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The River King — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali was taking one of her rare rests between border patrols. The pads of her feet were swiftly going from tender to tough from the many miles that she traveled each day patrolling the border. She knew that if she kept this pace up that she would wear herself out before she had a chance to build her stamina for the duty. So... she rested. This time she decided to brave the possibility of Corinna's wrath, or at least scorn and she lay a short ways from the den. She was out of sight of the den and the expectant mother, but well within scenting range. She only hoped that she didn't incur the leadess' ire. She would have to cross that bridge soon, but it had been a little while now since her transgression. Cali had stayed out of trouble and managed not to offend any others from her new pack.

At the moment, she was curled up next to a log with her head facing the direction of the den, alert for any signs of trouble. Her exhausted body was slowly melting into the firm ground beneath her, but her senses remained trained on the den, even in slumber. She dreamed a joyous dream of total acceptance and friendship. A smile even crossed her lips in real life as she dreamed of the yet to be born pups clambering over her and happily chewing on her ears. There was little that she loved so much as the unfettered and wide eyed wonder of a pup exploring their world. Her thick white brush thumped the ground gently a few times as she imagined the new brood that would shortly come into this world.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
I love this thread title. xD This shall officially become Indru's nickname lmfao. <3

Females, it seemed, did not go hand in hand with Swift River. Besides Corinna, and his own daughter Kisla, they were as loyal and steadfast as the wind and seemed to go as quickly as they came. It was then unsurprising than any female they did gain was treated with some suspicion. Yet so far one of their newest had seemingly remained and his admirations for Cali were soon strengthening as she proved her worth as well as her loyalty. So far she had proven herself an asset.

With an easy grace Indru loped along the River borders, relishing in the strength of them—the mixture of his pack members as well as the ever present powerful, musky scent that belonged to him and clearly showed his strength as a leader. Cali's scent was fresh and it was clear that she had travelled along this path recently and was likely to be in range. Quickly Indru sent out a probing woof, it would not carry far but enough that if she was nearby she should heed it's clearly beckoning gesture. The two had not spoken much of late and Indru was eager to get to know this seemingly rare, loyal female they have have found.

(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2012, 01:49 AM by Indru.)
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
(I thought that you might like it! It suits Indru, don't you think? XD )

Cali sighed in her sleep, even as the phantom puppies trampled her with their tiny paws. Then she heard a low woof that didn't fit with her dream and she was instantly awake. It had been a male voice and a beckoning one. She worked through her sleep muddled brain and soon realized that it hadn't been Marsh and she doubted that Ice would call her to him, so it must have been Indru, her leader. She popped to her feet and trained her senses all around to try and determine which direction that it had come from. Not the den, so towards the border then. With one last shake to rid herself of the remnants of sleep she quickly padded off in that direction to seek him out.

She gave her own softer feminine woof to acknowledge that she was on the way. When she reached the border, Indru's very recent male scent smacked her in the face. In a moment she worked out which direction that he was headed and followed her leader's distinct aroma to where he waited for her. When she finally caught sight of the large male, she instantly lowered her and head and her ears flattened against her thick white scruff. She approached him with her whole body lowered in stature, wagging tail hidden by her back legs and offered a lick to the bottom of his chin, waiting for his reaction. She hoped that she hadn't unwittingly managed to do something wrong... she had been trying so hard to fit in. Having grown used to silence around Marsh, she didn't say a word as she greeted her River King.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Haha! It does I think. :-)

It didn't take long for him to hear her response, a lighter and more delicate one mind, and when he saw her pale, white form enter his view through the trees he adjusted his posture to suit. Cali was the second female in the pack, they had no other true adults in their ranks, but still at the moment she was untried and untested—even though, so far, she was proving herself very worthy. His tail rose as hers fell, and his ears perked forwards as hers slicked back and as she approached with a lowered posture Indru's rose as he demonstrated his true height and size.

When she was in front of him she placed respectful licks against his chin and his head rose confidently in response, then gently, once she had finished, he stretched forward to cup her muzzle within his own. While it was also a sign of his dominance, it was more this time a gesture meant to reassure and to strengthen their bond—she was new and had not yet earnt his full loyalty so it was even more important she could show her acceptance of his lead and he could show her his acceptance of her in turn. Her silence paid no mind to Indru, words were not something he required on greeting though he did not abhore them like Marsh, and when he pulled away from her muzzle, administrating a gentle lick to the side of it, he spoke her name warmly in greeting, Cali.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
As he moved to take her muzzle in his once more, Cali was strangely comforted. His dominant posture and mannerisms told of his strength and leadership and that is exactly what she had been seeking. Someone to lead and protect her. That her desires had shifted slightly had not erased that fact. Now, instead of just wanting to be a part of a pack, she craved to be an integral, vital part of said pack. His approval would go a long way towards proving that goal. Corinna's as well, but one step at a time.

