; she didn't look pregnant but smelled it. Her questions sealed that she was a new mother. "Soon you'll start throwing up, just make sure to stay hydrated during this time. You'd probably have cravings too. By around then your belly will get more round. You'll be more tired and hungry and will need to eat more to help the pups growing in your belly. Throughout the pregnancy your mood might fluctuate or have mood swings." She could go more into detail but decided against it. "Do you have a mate or anyone who will help you through this pregnancy?" She knew the she-wolf might have the support of the pack but during pregnancy it was best to have one stable person to lean on.

OOC→ lalalala