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adventure is out there — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Tasha who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Miriam Faith
For @Chan to talk pack role

Admittedly, there was a part of Miriam that was upset… but she tried not to dwell upon it. Harboring resentment was a way she would harbor ill will with the ancesotrs, and that was the last thing she wanted… still, she found herself disheartened that it had been Nadine to locate Jethro and point Finley in his direction. She’d been searching the surrounding territories to the Falls every day and yet it had turned up nary a peep… Nadine had gone out on a jaunt and returned victorious. Some part of her harbored resentment towards the woman for no good reason at all.

Clearly, this had happened for a reason. She should simply be happy the man had returned…

That was what she kept telling herself as she sulked around the border, having just come back from searching the surrounding territories. She figured even though she had not found the former alpha, what she could do was scout out game trails to tip the hunters, and take note of any suspicious activity that surrounded pack lands even if it did not happen on. That had to be her best choice, right?

Played by Cade who has 888 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan had been out doing a bit of surveying himself. It was great to have so many bodies keeping tabs, but it still wasn't the same as getting out and seeing the current lay of the land with his own two eyes. Especially with the influx of rival predators as hunting grew bountiful around them...

He hadn't even needed to go out of his way to cross paths with Miriam. Pure happenstance caused her to appear before him, a good reminder that perhaps she would like to have a similar conversation as her peer, Nadine. While not a requirement by far in Chan's eyes, this was the typical time in a wolf's life when they actively wished for and pursued a specific function; in their identity, in their pack, in the world.

"Hello, Mir. Nice day to be out and about, yeah?"
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2024, 08:00 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

Miriam had been lost in her own thoughts when a familiar voice brought a nickname into the air, drawing a smile from her as she turned her head towards Chan, a beaming expression on her face as she quickly pushed down everything she had been thinking about in terms of resentment. “Hiya Chan!” She’d greet back with a wag of her tail. She hadn’t been expecting to find anyone else out there, despite it still being within the bounds of the pack.

“It’s a beautiful day! I was just about to go out and do some surveying of the territories just outside of the borders, up near the lake.” Though she was always back for the night, never taking more than a day trip. She didn’t quite feel confident enough in her own paws for it, and her conversation with Finley had indicated she’d grow to longer trips but that she had not yet been at that level. She wasn’t entirely certain what that level was, but she’d know when she’d know, right? “Would you like to join me? It’d be nice to have the company!”

Played by Cade who has 888 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Miriam responded cheerfully, causing Chan's smile to deepen in sincerity. It was nice to see, and maybe with @Jethro returned, it would even become more common a sight amongst them all. One could still hope, anyways, even at his age.

She both informed him of her plans and invited him along. He considered only briefly, scanning through that mental to-do list and itinerary to make sure he could spare the hours. His head bobbed up and down, yes. That was certainly manageable.

"Of course. Are we looking for anything in particular?"
(This post was last modified: Jul 04, 2024, 03:51 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

Miriam found it difficult to be anything other than cheerful. After all, she had found Paradise. They had welcomed her with open paws into a world that she had only ever heard about in stories and songs. Jethro Kane had welcomed her, and she had continued to thrive in the promised land that she had only heard about through the spirit’s whispers to the Mother, and her conveyance to the pack. Her pilgrimage had truly taken her to greener and better pastures, and there was little more that she could hope for.

“Yes, we are! We’re tracking game trails outside of the pack territory to the south, to bring back to the pack for action.” She offered, her chipper and bright mood still infectiously reaching into her tone, even if in her inner depths was spite and disdain at Nadine for stealing her thunder. She constantly had to remind herself that it had been a test of her mettle, and that she simply needed to power through and continue proving her worth. The Ancestors could be tricky that way.

Played by Cade who has 888 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
"Sounds wonderful."

Chan was happy to follow her lead, walking a pace or two behind to signify as much. It was natural to do for him both as an elder and an inherent teacher, to give others, especially yearlings like Miriam, the space to fly with their own wings. This could be a routine trip, or it could surprise them with the chance for her to earn a new feather in her cap. Speaking of...

"You spend quite a bit of time scouting, don't you?"

The comment didn't need to lead to anything, but he was genuinely curious about the reasons why. Certainly, if it had anything to do with her aspirations, it could be good for him to know.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

A grin caught her features, a slight bounce in her step as she moved. She’d always had a lot of energy, which had been often mistaken as a sign of reverence. It had been mistaken in fear-induced servitude that had her hyper, constantly ready to serve. In reality, it was simply who she was as a person.

At the question she nodded. “Oh yes! I love adventuring, being out in the wilds… and Finley mentioned the need for a scout. I talked to her about becoming a scout for the pack.” She explained to him as she moved about, that bounce still lingering in her step. “She had asked me with keeping an eye out for Jethro, but Nadine found him instead… so I’ve been spending more time looking for plants for Riven and keeping an eye on herds near the pack lands that we could hunt instead.” She tried to not let her dismay that someone else had beaten her to the prize show on her features.