<b>"Hello, Indru. I am pleased to see you again."</b> Her voice was soft, but there was a confidence in it that was as foreign to her as these lands had been. She had never been meek, just sort of in the middle ground of invisibility. It felt good, but she hoped that he didn't mistake it for insolence as his mate had. That would never do. She gave him a smile and a few larger waves of her bushy white tail to show her happiness with her current role.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

A soft smile curled his muzzle at her words and he nodded in agreement as he stepped back after the gentle grab of Cali's muzzle. The movement, while showing his dominance, was meant more as a chance for them to bond—to reassure and establish her place within the pack and the beginning of trust they held.

While her voice was respectful it was tinged with confidence with only made it clearer to Indru that she was planning to take her role as the second highest female within the pack seriously. It was a comforting thought, so far Swift River had experience very little luck and loyalty with their female wolves (par Corinna of course), and the idea that they may finally gain a loyal one who stuck was one Indru was grateful for. Are you starting to settle in your new home, Cali? Her body language seemed to express that she did with the soft wave of her tail and while he responded with his own quick flick of his tail to express his contentment at her rank, he couldn't help but to inquire verbally too.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
He gave her and answering flick of his tail in welcome and inquired as to her well being in the pack. A small blush of pleasure was hidden by her thick pelt at his genuine concern. She gave him another smile and answered, <b>"Yes, quite well, thank you. I've spent a good bit of time with Marsh and he's been teaching me a bit more about fighting techniques."</b> She gave a lopsided smile at the thought of the gruff male and his methods of teaching.

<b>"I haven't had much chance to meet the others really, but I'm sure that will come in time. I am quite happy here."</b> As she thought of the beautiful forest and the river the encompassed their home, she felt as if she had lived here for far longer that the time that she had. The sound of the flowing river was a soothing balm and now almost seemed as much a part of her as the blood flowing through her veins.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The female had a delicacy about her, a charm, yet Indru didn't think of her weak and incapable either—it was a trait that reminded him of Lani, his mother, and he couldn't help but warm to the female. She was a she wolf he couldn't help but think he was glad to have with new cubs on the way, she seemed to have a motherly instinct which like most wolves, would easily relate to any children, whether they are the wolf's own or not. That's good to hear, he replied warmly and honestly, a smile curling his muzzle as he glanced over her with his fiery eyes. It's always best to be able to defend yourself if and when need arises, if I can ever help you at any time too, just ask. His pack was his family after all, and it was his duty to make sure they were protected and safe.

THe Leader grinned knowingly at her words, Relic Lore itself had a charm you couldn't shake, and while it may be biased he couldn't help but think Swift River had it's own charm too. He could never sleep so peacefully with the gentle rushing of the nearby swiftly flowing water and the scents of his family. My children will be born soon, too, are you as excited for their arrival as me? With a flash of teeth, Indru laughed quickly, thoughts drifting proudly to his pregnant mate and their previous children. Their first litter had been born and suffered harsh times, but he was determined that their second litter would not.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali nodded at his approval of her 'studies' and blushed lightly at his offer of help. She was glad once again for her thick pelt which hid her slight embarrassment. She would never have presumed to ask Indru himself for help in her training, figuring him far to busy for the likes of her. His offer was unexpected and caught her slightly off guard. Dipping her head slightly she said, <b>"Thank you,"</b> in a soft voice.

When he spoke of the pups that would soon grace their pack, her whole demeanor changed, answering his question long before words came forth. Her head came up, emerald eyes bright and her bushy tail waved enthusiastically behind her. <b>"Oh, yes sir! I am most anxious to meet the little ones!" </b>Thoughts of playing with them and having them crawling over her, as in her dream came to her and brought a shy, but thoroughly happy smile to her countenance. <b>"I look forward to helping in any way that I can."</b> The almost dreamy look on her face was marred momentarily as she thought of her own lost pups, but she pushed the memory firmly to the back of her mind and focused on the young royalty that was nearly ready to enter the world.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Anytime, Cali, really, his deep voice was earnest and he briefly tried to catch her eye to strengthen the truth of them—being a leader was something Indru would always take seriously and part of that was assisting your family whenever they needed it.

Before the female even had a chance to reply verbally to his question the excitement in her body language was undeniable, and in response Indru's followed suit as his tail waved from it's dominant position above his back as his ears perked forward in his eagerness. It was natural for wolves to adore cubs, whether they were of their own blood or not, and he hoped at least that the newest arrivals would help even just a little to soothe the ache of her own children. That's great, he smiled and the pride in his voice at the thought of the second litter was clear, if our first litter was anything to go by any help will be more than useful. A burst of laughter escaped him and he stretched forward to attempt to lick her muzzle before he would pull away with an affectionate nip, his excitableness playing through. It's not long now, and Indru could only hope that everything went smoothly for the cubs and his mate.